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"Now I pronounce you both as Husband and wife.." The moment Pandit ji declared this I felt on cloud nine. Finally she is mine in all true senses, I can't be any more happy, her name fits perfectly before mine. Nandani Manik Kapoor just freaking perfect.. "Okay will you both stop ogling at each other and come to take the blessings from the elder.." Abhi said amused and everyone burst out laughing.

I stretched my hand out for her to hold and when her small palm came resting on mine, I clutched it tight with a promise to never let go.. We took blessings from all the elders and hug the younger ones. God this day has been really tiring, but am I complaining no not at all.. This is my wedding day and this is just perfect.. "Aunty Ji, since we have some time for the Bidai and our flight, why don't we finish with the after wedding rituals till then, I am sure we don't have much time for taking a nap till our flight.. And once they will change and reach Mumbai, it will not be the same.."

Mom said to Dida and everyone clapped their hands excitedly, of course they all are too energetic to dismiss the wedding yet.. But Nandani groaned beside me, the amount of jewelry and heavy attire she is wearing, I am sure she badly need a bed and a good long sleep.. "Tired love.." I clutched her waist and pull her closer, she too lean on me closing her eyes.. "Okay stop dozing off Nandu, it's time to play some good games.."

Since all the guest were left and only close family members were there , so we all came inside the hall and settled down, everyone encircling both of us.. Chachi brought a huge big bowl with full of Milk and rose petals and they took one ring from Nandani's hand throwing into it.. "Now you both have to find this and whoever finds first will rule on the other person for life.." Wow now that's interesting, I winked at Nandani and we started our search..

I would happily let her win this game cause it's not like she is not ruling over me right now, the girl truly hold me under her spell.. "Come on Big B, you have to win this one.. Show some boy's power.." Cabir hollered and I smirked when Nandani's hand came in mine under the milk, her eyes grew wide and she glared me to leave it off.. "Oh puhleezz, wives are the one who rule on the house, no matter who won the game.." Janvi said smirking and My mom high fived her winking at Dad, who made a bad face..

I am sure I haven't seen them this happy since a decade but look here they are now, enjoying and having fun with each other.. Please God keep this family together just like now always and forever.. "I found it.." Nandani squealed taking out the ring and I smiled at her, she look so happy at her little victory.. I made her wear that ring again and soon we performed some more after marriage rituals that were absolute fun..

"Okay now is the last one Manik, you have to find your name in her mehendi.." Chachi informed me and I gulp, seriously this thing is so dark and whatever how can I find any alphabet in this.. "Come on Jiju you have to win this one, You can't let boys down.." Rishabh pouted and I gave him the thumbs up, come on Manik, you have to win this one.. Rubbing my hands together I took her hand in mine searching at every nook and crook for my name and after almost twenty minutes, I finally did found it, written on one of her fingers..

"Yeah I won.." I said fist pumping in the air and everybody laugh at me.. "okay come on, now everyone needs to change, we have to be at airport in an hour.." Dad reminded us and we all stood up to go to our respective room but Nandani didn't came along with me and I stood looking at her confused.. "Don't worry once you reach Mumbai, she is all yours.." Navya whispered in my ear and I flushed in embarrassment. Damn you Manik.


I looked at my reflection in the mirror and gasped how much change do I look.. I was no Nandani Sharma, I am Nandani Kapoor right now and this all the change was worth it.. I straighten out the plates of my teel green sari and after getting satisfied on my look, I finally went downstairs, to join everyone for dinner.. My luggage was already out their and soon we all will be leaving for airport..

By all I mean My in laws and Janvi, my other family was going to come in the evening after clearing everything off here.. Since my reception was tomorrow night, I have to perform my Pagfera rasm in tomorrow afternoon.. I was coming down when I felt a hand snake to my waist and I smiled sensing his presence behind me.. "Hey there wifey.." I turned around to find him grinning ear to ear looking lovingly at me..

"Come on let's get going.." I turned around blushing and pulled him down with me.. We settled on the dining table for breakfast and with lot's of chatting and planning for tomorrow, we finally stood up to leave.. It was time for Bidai.. Chachi brought out a thaal with full of rice and my eyes teared up on the fact of leaving this house forever.. The house where I have grown up, the house which holds so many memories of my parents, The house that defines my identity and just like that I broke down in Dida's embrace..

I don't know how long I cried hugging each and every member of my family but Manik and my in laws were right there by me.. They didn't even for once asked me to stop crying or we are getting late, let's just make a move.. They just stood there rubbing my back and consoling me from time to time.. "Dida, didn't groom get few things from in laws as dowry in the wedding.." And Manik's such question dried my all tears what is he talking about. Everyone looked at him confused but Dida nodded at him..

"So can I demand for something and you will give it to me.." He said bluntly and I don't know I should be angry or not, Manik is not that sort of a person then why the hell is he demanding anything right now.. "Go ahead Son, what do you want from us?" Chacha ji said calmly but Manik's dad glared at him, I am sure he wanted him to leave right now, but I also want to listen what's his demand..

"I want Rishabh to live with us.." And just like me everyone's jaw was on the floor.. "What are you saying Manik?.." I asked and he just gave me his million dollar smile turning me more and more confused by each passing second.. "I know Nandani you took Rishabh's responsibility when you came to Mumbai and I also know Chacha and Chachi love him like their own son and will take care of him gladly.. But you will be restless without him and I don't want that.." Then he turned towards everyone..

"So please I want Rishabh to live with us, till he complete his studies and is grown enough to take care of himself, please don't say no.." And the respect that I have for this man double over in just that second. I looked at my in laws to find a distaste on their face at his decision but found none, they all smiled happily at me giving their permission and exactly at that moment Rishabh jumped in his arms.. "You are the best brother in law you know that? And Di you are so lucky to have him.." Indeed I am, I am the luckiest girl around.. Rishabh promised he will shift with us after the reception and with a happy face I finally took my leave from their..

"Thank you.." once we all settled inside the plane and took our seats, I finally showed my gratitude towards him and he just pulled me closer pecking my head.. "Anything for you love.." And I smiled closing my eyes in content.. This decision might be forced on me but it has turned out to be the best one and I will try my best to give my whole heart to this family and him.. I want to build our relationship so strong that no one could ever break it.. And if Krishna Ji is with me, I am sure I will be successful in my deeds, I am sure I will...

Finally Manan got married with All the love and blessings.. please don't forget to vote and comment.. happy reading ❤️❤️

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