You are crazy

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"I don't want to eat this.." I could hear Anvi whine not loud enough but enough to let her brother know. "Eat it quietly Anvi, Mamma is so angry today, I promise to get your favorite tomorrow.." A smile broke onto my lips, for a 7 year old Manas is too responsible and understanding especially for her sister.  I am not angry at my Kids, I am just angry at that Manik Kapoor, I mean how can he even think of buying my Shop.

This shop is really important for me, I have given my everything to bring it to this level and thanks to Aryaman who was there to support me at each and every step. But this guy he just came out of nowhere and now he demands my shop just because he like it. He is being too free with my kids, what if tomorrow he claimed for them just because he like them.. No, no Nandani. I have to keep him away, far far away from my family and my Shop. I hate that guy.

My whole night went on thinking about Manik, I don't even know whether he was serious when he said all those things or was it just a joke. I dropped off Manas and Anvi to school and came back to the shop to a news that slide away the whole earth underneath my feet's..


 I wanted so bad to concentrate on the meeting going on in front of me but I couldn't my whole mind was stuck on to my Nandani. How angry she became last night, same old angry expressions whenever I did something wrong. It's funny that she is this small but still she manage to look scary. 

I know I have dropped a bomb at Nandani's head but there was no response from her side, I don't want my plan to fail before it even started. I have to win her back and for this I need to push her to the edge as much as I can. God what's going on there, I need to know everything. "Mr. Kapoor, Mr. Kapoor.." I looked at the hand that was shaking me gently and my eyes met with a pair of very worried Ms. Sharma. "What?" 

"I am sorry, I am just.. You just spaced out Mr. Kapoor, we were having a meeting.." And guilt consumes me. Owners are not suppose to be space out in the meetings Manik, what are they gonna learn then. "I am sorry everyone, I was just.. well forget it. So what were you saying?" I directed my question at the person who was heading the meeting but our meeting was cut short due to someone barging inside the meeting room.

And there stood a very mad and very angry Nandani Manik Kapoor. A whimper escaped my lips, Stage 1 won. "What the hell, who let her enter inside?" Prerna scolded the receptionist who was standing behind Nandani trying to take her back. "I am sorry Ma'am this lady came asking for Mr. Kapoor, I told her he is in a meeting but she just ran here.." I motioned the poor receptionist to leave who was already scared to death for her job.

"If you wanted to meet Mr. Kapoor, you need to take an appointment first, this is not the way to enter someone's office forcefully." Prerna tried to get her out but well sorry Ms. Sharma that's my women out there and It's not good to make her anymore angry then she already is. "Shutup.." the moment she said that to Prerna, it was difficult for me to stop myself from laughing out loud. Gosh she hasn't changed a bit in all those years.

"How dare you Mr. Kapoor?" And in no time she was in front of me seething in anger, I so want to hug her tight and smile at her but okay Manik don't even dare to show your teeth right now, she will break it for sure. "Everyone please leave.."

Prerna - But Sir..

Manik - I said everyone leave. Please close the gate while going outside Ms. Sharma

And with that we both were left alone. I simply slide down in my chair and waited for her to speak. She was eying a vase that was on my table and before she could pick it up and threw it at me, I quickly remove it from her reach and her frustration grew. "Seriously you were going to hit me with that? it could have killed me you know?"

"And why do you think, I don't want you dead after what stunt you have pulled this morning. You became friends to my kids, you are a business partner of Aryaman, so I thought you are a good man, but I am so wrong. You literally purchased my shop from the landlord and now you want me to empty it."  I could see the tears forming in her eyes, She is so much in love with that shop and I am really hurting her. I am sorry baby, I just don't have much choice.

"Look Ms. Ananya I already told you I liked that Shop, and Whatever I like I get it. So what's wrong in that. And if it's about money then I can pay you tell me how much you want." And how did I missed that another Vase in that room which oh so nicely she threw in front and thank goodness I get to deck in time.

"What the hell is wrong with you Na... Ananya.." the door opened and a very worried Prerna walked back in, her eyes grew wider seeing the condition of room.. "Oh my god! What's going on here?" I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I can't handle two women right now. not the right time Ms. Sharma. "What part of leave us alone doesn't you get it Ms. Sharma.." The moment I said those words Nandini's head snapped back to me. I don't know what made her twitched, but something surely did. "But Sir.." She tried to argue but I motioned her to get out.

Manik - You are seriously crazy you know?

Nandani - And you are seriously a monster. Look I am telling you this shop is my baby and I am never going to empty it.

Manik - Then I think you need to reread the papers Ms. Ananya, this shops belongs to me and I am going to rebuild it into something else.

And her eyes grew wide, I could see the moisture collecting on the corner of her eyes. "Why are you doing this, what did I even do to you?" Her broken stance was enough to melt me but come on Manik, not the time to be soft, you have to win this, you have to win her. "Well absolutely nothing.." 

"Then why are you doing this, don't break my shop please don't.." She sobbed and my heart ached looking her condition. "Fine but I have one condition." And her wet eyes immediately looked at me searching. Everything about her is as beautiful as it was 7 years ago. "What do you want?" She asked suspiciously. "You.." And her eyes grew wide at that.

"What the hell did you just say?" He anger came back and before she could find any other thing to attack me, I tried to calm her down. "Wait, wait, Wait.. I didn't mean it that way. I just mean, I want you to work for me.." And that made her stop, she looked at me like I have grown two heads..

Nandani - Are you crazy, I am a baker, what you think I can do for you? to cook for you? 

Manik - No I want you to work in my office.

Nandani - I can't do that, you can't hire me.

Manik  - And care to tell why can't I?

Nandani - Cause to work in a corporate you need degrees, you need experience and I have none.

Manik - Why aren't you educated?

And the face she had on right now, made me break into pieces. She has no idea, how talented she was, she has no idea how strong her degree is. She simply has no idea at all. "Look I don't care about your degrees, but I have seen how creative you are and I need you here in my office. So the only chance for you to save your shop is work for me. Join my office and I promise I will give you back the papers of that shop and you will be the owner of it.. Choice is yours, Make your decision fast, I will give you time till tomorrow.."

With that said, I immediately left her deep in thoughts. Hoping she would take the decision which I want her to. She would chose to work for me and if she did this is going to be the new start. 


Apologies for being so late in posting the chapters, I was just so busy and whenever I wanted to write I just simply couldn't (reasons are still unknown) But here I am with the update and hope you people love it. Please don't forget to vote and comment. See you soon ❤❤❤

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