Wow!! such a lame attempt at flirting

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(Pic of Janvi in the box)

The moment I stepped outside the lift, I was taken in a bear hug from Janvi, "Welcome Mrs. Soon to be Kapoor.." And I just rolled my eyes at her dramatic self. "What? don't make that face, this is your first day in this office as Manik Sir's fiancé, show some joy?" She pouted her lips and I just went inside my cabin, Janvi hot on my tails.

"I am his assistant Janvi, no matter what is my personal status with him. I will still be his assistant that's it.. And  I am already scared about everyone's reaction on this engagement so I am sorry if you don't see me so happy.." I said huffing and this time Janvi was the one to roll her eyes. "God Nandani, why do you care about  people. Screw them, they are just a bunch of some jealous assholes who will always bitch behind back of people who are doing better than them in life. You really don't have to cut down your happiness on their account. So just chill and have fun!! That's what I believe in doing."

Well I guess she isn't all that wrong, I gave a small smile to her and then pushed her out of my Cabin, I have lots of work to do anyways.. I was busy with a pile of files, when my gaze fell on that diamond ring dazzling in my left hand. I was so scared to put it outside home, but Dida didn't let me take it out. As per her, not wearing your engagement ring is bad omen. Old traditional thoughts, that you can't win over. I still Can't believe, I am engaged to Manik, my Boss. It feels so weird. Pandit ji has taken out the Muhrat after 40 days for wedding and in just 40 days I would be living with Kapoor's and not to forget the fact that my Mother in law hates me. Yayy life!!

"Good morning.." I move inside his cabin with a cup of his favorite earl grey tea. He look a bit tired. While our family came back from their farm house yesterday morning. They all were there till late last night. So I guess, he didn't get much rest and I know very well that tired Manik is equal to a grumpy Manik.. Ohh!! Krishna Ji, why me? "Yuckk.. there is no sugar in it..." Manik made a face after his first sip and I stop myself from rolling my eyes. See this is what I was talking about. "You never take sugar Mr. Kapoor.." I said calmly and he smiled sheepishly at me.

"But I want something sweet today, go get me a cup of milk coffee with sugar of course.." He ordered and I groaned inwardly. After taking his cup, I came back and dashed inside the pantry angrily. I could hear Janvi's chuckles from in here. Seriously I am his assistant not his butler that he can demand anything to eat and drink all the time. First make him a cup of tea and if he didn't approve of that, then make him a cup of coffee.. Well bulshit!

I pour the coffee in a mug and again took it to his cabin. He took it smilingly and again just after one sip he made a face making me raise my eyebrows, "Ms. Sharma, I told you put sugar in my coffee again it's not sweet at all.." he complained like a baby and if I would have not been so mad at him, I surely have taken a moment to gush about the fact thats how adorable he look right now. Just like a baby. But hell no, he is a monster who loves to torture me but I am not letting him win so easily. I took the mug from his hands and immediately took a sip and yes it was as sweet as it should be after putting two spoons of Sugar. I shot him my best death glare, "It's sweet enough.." And he shot me that confused look. "Really, okay let me check again.." I handed him the mug and he again took the sip.

"Yeah now it taste better.." I looked at him for a second until I realized what he just did, A smirk on his lips. Wow!!! Such a lame attempt at flirting. Manik Kapoor should get a award for the worst flirt ever. I stomped my foot angrily and dashed out from his cabin, walking in my own. My face totally flushed at his idiotic approach. Krishna Ji please give me strength to not kill him, please I don't want to spend my entire life in a prison. Please give me strength to bear him please.

I didn't went for lunch cause I was in no mood to deal with Dhruv's and Janvi's uncountable question that I am sure they both would have regarding my engagement. I didn't really get to spend most of my time with them. But I was glad that they actually came and were treated respectfully at the function. Even Everyone from our family was treated nicely and they all have gushed about the fact that how lucky I am to be part of Kapoor's family. Well Only I know the actual truth. Manik said the other day that he was going to announce the news of our engagement today but till now he haven't done any such thing and the day was almost about to end.

I packed my stuff to leave in few minutes, when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in.." I look up only to find Manik's father on the door with a slight smile on his face. I gave him a small nervous smile and stood up to touch his feet's. I bent down and he placed his hand on my head, "God bless you dear.." I stood up smiling. "I hope , I am not disturbing.." I immediately shake my head in a no. It's his office he can come here anytime he please, who am I to complain.. "I was leaving anyway.." I told him and he asked me to collect my bag and come outside, which I obediently did.

I came out to find Manik and Janvi standing near the lifts waiting for it. "You really have set up your cabin in a wonderful way, I really admire your choice. I would really appreciate if you can design both of my cabin, here and the other office. Will that be too much to ask?" he asked me politely and I could see Manik's whole attention was on us, while he showed off to be busy on his phone. "Of course not Mr. Kapoor, I will love to do that.." I said a bit cheerfully, well I love designing the places.. It's my favorite hobby, so how can I decline such generous offer. We all entered inside the lift, but instead of pressing for the ground floor, they all pressed for rooftop.

"Aren't we going down?" I asked to nobody in particular. "No, we are having a rooftop party, so why will we go down?" Janvi countered my question with a question but I was stuck on the part where she mentioned party. What Party? "Sorry I forget to inform you, we are having a employees meet and greet and we will be breaking our news of engagement there.." I nodded in understanding but inside I am a nervous wreck. Oh no!! this is the moment where the whole staff will plan my death, now they will accuse me of being a gold digger and luring their boss in marrying me. OH no!! now I am hyperventilating. Please Krishna ji help me out here. Deep breath Nandu, deep breaths.

We were standing on the roof top, which was filled with people and food stalls and yes the decorations were good too. I was still having a hard time to calm myself when I felt a hand came resting on my lower back. Rubbing slightly to ease my nerves. I tilted my head to find Manik looking at me a bit concerned, My heart melts a bit at that. "Everything will be fine just calm down okay.." He whispered in my ear softly and I gave him a small assuring smile. His closeness was not helping at all in calming my nerves instead my heart was beating on a faster rate. But the small circles he was drawing on my back surely helped.

"Well every one I hope you all are having a good time.." Mr. Kapoor addressed the crowd and they all cheered, who will not have fun on having free food and drinks. I sure will have a lot of.. "Today's meet and greet is arranged to break a wonderful news to all of you. Since you all are just not employees but family of Kapoor's. I myself came here to announce it to you people.." Okay now is the time. Come on Nandani be ready, the bomb is going to explode, so be ready for the consequences.

"So Please raise a glass in order to congratulate My son Manik Kapoor on his engagement with Ms. Nandani Sharma.. Congratulations to you both.." Senior Kapoor raised a toast in joy but other just raised their brows in horror, while many of them even have their jaws fall down somewhere on this floor. Each and every eyes in this room was on me and I immediately pressed myself more into Manik in order to seek comfort, who had a firm grip on me already. Soon people came back to their senses and one by one they all drop by to mutter a fake congratulation to both Manik and I. Well I won't say everyone's wishes were fake, some did seem genuinely happy.

I don't know till how long I stood there fake smiling until my teeth's hurts. But not even for a second Manik's hand came off my back. He stood there with me and for me, to protect me from those bitches, who literally want to claws my eyes out for getting my hands on Manik. But they couldn't do anything Haaa Burn!!


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