Anything you want baby

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I was collecting the pile of papers and placing them in right places to clean some of the mess, this room has became.. I was quite too dedicated in my work that I didn't knew when he came inside the room, only when he sneaked up to me and his hands came circling my waist, I rolled my eyes... "Leave me alone right now.." His chin was on my shoulder and he pulled me closer making butterflies ran into my stomach, always this man has such an effect on me.. "Nooo, You literally give my cabin more attention that me.. I am here to put up my case.." A small chuckle left my mouth on his cuteness..

"You call this mess your cabin? Really Manik?" I tilt my head to glare at him and he just gave me a sheepish smile.. Can he let me be angry on him for sometime or not... "I missed you..." And this time I really pushed him away from me making him groan with displeasure that only made me roll my eyes a bit more.. "I was with you yesterday for almost more than 10 hours shopping for our wedding.. And right now I am not your fiancé but your very pissed off Assistant so let me do my work.." I dead panned but he again pouted making my anger subside for few more second.. I huffed in annoyance but I know anger will never work on him. I have to take a wiser approach..

So I encircled his neck and lightly pecked his lips, "Baby if you will let me work now, I promise we will have lunch together.." I said with a over sweetness laced in my voice and he grinned ear to ear... Giving me one last peck on my lips, he finally let me go and settled on couch coming into a work mode.. I love how his face become determined, when he concentrate on his work detaching himself from several other things.. It took me an hour to clean back his cabin and Manik drowned himself in work, he didn't even realize when I came out of his room and went back to mine..

"Come outside, Dhruv his here.." And with that words thrown on my way Janvi disconnected the  call... I immediately came outside to find both of them busy in some lame conversation.. "What's up gyz..." I asked taking their attention and they grinned looking at me... Dhruv and Janvi have really became my closest friends in few months especially Janvi.. She also join Navya, Mukti and I in my shopping trips for our wedding.. Sometimes I feel she is more excited than me.. "We were just discussing which pizza to order for lunch, you tell your choice.." And I bit my lips, today I have to ditch them on lunch again..

"Sorry gyz I promise to have lunch with Manik today..." Janvi let out a low whistle while Dhruv's eye brows furrowed, I don't know why he haven't came to the terms of Manik and my wedding. "But we do eat together almost every day.." He complained and I just gave him my best guilty smile that I could muster, I know we do have lunch together but sometime I also eat with Manik or sometime alone, and he never complained before then why now?

"Shutup Dhruv, he is her fiancé and have more right on her than both of us..." I wouldn't contradict on that.. The day we returned from Singapore, some thing has changed between us, we were more vocal about our feelings, he was more touchy and clingy and I have certainly became more dependent on him for every thing.. But all this is a positive change, I really enjoy having him around all the time... Even the relationship between Mrs. Kapoor and I have also moved forward and we were getting along quite fine..

"I am sorry gyz, but I have promised him to eat with him today and you know how he get's if I ditch him.. I will see gyz later, I have work to finish Bye.." And without listening further, I moved back to my cabin to finish my work.. It was less than a week for my wedding ceremonies to start and I was literally having wedding jitters these days.. The excitement, nervousness, and many other feelings were running around inside my head and heart.. Hey Krishna Ji please let everything go okay.. Please don't let any other person destroy our lives.. I want to be happy and I want to be happy with Manik alongside with me.. A new start and a new journey filled with love, respect and laughter.


I was grinning to myself remembering few hours before how Nandani call me baby, the word filled me with different emotions and happiness... This is so weird that whenever Alya use to call me that, I would always cringe but when Nandani did that, the word became special and sacred for me... I know it was a mere slip up cause Nandani isn't someone to be this cheesy, she always keep up her posture.. She hates to exhibit her feelings every single time for her it's more reading through lines and understanding each other and I really respect her more for her thoughts...

Our Wedding is just in a week and I can't be any more excited for that.. Both Kapoor's and Sharma's are busy in preparations so that they can pull the best wedding.. The wedding will take place in Bangalore, where Nandani have a grand home of her grandfather.. While the reception will be in Mumbai.. We will be leaving for Bangalore in three days.. Nandani's whole family was already there leaving Navya and Nandani behind.. Cause some of the shopping is also left and I needed Nandani in office for finishing off some work, cause we both were taking a month leave for our wedding and after wedding thing...

Our 2 weeks honeymoon was setup in  Bora Bora islands as Nandani loves beaches and since it's summer it's best time to visit such places.. We were leaving just the next day after our reception and Nandani is totally excited for this trip.. My eyes fell on the wall clock and it was time for lunch that I am having with my dear Fiance.. I stood up wrapping up my work and place a soft knock on her Cabin door.. "Coming in a second Manik.." I came outside and decided to wait outside the lift, Janvi wasn't there I guess she too left for her lunch..  The girl has been a good friend to Nandani and I like her for that..

"Manik can we go and have lunch in our own cafeteria, I am craving for some pasta and the cook here make the best one.." I smiled at her demand and nodded my head, "Anything you want Baby.." and her eyes grew wide, a blush crept on her cheeks at my cheesy remark making me grin ear to ear... "Stop being so cheesy.." She mumbles once we entered inside the lift and I pressed the button 5..

"Wow such a hypocrite you are,when you say it's fine but when I say it's cheesy.. Mhmmm..." I said with a fake pout and she just rolled her eyes at me, but a small smile tugged on her lips making my eyes glint with happiness.. Her smile was everything I need and everything I want to see before starting my day.. We came out of the lift and made our way towards the cafeteria, the whole floor was converted into that.. And we have made sure to hire the best caterers for food.. Cause good food is also important for a efficient employee..

I could feel every eyes on both of us, it was the first time we both have come together here for lunch and probably the first time where almost all our staff was seeing us together after our engagement announcement so the curiosity in their eyes is quite understood.. I could sense Nandani getting stiffen on all this attention, I immediately took her hand in mine and give her comforting squeeze that she returned with a dazzling smile of her own.. "You go take a seat, I will order our food.. Need a coke for drink?" She nodded her head and I went off to order our food..

People greeting me on my way.. I ordered my food and stood there waiting when head of our Accounts department came towards me, he is the most respected and a very old employee of the company.. Also is of my Father's age.. "Hello Sir how are you doing?" I greeted politely and he smiled. "I am good, what about you Manik, all set for a new start?" And a grin broke on my face giving away my excitement..

"Wow!! I haven't seen you this happy since a long time, I am happy for you son and your lady is pretty.." He said last part winking at me, "Very.." with that we both burst out laughing, he was already done with lunch so he left taking my leave while I made my way towards my soon to be wifey who was waiting anxiously for her favorite food more than me.. And I am hurt!!!


Next updates will be of wedding sequences and  don't think this story is coming to an end, there is a lot more to go.. So keep reading and don't forget to vote and comment.. Happy reading ❤❤❤❤

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