Well Am I getting hitched again?

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Weekend was around the corner and I am desperately waiting for my time off from here. Since the day I have returned back in this dreaded place, Monster Manik has made his duty to trouble me every single day. I don't know what's gotten into him but he is troubling me a lot. Not like before, where he use to hurt me mentally as well as physically. But this time he is just irritating me, like he is waiting for me to snap..

People have stopped glaring me every now and then. I guess they have gotten bored and the fact that they can't gossip about it either doesn't help much. Dhruv too came to see me other day when he got to know about my return. He seemed sorry for whatever happened. Well it wasn't his fault so for what he feels sorry about. He asked me out on lunch quiet few times but I ignored. Last time when I went out with him, All this happened. I am not willing to take anymore risk. Krishna Ji only knows what Manik will do, if I disobey him again.

No, it's not like I am afraid of him. It's just I want to keep myself out of trouble just like Dida has warned. She is still here and remind me to behave myself whenever I leave for work. Like I am some spoiled child and create troubles everyday. Mukti and Cabir too came to see me. They apologized on behalf of their brother. Like others they didn't defended him infact blamed him for the situation we both are in. I couldn't be anymore happy, I know how much they love him but still they chose to be there for me. They both really are sweethearts. Krishna ji please provide the best to them in life. "Ms. Sharma.." And here we go again.

Nandani - Yes Mr. Kapoor

Manik - Please get me a cup of tea.

Nandani - But I did brought you one few minutes back

Manik - Yeah but that's cold now get me a new one.

His head was stuck in some file and he didn't look up. I wish he did and then he would see the death stare I am throwing his way. I dashed out of his room and went towards the pantry, Janvi was already there. "Woah you are making tea again, didn't you just brought him his cup like few minutes ago.." She asked eying me boiling the water and I just huffed. "What can I say, your Boss is a monster and is having fun in exploiting me..." And she burst out laughing on my outburst. I glared at her and she put a break on her laughing fit but the smile was nonetheless there. "Aww Nandani, you are so cute when you are angry. I bet sir is doing this to see your cute pout. You gyz are hilarious really.."

I gave her tight lipped smile and then smack her head upside down, "You are paid for doing your work not about gossiping. Now shooo..." She made a face and then went back to her seat. I prepared his favorite earl grey tea and feel like adding poison in it. Nandani keep calm, if you will kill him, you will end up in jail for the rest of your life and he is not worth the trouble. I entered inside and place the cup on his table. He was still engrossed in his work, when I suddenly snatched his file from his hand that forced him to look up. His brows twitched. 

Nandani - Drink up

Manik - Excuse me?

"I said drink up, I am not going to make you another cup cause I have lots to do. So come on just empty it already.." And he grinned. Wow!! I am bossing around my own boss and that could lead to my expulsion and that's exactly what I want. But he took the cup grinning, I know he wasn't going to fire me anytime soon. Bloody Idiot. "I think Ms. Sharma you need to print this contract again.." And my eyes twitched what the hell is he talking about now.

"What contract? Which contract?" I asked bewildered and he handover me  one file, "This one." I looked at the contract and I am sure I have rechecked this at least thrice and there was no typing or other error I am sure of. "But it's all good, why would I have to print it again?" I asked him. "I don't like it's font so print it in new font.." What the actual hell on earth. Is this guy high or something? 

"You want me to print this 30 pages contract again just because you don't like it's font are you serious?" I glared at him and he smiled sheepishly. Oh Krishna Ji the nerve of this guy. He is a dead meat I am so telling you. "Come on Nandani, I am the boss. I said you are doing it again so you are now come on hop hop.." And with that he again drowned himself in his work. I can't believe I agreed to work with him again. I wish I could have that much money and could throw them on his face and run out from here. 


I don't how it happened but it did and here I was sitting in Nandani's drawing room with my family. Yes complete family including Neyonika Kapoor. I didn't know how Dad managed to Convince her but even with a scowl on her face she was here with us. Mukti and Cabir were way to excited since they got the news and couldn't keep their smile off their faces. 

While on other hand Sharma's were quite confused on our sudden arrival. It's not like we are not welcome here. They love three of us but the big question mark was on our parent's arrival. They have never been here before. Dida was sitting across us with a polite smile on her face along with Anil Uncle. While Navya, Nandani and Aunty were preparing for our snacks. Rishabh was busy in a chit chat session with Cabir. And my parents were scrutinizing everything quietly. 

Nandani came inside along with the other two. My Father analyze her while Mom was openly glaring at her with distaste. I hope this doesn't turned out to be a disaster. We were here to ask Nandani's hand in marriage for me. My heart was beating so fast that I was scared I didn't end up with a heart attack. I don't know what I feel for her, whether I was even ready to spend rest of my life with her. But the one thing I knew was sure that I didn't feel same when I was hitched with Alya. And well Am I getting hitched again? I have no idea.

"Please settle down Mrs. Sharma you have already brought too much to eat. No doubt you are a good cook but we are not here to eat.." The Sharma's exchange a curious glance with each other and smiled at us. My father continued. "Mrs. Sharma, we have came here with our hopes high and I hope you will not disappoint us.."

"Please tell Mr. Kapoor what you want us to do, we will try our best to help you.." Dida said politely smiling a bit and Father returned that smile. I can't believe he is being a gentleman. it's so rare to see him like that  even when the people he is dealing aren't even of his standards as per Mom. "I will not beat around the bush and will come directly to the point. So we are here to ask the hand in marriage of your grand daughter Nandani for our Manik.." And The expressions on Sharma's faces were like a dropped has been dropped on them.

But the most dangerous was of Nandani Sharma, she locked her eyes with me and I visibly gulped seeing the murderous look on her face. Oh god!! please save me from her. Please God please save me this one time...


Hahaha Manik is in big trouble I guess!! Please don't forget to vote and comment. Happy reading ❤❤❤❤

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