Hearts and Tarts

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      "Hey how's it going?" Vincent sat down next to Hailey during their first class of the day. The professor had not arrived yet, so they had a few moments to talk.

     "Good!" She smiled. "I'm just... what the he'll happened to your neck?"

     "Nothing." Vincent replied, pulling the collar of his turtleneck a little higher.

     "Are those hickeys?" She exclaimed.

     "Quiet, somebody might hear you." Vincent scolded.

     "This is a college campus, I'm sure they all know what hickeys are." Hailey scoffed. "How did you get them? Did you...?"

    "No!" Vincent replied fervently. "I did not have sex."

     "Ah.. so just the before stuff. Who was it? Spill."

     "It was nobody."

     "It clearly wasn't nobody."

    "Well it was nobody you know."

     "Just tell me!" Hailey called exasperatedly. "I would tell you, and you know it."

      "I want to tell you.. really. But I've been sworn to secrecy. I can't tell you, it would be a breach of trust."

     "Just tell me, I'll be quiet. I wouldn't tell anybody." Hailey whispered.

     "I know that!" Vincent replied. "If it were up to me I would tell you."

      "It is up to you."

     "No, it's a two person activity, so both people need to be okay with sharing that it happened."

"Whatever." Hailey scoffed. "Just answer me this; boy or girl?"


"Oh wow. Damn." Hailey giggled. "Good on you. So it's a boy... but it's nobody I know?"

"Yep." Vincent lied.

"Wow. That really narrows the list down to Lucas, Lucas, and LUCAS." Hailey smirked.

"You know him!" Vincent argued.

"Fine, if you say it's not Lucas, I believe you." She held up her hands in surrender. "But if you're interested in boys I don't see why you wouldn't be interested in Lucas."

"We're just friends." Vincent mumbled quietly. He hated lying to her, but he would have hated more to not respect Lucas' privacy and right to tell people of his sexuality as he saw fit. Vincent was different, most people assumed he was gay anyway, and nobody cared, but Lucas was as athlete, so there was more pressure.

"Yeah yeah." Hailey rolled her eyes. "All I'm saying is that if you can't close the deal with what's-his-name you can probably bag Lucas too."

"Oh be quiet." Vincent tutted.


Dustin and Vincent met Hailey out front of the modern glass building in which Lucas' apartment was located. The sky was tinged with wisps of pink and purple as the sun dipped close on the horizon. It was a chilly November night and Vincent had elected to wear a maroon sweater, a color he knew Lucas to be fond of.

The soccer boys had yet to arrive as only Vincent and his friends had been asked for help with set up, but he knew the boys were eager. The official season had concluded with a victory in the Thanksgiving Day game, but a tournament for the winning teams would start up the next weekend and last into December. Needless to say, the boys were going to be rowdy, having lost their main release of energy for the time being.

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