Stories and Glories

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     Vincent and Lucas entered the local coffee shop, welcomed by the warm smell of spice and Christmas drinks. In all the commotion, Vincent had forgotten how close the holidays had grown. He supposed Lucas' soccer games had taken the place of his usual advent festivities and he'd neglected to realize how much time had passed. Snow drifted lazily down outside the large windows, and a roaring fireplace burned in the corner surrounded by college kids cramming for final exams. 

     "It smells like Christmas." Vincent inhaled deeply with a smiled. The room was decorated with garland and had a tree in the corner. "We should decorate your apartment."

     "We should." Lucas nodded. "If my mother ever leaves."

     "Why wait?"

     "She'll ruin it." Lucas frowned. "She ruins everything... But I won't let her ruin us. It's too important."

     "You'll need a lot worse than a scary mother to get rid of me." Vincent chuckled, and Lucas looked around to be sure he didn't know anyone before stealing a kiss. 


     Vincent broke his tea trend or a peppermint hot chocolate, and Lucas ordered some type of gingerbread chai drink which smelled amazing. The coffee shop had an upstairs and despite the moderate bustle downstairs, it was empty save an elderly couple in the corner. Vincent and Lucas decided to set up shop at a table not far from the window so they could watch the snow. 

     "This reminds me of the first time we met for tutoring." Lucas chuckled as Vincent spread his books out on the table. "You looked so cute that day."

     "Thanks." Vincent smirked. "You weren't so bad yourself."

     Lucas shuffled his white high top nike's so he could pull himself closer to the table. Above his black swiped shoe was the wrinkle of a pair of white socks. Vincent took a moment to look at the boy again, just as he had that first day. He really was beautiful, at least in Vincent's eyes. At first he couldn't comprehend the love Lucas had for him, but after a few months he was so blinded with affection he couldn't imagine ever loving another person for the rest of his life.

     "Do you like what you see?" Lucas asked, rolling up the sleeves of his green sweater. 

     "Yes." Vincent blushed, having been caught staring. "You look good in green."

     "Oh?" Lucas raised an eyebrow.

      "It looks good with your eyes."

     "I'll never wear another color again."

      "No!" Vincent frowned. "That's not what I meant, you don't..."

     "If you like me in green then I should wear green."

     "I like you in every color.. you look nice in every color. If you were wearing red then I'd comment that you look amazing in red." Vincent struggled to explain. 

     "Thank you." Lucas looked down at his hands and flushed. He reached across the table and took Vincent's hand in his own. Lucas' hand was warm, despite the chill of the shop, warm like hot chocolate on a cold day or a fire when it snows, and Vincent clutched it tight. 

     "I like you in every color too." 

     "Thank you." 

      "You know something?" Lucas asked, leaning back in his chair. 


      "I think red is my favorite hair color in the world." 

      Vincent flushed red and he took his hand back to cover his face. Lucas had a prideful smile on his face, betraying his happiness at exciting emotions within Vincent. 

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