Numbers and Naysayers

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Lucas called Marty to pick him up not long after Vincent left. Putting that much energy into a day when he was hungover was difficult, so he didn't bother to change before going to Ryan's house. He did pop a quick pair of dark sunglasses over his eyes to black out the sun.

"Hey." He called weakly as Marty pulled up in his shiny car. Marty's family wasn't well off, and the car had been a big purchase, so it was very important to Marty.

"Hi... loverboi." Marty teased. He was wearing a red sweater under a black leather jacket. A pair of knockoff aviators kept his black curls out of his eyes. "How'd it go with Vinny?"

"Fine." Lucas shrugged. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know, you had some pretty big confessions before, I wondered if you acted on them?"

"No. I told you, Vinny just sees us as friends." Lucas mumbled.

"So you're over him?"

"No." Lucas laid his head in his hands. "I'm very firmly stuck under him."

"You don't think anything could break you off of that?" Marty prodded.

"I don't know." Lucas sighed. "Maybe if Vincent had somebody else? But— why do you ask?"

"No reason. You just seemed a little jealous at the party.. when I took my dare."

"That was just because I could tell Vinny was uncomfortable .. I don't care what you do.. I just don't want Vincent to be uncomfortable."

"I don't think he was uncomfortable." Marty suggested absentmindedly.


"Because afterwards he gave me his number." Marty lied. "I'm sure he just meant it to be friendly."

"Oh. He...did?" Lucas face shifted to a crestfallen expression. "I'm sorry then... I guess I shouldn't have tried to stop you then."

"No dude, I really do just think he just wants to be friends.. do you happen to have his number? Cause he wrote it on a piece of paper at the party and I lost it."

"Here." Lucas scribbled the number on a napkin in the glove compartment.

"Thanks." Marty slowed the car outside of Ryan's house. "We're here."

"Thanks for driving me." Lucas mumbled before getting out of the car.

Marty pulled off silently and Lucas sat for a moment before walking up to his car in the driveway. It had made it through the night, no worse for west, so he hopped in. Lucas didn't bother to go in and talk to Ryan because he wasn't really in the sociable mood.

He just couldn't believe Vincent has asked for Marty's number. Marty was such a ladies man... definitely not the kind of boy for Vinny. Vincent deserved better, better than Lucas and better than Marty, and it just didn't seem like him, though Vincent had clearly changed a lot.

       Lucas' car screen lit up to tell him he was receiving a call. Ms. Chance's name flashed and Lucas internally sighed before attempting to brighten himself up. There was no reason for her to need to know he'd been drinking.

       "Hello Lucas!" Ms. Chance's cheery voice blasted through the speaker and Lucas raced to turn the volume down.

       "Hi Ms. Chance."

       "Oh Lucas, you don't sound well, are you feeling alright?" She asked, instantly noticing something was wrong as she always did.

      "Just a cold, Ma'am. Nothing to worry about." Lucas explained.

       "Oh? You should drink lots of fluids," She doted.

       "I will," Lucas chuckled.

       "Okay... well heard you and Vincent spent the night together? That's wonderful, I'm so glad to hear the two of you are becoming friends again."

       "Yes Ma'am. We've been spending a lot of time together over the last few days. He's tutoring me in Lit, and he came out to see my last soccer game." Lucas smiled.

      "He did!" Her voice flooded with relief. "Oh you know... it's so difficult for me as a mother.. I just we've never really been apart and... oh dear I'm rambling. I'm so glad to hear he's getting involved and doing well. That's just such a relief."

      "I'm sure."

      "I just wanted to tell you that it turns out I won't be back in town for Thanksgiving, and I'm sure Vincent is really upset about it..  I was wondering if you two might like to spend the holiday together? Just so he isn't alone?"

       "I'd be honored." Lucas smiled. 

        "Oh thank you! You're just the best. Take care honey!"

        "And you as well." Lucas hung up the phone and thought for a moment. He and Vincent had such a great morning and evening, and Vincent was allowed to give his number to anyone he wanted, so Lucas figured he couldn't be too upset.

       Besides, Vincent was probably really hurting. He couldn't remember a holiday that Vincent and his mother hadn't spent together. It was probably very difficult.

       Lucas resolved it was probably best to call Vincent, just to make sure the boy was holding up alright. He pressed the phone to his ear as he got out of his car and made his way into the building.

"Hey Lucas!" Vinny answered energetically on the first ring, seemingly not hungover at all. "What's going on?"

       "Nothing. I just wanted to make sure Hailey got you home in one piece." Lucas teased as he pressed the elevator button.

       "No injuries to report," Vincent chuckled through the phone.

        "That's good." Lucas smirked slightly to one side. "I miss you. I know we were apart for a few years and we just saw each other, but I already miss you... is that pathetic."

        "It's not pathetic Lu." Vinny used his childhood nickname, and Lucas smiled fondly at it. He liked when Vinny called him that, it made them feel close. "We should hangout again soon."

        "Sure. What are you doing next Tuesday?"

"I've got a class at noon, then I'm free." Vinny chuckled. "What'd you have in mind."

"I'm having a couple of friends over to watch a movie. I'd really like for you to be there." Lucas flopped on the couch, glad to be back in his own home, now with no where to go.

"Well I'm up for anything."

   "Is your roommate in?" Lucas asked.

"No. Not yet."

"You could invite him too, if you wanted. He seems like a good dude." 

"I don't know much about him, besides that his name is Dustin Hoffman and that he likes Star Wars."

"Ah. Impeccable taste." Lucas chuckled.

"Lucas Marshall, I wouldn't have pegged you for a Star Wars guy."

"What can I say. People surprise you."

"They certainly do." Vinny replied thoughtfully. "Hey, do you happen to know how Marty got my number?"

"Didn't you give it to him last night?" Lucas' brows furrowed.

"Did he tell you that? He told me he got it from you."

"Weird. He told me that you gave it to him last night... I gave him it a second time- I guess he lost the paper. You're sure you didn't give it to him? It isn't like Marty to lie... well at least not to a boy."

"Well I think I'd remember if I did. I definitely wouldn't have given it to him willingly." Vinny scoffed. "Well I'll see you in class. It was good talking to you."

"You too." Lucas hung up and let out a sigh of relief. Vincent hadn't meant to give Marty his number.

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