Change and Chances

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6 years earlier

Vincent straightened his tie in the mirror. It wasn't often that he got to go to a fancy party, but when he did it was nice to have a good outfit to wear. It was Lucas' birthday, and as was customary his parents were throwing a giant blowout bash to pretend they cared about their son for the rest of the year.

Sydney and her stuffy family would be in attendance, so Vincent was really not looking forward to spending the night there. Still, he'd gone to the party with his mother since he was a child. Lucas wanted them there, even if it really bugged the older Marshall's in the family.

Vincent pushed gel through his hair and nodded to himself. In such nice clothes he always thought he looked like a little British boy, or perhaps a little Irish boy as his hair would suggest. It wasn't a look he disliked, just it didn't really fight to dress that way when it didn't match how he actually felt about the party on the inside. He'd have loved to spend the day with Lucas, but he knew he probably wouldn't actually get much time with the birthday boy if his whole family was there.

Vincent and his mother were greeted at the front door of the large white house of their next door neighbors by Ms. Marshall who had her hair nicely curled and a party dress on. she was the picture of a perfect hostess. Though neither woman was particularly fond of the other, they were both civil for the sake of the children. Vincent figured it was very difficult for Ms. Marshall to know that Lucas really preferred Ms. Chance.

"Vincent you look very spiffy." Ms. Marshall complimented, though she usually would make it a point to insult him in front of Lucas. "Lucas is with Sydney, so you'll have to entertain yourself." She said with her mouth drawn in a plain line.

"That's just fine." Ms. Chance offered a fake smile. "The house looks lovely."

"Thank you." Ms. Marshall grinned. "We've just had this room redone."

"You'll have to help me sometime, I've got awful taste."

"Clearly." Ms. Marshall muttered under her breath, though both guests could hear her.

"Well, we should be getting inside." Ms. Chance led Vincent inside. Lucas' family was political and Ms. Chance had to hold back a gag as she passed a few of the local politicians her friend had chosen to invite to her son's party.

The whole room was stuffed with people in black and white fancy outfits, with the Chances standing out for having worn more color. The Marshall house was stylish in an ugly kind of way. It was very modern, with no sense of homeliness. The people who walked through the house eyed the Chance family strangely as if they didn't belong, so they sat together alone for most of the night.

Lucas finally showed his face, walking into the room with Sydney, and Vincent wanted to barf. Whoever let that ugly girl buy such a pretty dress was evil. In spite of his lack of fondness for the girl Vincent smiled regardless, not wanting to let it ruin Lucas' big day. Though he wondered if it wouldn't matter, being that Lucas hated the big party his parents would throw for him. There were too many people, and not the right ones.

By that point the two had already begun to drift apart, and Vincent had worried he'd want to celebrate with her instead and would leave their time together behind. He wanted to still be spending all his time with Lucas, but they weren't in the same class and it was becoming increasingly hard to do.

"Ms. Chance, Vincent! It's great to see you!" Lucas grinned, walking over to the pair. Sydney rolled her eyes exaggeratedly, but followed regardless.. not that she was wanted.

"Happy Birthday!" Vincent pulled Lucas into a tight hug, ignoring the glare Sydney offered him. Lucas wasn't her property. Lucas wasn't property at all. But if he was, he'd be way more Vincent's than hers.

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