Christmas Trees and Perfect T's

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"Hi Mom!" Vincent grinned as he entered his mother's apartment. Her smile matched his as she brought him into a tight hug. "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas!" She practically screamed. The affair brought a bright smile to Lucas' face; even as a dignified nurse, Ms. Chance still had an air of a child about her. Not childishness, just a youthful heart. "I'm missed seeing you, it's so lonely up here!"

"You'll never guess who I brought with me." Vincent gestured, and Lucas stepped in the door after him, still wearing his amusement like a badge of honor. 

"It's good to see you again, Ma'am." 

"Oh Lucas!" Ms. Chance practically tackled Vincent's boyfriend to the ground. She hadn't seen him since before the boy went to college, and there was a lot of change to take in. "You look so different! You must have grown, what? Three inches since I saw you last! And your hair! It's gotten so long!"

"Alright mom, don't strangle the poor boy." Vincent chuckled softly. As a child he'd been slightly jealous of how well Lucas and his mother got on, but as a boyfriend it was amazing. "Lots changed with Lucas, but at least let him get in the door first."

"You're right, I'm being rude. You boys must be exhausted! Come in, set your bags down, I'll make us some hot chocolate!" She grinned with glee, rushing out of the room off into what Vincent assumed was the kitchen. 

"So this is what it's like to meet the in-laws? It's terrible, I'm terrified, really." Lucas joked. 

"Yeah, I'll bet." Vincent replied sarcastically. "She's practically more excited to see you than she is to see me."

"I'm sorry, babe, but I'm pretty irresistible."

"Oh yes.. I can hardly contain myself." 

Vincent and Lucas put their bags down in the guest bedroom, then made their way back out into the main space. Ms. Chance had moved from the kitchen into the living area, and sat impatiently on the sofa with a Christmas-red plate in front of her. She'd gotten the speaker to play some classic Christmas songs, and Lucas was invaded with the feeling of nostalgia as the well heard words filled his mind. 

Not everything was the same though, Lucas thought as he eyed Vincent from behind. He closed the gap, laying his hand on the small of his waist as they entered the room. 

"Careful." Vincent chided playfully.

"Hmm?" Ms. Chance looked over, realizing they'd returned. 

"No tree, Ms. Chance?" Lucas let his hand fall and slid them semi-awkwardly into his pockets. 

"Not yet.." She smiled wistfully. "I hate to get a fake one... I think they're so clinical, but I couldn't handle a real one all by myself. Lucas, you wouldn't mind-"

"I'll help you mom!" Vincent finished for her. "Lucas is on strict orders to stay off his leg."

As Vincent said that, Lucas stepped out from behind the white chair blocking him from her view so Ms. Chance could see the black boot that adorned his leg. 

"Oh goodness, what happened?"

"I fell during the champion game..." Lucas grumbled sheepishly. "But the doctor told me I could start doing stuff again, so I'm not sure what he means by strict orders..."

"Mine." Vincent interjected. "My strict orders." 

"Oh?" Ms. Chance looked between the two boys with a knowing look. "That's my Vincent, he's always so protective of the people he loves."

"Mom!" Vincent flushed red.

"You know Lucas, I never would have asked you to help me if I'd known you were injured, but Vincent never tells me anything." She explained, and Vincent rolled his eyes knowing they probably spoke more often than was healthy anyway. "See, I only asked since you've gotten so big! You look very handsome, doesn't he Vincent?"

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