Tutors and Teas

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"Hi Mom." Vincent answered the eighty-fifth phone call he'd gotten from his mother as soon as he got back to his dorm room. It was the day he was meant to help Lucas, and he'd had a very busy day, so he'd neglected to call her at lunch when he usually did.

"Why didn't you answer your phone?" Her harsh voice boomed from the other side of the phone. "You had me worried sick."

"I'm sorry mom. I was in class. How was work?" Vincent asked, as he grabbed a granola bar from his nightstand.

"It was worky." She said, and he could already hear her black heals clicking through the phone. All of a sudden it made sense why she'd called so many times; by the time he got home he'd be just missing her as she left for work.

"Do you have to go back?"

"Just for an hour. We can talk when I get back alright?" She said quickly, "Scratch that, It's one of the first real days of your time in college, go out with friends or something." She suggested "Just don't stay out to late, and no drinking, I'm free most of the afternoon tomorrow, so I'll call you then."

"Okay, love you. Bye." Vincent said before hanging up the phone. He sighed and began digging through his clothes for something suitable to wear. He had a feeling it was going to be a long day. Vincent quickly changed into jeans and a grey and yellow sweater. Running a hand through his hair, he walked back to his bed checking my phone for texts, then changed his mind and FaceTimed Hailey.


"Why'd you call me?" She laughed. "We literally just saw each other."

"Cause I'm bored."

"You poor baby." She sarcastically cooed.

"What are you up to?"

"I'm doing homework." She said as she dramatically flipped the page. "Shouldn't you be doing that?"

"Nah. I finished in the library at the end of the day. Have you talked to Ryan yet?"

"No comment." She said eyes widening.

"What'd he say?" Vinny asked excitedly.

"He texted me and asked me if he could see my math homework. Isn't that soooo cute?"

"Oh?" Vincent asked, trying to shield her from his concern. Hailey could be a bit boy crazy, and it wouldn't be the first time someone had taken advantage of that to get her to do their homework.

"He's so hot... like when he's like staring into space, or like when he's all concentrait-ty." She rambled on.

"He's alright I guess."

"Alright? He's freaking gorgeous! Did you see his arms yesterday when he wore a short sleeve shirt? They were huge." She joked.

"He's got a mullet." Vinny complained, hiding his blushing face from the camera.

"It's not a mullet! It's a flow. And I happen to think it's sexy."

"Sexy? Hailey, it could not be any further from sexy if it tried to be. It's ridiculous, he looks like a hillbilly." He teased.

"How would you know? Attractiveness was never your strong suit. I mean, you can't even acknowledge that Lucas is a little attractive, just because you dislike him."

"I guess I just care more about what's inside," Vinny explained.

"Ugh. That's so douchey. Everybody cares just a little bit about appearance, don't try to act all better than me about it, you know you'd prefer an attractive person, over anyone else." Hailey complained.

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