Reality and Relationships

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     Lucas shrugged off his coat and hung it on the coat rack. He pulled Vincent by the hands into the room and began kissing him, pulling off the other boys coat as he did. This kiss was rougher than the first and contained much more urgency. Lucas had his first taste of real happiness and he wasn't ready to stop.

Lucas laid Vincent gently down on the leather couch, propping himself above the boy and continuing the kiss. He left Vincent's lips and made his way over to his neck. Once he reached there Vincent let out a small gasp which prompted him to pull away, but he'd remember that spot.

"We should... we should talk.. because there's too far we can go with just this." Lucas attempted to catch his breath as he spoke. "I want to be clear with you from the beginning, Vincent... this isn't a joke to me.. it isn't a fling. This is real.. us.. this, I want it to be real. I want to go all the way with you."

"I want to be with you too." Vincent smiled. In front of him sat his lifelong best friend, professing his love, and Vincent wanted it to last forever.

"Vincent." Lucas propped himself up. "If we do this... there's no going back... I can't go back. There's no friendship, no returning, just you and I."


"You.. you can't possibly realize how happy I am to hear you say that." Lucas grinned and pulled Vincent in for another kiss. He was like a sweet puppy, starved for attention. "No matter what you want, I'll always be happy, just to be with you."

"When you say.. how long.. how long do you really mean?"

Lucas looked sheepishly at his hands. "The whole time."

"The whole time? You've been in love with me the whole time? Even when we were just kids?"

"From the moment I met you." Lucas nodded. "Does that scare you?"

"It terrifies me." Vincent frowned. "I mean how can I ever... live up to that, match you... how can I ever pay you back."

"You already have." Lucas sat up and took Vincent's cheek in his hand. "Just by being here, just by liking me, just by returning my feelings you have matched and passed. You have given me everything I've ever wanted. That's it. I'm good."

"I don't believe you..."

"But you will. I'll show you every day." Lucas pulled Vincent's hand close to his lap. "I don't ever want to see you second guess yourself."

"What if it's not everything you thought it'd be?"

"It will be." Lucas affirmed.

"How do you know?"

"Because you're you, and I'm me.. and that's enough."

     "Lucas." Vincent chuckled.

     "Can I kiss you again?" Lucas asked. Vincent nodded and Lucas closed the gap, his arms slithering around Vincent's waist and lifting the boy onto his lap.

       "You don't have to ask every time you want to kiss me." Vincent said in between kisses. Lucas paused, face inches away and eyes hungry with desire.

      "I do. I need to make sure I'm not going too far and that you're okay with everything. I need to control myself... I want to take things slow and enjoy the ride, but every bone in my body is screaming at me to keep going and go further. I want to desperately, but I can't." Lucas' eyes showed how serious he was. They showed a deep sexual inclination that Lucas was struggling to suppress.

      "It'd be weird for your teammates or anyone to see you like this." Vinny mused, looking at Lucas's deeply flushed cheeks and messy hair.

     "You make me weak." Lucas smiled at the cheesiness of the line, before placing a small kiss on Vincent's nose.

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