Lunch and Looks

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On their first day, both Vincent and Hailey had a break together, and they decided to go to a nearby fast food restaurant, which seemed like the best place to get a jump on the fresher's stone. Hailey was outgoing, and already had made a few friends from her classes, friends she was sure to share with the more socially anxious Vinny.

"Is that Lucas Marshall?" Hailey whispered as she sat down with her ham sandwich.

"Where?" Vincent asked quietly. Hailey pointed to a tall boy with blonde hair sitting in a small group of friends. He was next to a boy with black hair and a red flannel.

"It is. Isn't he so cute?"  Hailey's face soured,  "Ugh. And that's Marty."

"Who?" Vinny asked. He wasn't familiar with the dark haired boy, and Vinny was sure he must not have gone to their high school, though Hailey's recognition suggested he had.

"The one in the red." Hailey hid her face behind a menu, when the group of boys looked over at them. "He's a total jerk. He doesn't care for rules. He doesn't care about his grades." Hailey scoffed.

"Do you know him?"

"You could say that." Hailey grimaced. "Shit. They're coming over here. Hide!" Vinny's eyes shot to the table. Marty and Lucas had grabbed their trays and were in fact making their way over to the where he and Hailey were sitting.

"Hi. Hannah." Marty smirked as he made eye contact with the mortified Hailey.

"It's.. Uh.. It's Hailey." She pushed a stray hair behind her reddened ear.

"Vincent!" Lucas broke out his million dollar smile, dimples cutting into his sharp jawline. "Long time no see? You must be a freshman right? How've you been liking it?"

"It's fine." Vinny refused to break eye contact with the ketchup bottle on the table. It broke his heart to not even be able to look at his ex best friend, who sat just across the table from him, but he knew it would bring back way too many feelings; confusing feelings he didn't have time for. "Do you like it?"

"I do." Lucas grinned. "Do you plan on getting involved? Clubs and everything? Making friends?"


"I'm just saying you'll like it a lot better if you put yourself out there." Lucas explained in an annoyingly condescending tone. "Have you gone to a Soccer game yet? I'm on the team so you'll know at least one person."

"I'm not really a fan of soccer." Vincent huffed. "And I know plenty of people."

"That's too bad. You might like it though.. the energy and everything. I've been playing like shit though," Lucas' smile faltered slightly. "I'll get better. I promise. You should come." Lucas smiled hopefully.

"Yeah. You should come too Hannah. I'll save you a seat." Marty had a cocky smile, and he flipped his collar up as he flirted with Hailey, seeming to suggest he'd thought it'd gone well.

"Well.. Bye." Vincent waved awkwardly, but even though Marty left, Lucas remained in his seat across from Vincent."

"What are you doing here?" Vincent's eyes narrowed.

"There was an open seat." Lucas stated plainly.

"There's lots of open seats. Why are you sitting here?"

"I wanted to."

"Look." Vincent made eye contact with Lucas for the first time during the interaction. "I don't know what you're after, but we aren't friends anymore, so you don't need to worry about me."

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