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I wake up the next morning and am greeted by the warm light brushing across my still almost sleeping face, I slowly start to sit up and stretch a bit before I start to move as a slight yawn managed to escape my mouth and I slowly stand up rubbing my eyes trying to wake up some. Across the room from where I had woke up was a set of clothes on a small table with a note.

Dear Y/n

I found some clothes I thought might suit you. I hope you find them close to your liking, Breakfast will be ready at 8:30 am don't be late or Silva might get upset my dear.

Love Kikyo~

'8:30 am' I thought to myself. I looked across the room from me to see a small table clock with the time ''8:21 am'' and started to panic. "It's almost 8:30," I said in the empty room and went for the clothes Kikyo had the maids lay out for me. There was a simple F/c strapless dress that complimented my upper chest area very well, there was a beautiful set of diamond earrings to match, and a diamond necklace to go with it. I ran to the bathroom quickly to fix my hair and do my make up. There were a set of matching colored heels by the little table I had noticed upon rushing out of the bathroom. I had looked at the time once more ''8:24 am''. Thankfully not much time has passed but I should quickly get downstairs for breakfast. There were many doors and hallways I saw as I left my room... To many-... "I hope I make it in time. I really don't want to get lost, '' I thought to myself. On the way I saw one of the kids from dinner again "Killua was it?" I say out loud causing him to look at me. He continues to stare at me and the awkward silence started to bug me so I asked the boy "Do you know how to get to the dining room from here" he continues to stare at me and starts to walk with his hands behind his head "It's this way, Just follow me" so I start to follow the boy and we eventually make it to the room we are supposed to meet for breakfast before he opened the door I started to speak "Thank you...Killua" I smiled tilting my head to the side. He blushed and looked away and he muttered something I barely made out 'baka'. He was so adorable, as he then opened the door. I felt all eyes go on me. I blushed looking at the ground while Killua went to sit down. I heard another squeal and this caused me to dart my head up to see Kikyo running over to me "Oh look at you! You look so lovely Y/n!! I'm glad to see the dress fits you well" She exclaimed, holding onto me and dragging me to the table, It was hard to keep up and not fall over in these heels I was wearing and she finally dragged me all the way to the table and pushed me in a chair right next to Illumi. The man who I was sitting next to had made no eye contact with me at all and continued to look forwards like I was never there in the first place. Some maids came in with carts of food ready to set onto the table for breakfast. As the maids did so the butlers talked about the food that was being served this morning. 'And they call this a breakfast' I thought to myself 'This is like a whole 4 meals!!'. The table had been set out nicely and to perfection. All food was delicately placed on to the table and silverware laid out. As I start to get lost in my thoughts Kikyo starts to speak "So Y/n darling did you sleep well?" She asked enthusiastically. I simply nod and give a smile. "Oh lovely!! Also there is no need to be shy. You can speak up. It's not like we would bite your head off dear" She said pointing her fork at me and laughing a bit. I stared at her in confusion 'Is that so' I thought to myself. She could have really fooled me. I smiled and apologized for my fault, She simply accepted and continued to eat. After about five or so minutes Silva stood up from his chair and looked towards my direction "Y/n..." He paused "Yes sir?" I said standing up "Follow me" He said bluntly. So I did as he said. After a bit more walking we made it to a darker room as to which he entered and I assumed I must follow. I was hesitant at first but soon followed. The further we made it into the room the more I started to have a bad feeling, Silva soon sat down and so I did the same. I looked across the room to see the big purple beast from before. Sweat buds started to form on my face and when Silva started to speak it almost gave me a mini heart attack "Don't worry Mike won't harm you unless on command" He said to me with his eyes shut. "R-right" I say, still staring at the beast. "I do not suppose you are informed about your and Illumi's engagement that should be happening soon" He stared me down like a hawk circling its prey. He was eager for an answer "Engagement?" I asked "As i thought" He paused and put his hand on his forehead "I don't suppose you are rejecting?" He asked with a slight sigh. I paused... So is this one of his "reasons" for taking me? Just needed someone to fill in as his future wife. I probably would have been better off marrying that damned man from the ball just the night before. "No sir...I do accept" I say strongly but the truth is I wasn't sure. I wasn't sure if this was a good idea...If i even loved him...If he even loved me. "If that is the case" He stands up "We will have to put you through extensive training and see if you are worthy enough to become his wife and a future member of this family" He said sternly. I only nod as not to anger the man "You will be going through training all the Zoldycks have went through for generations. To become the next assassin and carry Illumis children and become a great wife. And for Illumi to one day surpass us he would need a wife of his own to keep the Zoldyck family line going" He said walking away "That's all I have to say to you, Goodbye Y/n" And with that he left the room 'This was to much to take in at once' I thought to myself starting to panic. I hear footsteps from the corner of the room and jump into a defensive position. It was Illumi. I quickly settled down and got out of defense mode in hopes that I didn't anger him "I'm impressed" He said bluntly as usual "Excuse me?" I asked confused "I'm surprised you even noticed me walking over to you" His dark eyes stared into my E/n one and made me slightly blush. "I just heard your footsteps'' I said kind of bluntly and confused "That's just it" He said obviously annoyed "The fact that you heard me is surprising in itself because that shouldn't have been the case because I concealed my presence and have learned to silence my footsteps so it would be easier to walk up on my prey" He said with his chin in his hand looking at the ceiling. 'His prey? What does that mean?!?' I thought as Illumi had sat down next to me 'H-hes so close!' I thought to myself, I was getting nervous and started to become a blushing mess. "I suppose my father told you about the 'arrangements' " He asked "Y-yes" I said looking away from him. He then stands up causing me to look back at him as he starts to leave the room "Training starts tomorrow...Don't be late" And with that he was gone. My heart was pounding again, Just like before. "Why does this keep happening" I say annoyed and confused as to why I don't understand my own emotions. And he never told me the time I was supposed to meet him so how could I be on time?! There will probably be another note in my room I suppose. After a while of sitting down I had gotten up and walked out of the room I had sat in for a while and started to explore the place a bit. I started thinking about this whole engagement thing and what those certain reasons Illumi had for saving me. Was this one of them? Am I just freaking out for no reason?? I had so many questions and no answers. The whole situation left me with many many questions and I completely abandoned the world around me for a period of time before I eventually came back to reality. I fell backwards and landed on the floor.I had ran into someone maybe?. I looked up to see I had ran into a wall. "Ow that kinda hurt-" I said holding my forehead. I heard something from behind me and looked to see no one but I knew that someone was there. "Who is there" I say seriously looking towards the empty hallway. Killua then comes from behind one of the walls with his hands behind his head. "You knew I was here" He said kinda confused "Yea your brother Illumi had said the same thing to me earlier" He stared at me for a bit "You must be pretty stupid to run into a wall like that" He walked over to me hands still behind his head 'Wow that comment didn't hurt at all' I thought to myself as the boy had extended his hand to me to help me up. I smile softly and accept his hand and dust myself off as I had stood up. Killua had started to walk away so I decided to follow behind him "Why are you following me?" He said coldly "Um well you see" I pause "I kinda don't know where I am and I was just blindly walking around so Im lost" I say smiling nervously and holding the back of my head. He gave me that 'you have got to be kidding me look' and started to walk again with me following closely behind him. We reached a room and I asked "What's this room" he looked at me and said "My room... I don't suppose you know the way back to your room?" I looked at him and confidently shook my head no. He had just face palmed and told me I could come into his room if I wanted to, so I did. I looked around his room. "Woah this is so cool!" I said excitedly. "Really?" He asked calmly. And I nodded happily in response "You know you can talk to me you don't have to always nod...I'm not like my family" He looked away from me and I nodded unintentionally "I SAID STOP IT BAKA" He yelled while blushing a bit. This made me laugh a bit "Your adorable...Killua" he paused and looked at me "So you actually still remember my name" He said kinda of shyly "Yea why wouldn't I? I always try my best to remember" I smiled as he still stared at me and finally looked away and sat on his bed. I soon walked over and sat on the floor leaning against his bed. "Your hair is messed up" I looked at him "Wait it is?" I said nervously 'I must have messed it up running into that wall' I thought and face palmed "Here let me help you" He said grabbing a brush and started to gently brush through my hair. After a bit of brushing he started to style it a bit and ended up braiding it for me. He then started to speak "Much better" . He handed me a mirror so I could look at myself "Woah this is amazing, Killua" I gave him a happy smile as he blushed again "S-shut it B-baka!!" He was so adorable I couldn't help it. I stood up and went to hug him. This made him tense up but after a little bit he gave up and calmed down even though he didn't hug me back I still enjoyed it. I haven't hugged anyone in a long time. I backed away smiling. I could tell he still didn't trust me but I didn't mind. "Hey Killua," I said breaking the silence, sitting back down "What is it?" He asked, looking at the ceiling of his room "Can we be friends?" I said calmly. He looked at me and looked like he was worried "I mean if you don't want to we don't have to I-" he cut me off and said "I- i can't" He said gripping his hands into a fist and started to sweat a lot and looked really scared "Killua-" I said snapping him out of his thoughts. "I can't....We can't be friends Y/n...I'm sorry" He said and showed me out of his room before I could say anything else. I wanted to apologize but the best thing would have been to leave him be. As I stared at his door and started to walk away, I ran into one of the butlers and fell down again 'Ouch this again' I said looking up to see a butler. It was that girl. The one with the staff and the smooth chocolate colored skin. "I-I'm sorry" I got up quickly and bowed to her "T-that's not needed Miss Y/n please stand up" She said sounding kind of worried but trying to keep professional at the same time. "Are you alright Miss Y/n?" She asks me. I simply nod and then she walks away 'What's up with everyone walking away and disappearing?' I mentally face palmed and started to explore a bit more trying to find my way back to my room.

Illumi x Reader - ToyboxTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang