The Fight

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Readers POV

Before I could even comprehend the situation I was gone. We weren't in the bedroom anymore and I was laid over Hisokas shoulder and he was running.

Away from the Zoldyck estate...

Away from Illumi...

"Let go of me!" I yell at him pushing myself away, and as a result falling to the ground and hurting my arm. 

I silently hissed in pain. It hurt pretty badly but I can't let that get in the way of my main priority. Get back to Illumi. I can't let a small thing like this get in the way of that. I struggle to stand back up but when I do I get in a defense position.

 "Oh~?" Hisoka coos. I huff angrily at him as he lets out a small chuckle. "I just love that look~" He smiles sadistically, His eyes going dark. 

He slowly walks in my direction, I wanna move. But I can't... Something is holding me down? I look down to see what is holding me but I don't see anything.

 When he finally gets close enough to me he whispers. "It really turns me on~" I wanted to puke when he said this to me.

 I got so angry that I struggled through the invisible restraints, letting one arm free to reach into my pocket and grab one of the needles Kikyo gave me a while back and threw it in his direction. It almost hit him but, Not quite. I could tell this had surprised him though. 

"Oh my '' He smiles, his eyes widened in surprise. "That's a new one" He smiles, only seconds after he said that a pink like band appeared stretching from the ground to my left arm and both of my legs... 

So is this what was holding me down? I thought about it for a moment looking down and back to Hisoka. He chuckled squatting down in front of me with his usual smile and said. 

"Bungee gum possesses the properties of rubber and gum" 

He gave a satisfied closed eye smile like he had been dying to say that line this whole time. I look at him with a face of confusion. What kind of name is that? 

'Bungee Gum?' 

I look at him weirdly and say "Wow that's lame" And sigh looking towards the ground. 'Crap I let that slip out' I look back at Hisoka who has another sadistic grin on his face.

 "You have got guts dear I'll give you that, Maybe it would be better if you kept that pretty little mouth of yours shut, Yes?" He said tracing his finger across my face. 

His touch was cold. And he had the intent to kill. But he wouldn't kill me. Not yet. I knew that much, I look up to him and wonder why Illumi would mess around with this guy, I mean no one can be that stupid... Right? 

While I start thinking I notice the restraints disappearing allowing me to finally move. As soon as the restraints fell I dashed into a random direction away from Hisoka. I keep running, not looking back. I hear footsteps following close behind but I can't stop now. 

I decided to jump in a random direction of the woods to throw him off but it was no use. He somehow managed to get in front of me. I fell backwards after running into him. He walks closer to me and grabs me by the hair. I winced as he did this. 

He brought me closer to his face and started to speak. "You are pretty troublesome aren't you?" He darkly chuckles, making me sweat a bit. I slowly try to reach my hand down to my right pocket, not making sudden movements for him to notice. 

He laughs again, tightening his grip on my hair stopping me for a brief moment from reaching my pocket."Your little toys won't help you darling, And I wouldn't suggest making me mad~" He cooed.

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