What Are You Doing?

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"What are you doing?" Illumi asked me grabbing my wrist, being surprisingly gentle...As I realized how close and touchy I had gotten I even started to wonder. What was I doing? What do I say? What will he do If i have a wrong answer, or no answer at all-, Illumi then cut me from my thoughts "I'm getting impatient Y/N" he says having his same stoned face expression, I really can't read this man no matter how I try, his grip tightens around my wrist a little more causing me to squeak a bit, silence then falls once again and a slight smile took over his face..."How about this" he pauses giving me a moment to think before he acts, what is he going to do, he then stands up and lets go of my wrist then he pulls of one of the needles off his jacket then licks it, like a psychotic villain in a TV series then his smile widens a bit more "For every 30 seconds you don't answer me, Ill use this needle and stab your vital point, sound like fun right?" he says leaning towards me then getting back on my level and slowly caresses my face "Well-" I choked on my words unsure of what to say "Times ticking love" he says still smiling at me I look away then start to spit out an answer "Well I'm not to sure actually" I stop to look at him "I guess I was just curious" He looks at me obviously confused, he stop smiling and puts the needle back on his jacket "What's wrong with you" he says pushing me back on the bed and hovering over me "What do you mean" I ask him confused and dumbfounded as to wonder exactly what i did "You knew I wouldn't stab you with that needle yet you still played the part of the victim to satisfy me...And this whole time i didn't pick up any sense of fear at all from you" he pauses "So...What is wrong with you" I stare at him even more dumbfounded than before and almost bust out in laughter but I stop myself and put my hand over my mouth "Is that what your really wondering Illumi?" I ask, still trying not to laugh "What's so funny about this" I let out a playful snicker and then I once again start to speak "Illumi you honestly couldn't tell? Even someone as skilled as you should surely know already, But I wasn't scared because I knew you wouldn't stab me for a couple of reasons... This whole time I have been picking up a certain aura from you and I can't tell what it is because its different around people and when you were alone with me, And for number two It was super obvious you wouldn't stab me cause It was easy to see that how you just acted wasn't your style Illumi" Illumi was still hovering over me still somewhat confused "How could you tell?" he asks "Well for starters the fact that you called me love and threatened to stab my vital points that was a big give away for the fact that you seem to be the type who would get the job done and not play games second is that you called me love and were being to gentle with me coming back to the main point it was not your style at all" I say looking him dead in the eyes, he still stares at me "I'm surprised you were able to pick up on it so quickly Y/N, but it still doesn't answer my question on why you played the victim role for me" I still stare at him dead in the eyes and smile "Well it gave me time to evaluate the situation and to give me a minute to think and honestly, Illumi" I pause "And honestly what" he says once again in that same impatient tone "I kind of liked seeing you try to play the psychotic villain and but i prefer you how your are now....and...I wouldn't mind being your victim" I say following looking away trying not to blush "But what if I did stab you? What if it had been my style?" Then it the matter of a second he had a needle to my neck pricking me causing a small trail of blood to run down, he was so fast I didn't even see him "what would you have done then" he says whispering into my ear following with a smile "What if I let you do it?" I say following his question. I could feel his warm breath touch my skin only to make my heart pound even harder, He then traces his finger along my jawline and then backs away and gets off of me I try to slow down my breathing and calm myself a bit, Then I hear Illumi start to speak "You are one strange girl" he says with his same old expressionless face and in his normal dull voice followed by him grabbing his forehead in confusion. I stare at the ceiling for a few seconds, I then stand up and walk over to Illumi and ask "What were those reasons you had for saving me, you still haven't told me and I would like to know..." he stares at me again like always as if he was trying to get an answer for me now and for future questions I may have "I told you I have my reasons" he looks away from me "Why did you put on an act like that just then Illumi...What was the point of all of that, that didn't seem like you at all, and why would you threaten me then do nothing and just leave me here" he looks at me one last time and says "I just wanted to see what you would have done...It was all out of pure curiosity" he says plainly "Curiosity killed the cat you know" I say sarcastically and start to pout crossing my arms, I felt his hand lightly pat my head, then he walked out of the room and the door closed behind him as if hiding the fact he was ever here... My heart skipped another beat throwing off my breathing making it heavy once again, I then fell onto the bed grabbing my chest and letting out a harsh breath "Why does my heart beat so fast for you...Illumi.." I say to myself in the empty room "I barely even know you...What is this?...Why make me feel this way, this is touture" that whole time I was struggling to maintain a steady heartbeat with how close he was to me...I finally slow my breathing and start to think some more, I'm surprised he didn't notice my breathing or heart beat... even all the blush on my face, or did he realize this and just decided to toy with me anyway... I then heard a loud bang that came from the left side of the room. I spring up to look at what made the noise, the window blew open. "My my what do we have here~" someone said from behind me, I turn around quickly to find no one there. Something then grabs me from behind, I look up to see a man who is taller than me and has pink hair and two designs on his cheeks, one is a star the other a teardrop. A smile takes over the strange man's face "What do you want" I say annoyed "Oh? Is that all my dear~" the man says, his smile bigger than before "Aren't you going to ask who I am?" he says, grabbing my chin and my wrist "Why should I?" I asked him even more annoyed than before "Illumi sure picked himself an interesting one~" he says finally letting go, his smile fades and then stares at me, I'm now holding my wrists that are now sore from his tight grip. I then look back up at the man "How do you know Illumi" I say to the man now curious, he then looks up at me glaring into my eyes and looking me up and down, like he's studying me. The man's smile comes back once more, he then leaned down on my level and said "He's an acquaintance of mine dear~ So I guess you can say were close" he says getting closer to me still studying "Ok but why did you come here" I think to myself following by an eyeroll "Wait so Illumi has friends?" I ask "Well he doesn't like people Y/N so he doesn't see anyone to be a friend but you can see how the idea could get mixed up" he says standing back up "How do you know my name?" I say really confused "Ah where are my manners" he bows and then says "My name is Hisoka, Hisoka Morrow~" he says then looking back up and me with a sadistic glare in his eyes "I close my eyes for a second trying to process what's happening, and once I open them again the man who called himself Hisoka is gone and the window is closed yet again as if none of that just happened... There is a knock on the door and I rush to open it, once I do there are two maids on the other side, one holding folded clothes and the other is one I've seen when I fist arrived, The girl with the staff... The girl with the staff then bows down and starts to speak "Master Illumi requests that you go to bed now, it's important that you get some sleep miss Y/N" I look at her and say "You don't have to be so formal with me-" she then stands up cutting me off "By master Illumis request we shall address you as he asks us to" I look at her and nod, I don't want to upset Illumi so I don't say anything more. The maid with the clothes hands them to me and then shuts the door "I suppose im supposed to wear these" I then put them on and go over to the bed where me and Illumi where only minitues ago and blush, but stop thinking about what happened before...The chlothes given to me were lavender colored silk pajamas they smelled as nice as they looked, I soon put on the pajamas and layed down and fell fast asleep

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