Training Comes To An Unexpected End...

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As Illumi hovered over me, pinning me to the wall so there was no escape he asked me in an impatient tone. "Answer me Y/n... Who gave you permission to look away from me?" He asked demandingly, our faces still only centimeters apart.

I stare at him blankly with blush covering my face as I try to find an answer to yet another one of his unanswerable questions. After a few more minutes of silence, he huffs slightly and loosens his grip on my arms, just enough to allow me to move around some but not enough to let me escape.

"I'm quite tired of you being so disobedient, now if you would like to move this along it would be much appreciated" He states still staring at me. 'Well, this is awkward. What should I say?' Wait. Why should I tell him anything? He doesn't tell me anything so why should I. 

But still. I guess I was just wanting to see if he actually cared about me or not. I know it's stupid but I wanted to make him jealous by leaning into Hisoka like that. But did it even work? Even so... Why did I feel so warm inside when I did so. "W-well Illumi" I sigh and look up to him.

"I guess I wanted to see if you cared for me or not" I blush a bit more after saying that to him only to get silence in return. After a few moments he sighs letting go of me grabbing his forehead in one hand and his other on his hip. "What am I going to do with you Y/n," He says looking back towards me. He then grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room with him.

"W-wait Illumi where are we going?" He doesn't look back or respond he just keeps walking. After 5 minutes we make it back to-

Our room??

Since when has Illumi been in here with me last!

Wait... What is he going to do??

"Um, Illumi what about training!" I ask frantically.

"Dont worry about it, we will continue tomorrow" Illumi and I enter the room and he locks it behind.

I look out the window as we enter our room and see it has gotten darker out. Have we really been in that other room for that long? Or was it me running from him like an idiot for so long? I wonder. Illumi turns around letting go of my hand as he sees me looking outside. He walks to the window and shuts the curtains.

Wait what's going on-

Illumi picks me up and sets me on the bed. I look back at him and pout "You know I could have just got on the bed myself" I say looking into his dark eyes.

Then Illumi sits on the bed next to me gently pushing me down and afterward lays down himself. He then pulls me into his embrace and closes his eyes. My heart once again starts to go crazy beating rapidly in my chest. "Wait what are you-" Illumi cuts me off, holding me closer than before saying "Just stop talking... Your such a pain" I don't know what that was about. But being in his embrace is always so comforting to me. Without realizing I pull myself even closer to him and close my eyes as well slowly drifting to sleep.

Illumis Pov

"I guess I wanted to see if you cared for me or not"... Her words were stuck inside my head. But it makes sense now. Why she acts the way she does when I'm around. Blushing constantly, rapid heartbeat, and why she did what she had done with Hisoka.

The way she has been acting towards me, Well, not that it makes me jealous when she did that right in front of me with another man, right? I open my eyes and look down at Y/n's sleeping figure. 'What am I going to do with you' I sigh as I look at the ceiling. I wonder what I am going to tell my father.

"Aww~" I hear from the other side of the room. "What do you want, Hisoka," I ask bluntly, standing up to face him. He stares at me with golden eyes, playing with a deck of cards. "Oh nothing, I just wanted to check in on my dear friend" He cooes.

"We aren't friends," I tell him, getting slightly annoyed. "And why not?" Hisoka asks in a condescending tone. I don't answer him I just stare back at him. 

"Ok fine I get it" He chuckles holding his hands up as if he had just surrendered. He then puts them down staring at Y/n's sleeping form.

 "I wondered why you picked a girl such as dear little Y/n~" He looks back at me. "And now I see why," Hisoka says walking towards me

"It's because she melted our poor little assassin's cold heart isn't it~," He says in a teasing tone. 

"Leave Hisoka" I look towards him while glaring daggers at him. "Fine Fine I understand," He says, closing his eyes placing one hand on his hip.

"Just dont forget," He says looking at me once again "You're not the only one playing for her poor little heart.... Illumi Zoldyck" He says. I only blink for a second only to find he vanished. 


 I look back towards Y/n and sigh, sitting on the edge of the bed with my elbows resting on my knees and my face in my hands. Thinking deeply.

My hair draped over my shoulders as my thoughts wander. My face feels warm. Why, I wonder. It doesn't matter right now I suppose. All that matters now is that I make sure Hisoka stays far away from Y/n.

He seriously pisses me off. I stand up going towards Y/n. But, then again I wonder why I dont just kill you anyway Y/n. I am more than capable. So why? I take a needle out of my pocket and throw it at Y/n but in a split second, she catches it.

But she's... Still asleep? She caught it though.

 "Interesting," I say to myself. I shrug it off and take back the needle laying back down after turning off the lights. I guess this isn't that bad. I close my eyes and wait to slowly drift off to sleep. 

What are you doing to me.. Y/n.

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