The Dinner With The Zoldyck's Part 1

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As he extended his hand to me  I accepted with no hesitation or second thought as we disappeared into the night, all I thought of were those words... "Shall we?"... It was on repeat in my mind as my warm hands were being held in his Icey cold ones... It would have probably made most uncomfortable or scared being held by some stranger but, this somehow brought me comfort. Your E/C eyes took a long look at his pale white skin and dark black lifeless yet somehow beautiful eyes you where caught in his trance wanting to believe you would never have to let go, wanting that feeling of freedom to last forever... It was silent, You heard everything the sound of the bugs in the nature calling to one another, the sound of both your heartbeats...your breathing and the rhythm of  all of these beautiful sounds and even more where the start to a Symphony that can keep you wanting more, what is this? what is this I am feeling?... "Is something wrong?"  he asked, his voice as calm as before "O-oh yes I'm fine-" I managed to say trying to avoid eye contact... We stopped and this grabbed my attention I looked back up at him as he grabbed my chin to where I had to look at him directly, his arm snaked around my waist and held me into a close embrace, while I can feel my face heating up and I could already tell my cheeks has been coted with a shade of a light pink taffy color as his face was only inches from mine he opened his mouth to speak he whispered in my ear "You know... I really hate liar's" he said as the feeling of his breath brushed across my ear and sent a shiver down my spine, but not of fear witch is what I believe I should have felt. After a while of us standing there his black eyes still met with my E/C ones I finally asked the question sitting on my mind..." Why did you stop her?...Why save me?" he didn't answer for a long time he just said after long while "I have my reasons"  then he took his hand away from my chin and let go of my waist and started to walk once more. I followed him close behind like a lost puppy looking for it's place to call home or like I was helpless on my own and was in need of a place to feel safe once more. He speaks calmly yet he seems...Absent and shows little to no emotion so far, We have made our way to a dark eary setting in witch the man took once again another stop "Ok were here" the man said before starting again "Are you ready?" I didn't answer I only gave a simple nod and he continued forward into the large gates and I followed along once again for a while and made our way up a path and to my surprise I was greeted to a giant  purple beast, sort of revealing a figure of a giant dog or a wolf. I took a step back as the giant figure went to sniff at me getting closer and closer by the second you could see I was afraid but I didn't move... I was frozen, sweat formed on my face and then the mans voice broke the silence yet again "Ok Mike that's enough" he said and the beast simply walked in the other direction and layed down once more. He started to walk again without warning so I followed him again on the long trail... Walking close behind not to get lost on my own we are met with another being this time a girl, a young girl with chocolate smooth skin and a staff with a golden orb at the top "Master Illumi, Welcome home" she stated with a bow moving out of the way for him to pass, he says nothing and continues on once again "how much farther" I thought to myself looking down at my legs as they started to feel numb then I closed my eyes for only a second before I felt my legs separate from the ground below and then I was lifted bridal style into this mans arms when I realized what was going on my face was even hotter and pinker than before, averting my gaze from the beautiful figure who's arms I was held in, I was brought into a huge house bigger than my mansion back home..."Wait no that's not my home... it hasn't been since mom died" I said in my head, I was brought into a room and set gently on a bed as he slowly released his arms from around me and said "Wait here...The maids will be coming shortly to prepare you for dinner, and don't misbehave tonight is that understood" I only answered with a simple nod as usual and before I knew it he was gone, he disappeared without a trace and the door shut behind him as if it where the final step to a magicians act of disappearance that helped the show come to it's end. No longer after he left a knock was heard at the door "Miss Y/N" said one of the maids "May we come in?" I didn't say anything at first but then I answered back "Yes I'm sorry for taking so long" as I hurried to open the door, I was greeted by the maids and in there hands was a dress with a note on it 

             " Dear Y/N it's so wonderful to know that my son is finally growing up and found himself a women!

I can't wait to meet you at tonight's dinner, I hope you find the dress I picked for you find rather nice 

Don't you think its just lovely!! It would make you look like a doll, Well I'll have you make the 

Decision to wear it or not tonight and I'm looking fowred to our meet"

                                                                                                                                  Sincerely,  Kikyo Zoldyck

"Wait...Zoldyck?!" I said to myself while the maids payed no attention to me as they took me to the bathroom to prepare me for tonight's dinner with the Zoldyck's... I wasn't scared.... But I wasn't calm either, I was shocked to actually be near a real Zoldyck without it being the last thing I've ever done or seen since they were famous assassins' after all and have been for a very long time. Little is known about them but that's not what scared me... What scared me was the thought of messing tonight up and not because it might result with them having my head.. "Why so worried" one of the maids broke my wondering mind from thinking about it any farther she stared at me with a dull expression but as I was about to speak Illumi entered the room and stared at me for a minute before the maids moved out of his way, he took my hand and walked me out of the bedroom to be met with more maids and butlers outside the door who all bowed in his presence and then we left without any words.

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