Finally, Back To My Room

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A/N: Thanks for all the support on my book guys sorry this chapter is shorter than usual ones, Leave a comment. Should I make longer chapters and post less or make shorter chapters and post more?

If it helps look back one chapter if you don't remember what happened, Sorry for such a late update!

I've been wandering around for a while trying to find my room. I eventually found the dining room. 'How did I get here again?' I sweat drop and walk out of the room. I see a set of stairs and start to walk up them. 

The stairs lead to more hallways and doors 'All these hallways and doors are making me feel sick' I thought 'Like seriously is this place a maze?' I walk down the hallway and see an open door. Out of pure curiosity I walk over to the door and peak inside but it's just darkness.

 I simply just walk away not wanting to enter such a dark place. Right as I went to walk away I felt a presence behind me. I turn around to see yet another one of the boys from dinner. "Oh you must be" I pause to think "Kalluto right?" I question and bend down. Kalluto only nods.

"What are you doing?" He asks me bluntly with a hint of curiosity. "O-oh well I kinda got lost and I was just going to wander around in hopes of finding my room again" I sweat drop giving a nervous smile "And I was a little bored so I went to explore" I smile some more.

 "But seriously this place is like a maze" I say looking behind me with my hand on the back of my head and then looking back at Kalluto. I see Kalluto holding a fan in his hand. "I like your fan" I tell him and smile a bit "Did you make it?" I ask. 

He simply nods. Not too far down the hall from where Kalluto had come I saw Kikyo. Once she sees me she quickly runs over "Y/n darling!" She runs picking up her dress. Once she makes it to me she grabs my hands "Im so happy to see you Y/n" She says to me and before she lets me speak she starts to drag me around the halls 'Oh boy here we go' I dramatically think to myself and sweatdrop. 

We make it to the room and she sets me on a bed. "Um Ms Kikyo" I ask her "Kikyo is fine dear" She says while digging into a wardrobe full of outfits. "Oh ok um Kikyo do you mind me asking what's going on?" I ask looking over her shoulder to see what's happening.

"Aha! I found it!" She says spinning around holding a beautiful knee-length dress with no straps and the color is a beautiful shade of F/c. "Woah it's super pretty," I say smiling "Put it on, dear!!" She tells me happily "O-oh um are you sure it's ok?" I ask.

 Kikyo only smiles and says "Of course dear! You would look so lovely in it!" She spins around "You change into that for me dear I wont look" She says calmly. I was reluctant at first but did as she asked. Once I finished putting on the dress I let her know it was ok to turn around now "Oh Y/n darling you look marvelous she exclaimed. 

She circled around me like a hawk a few times and praised me for how It looked on me again. After a few hours of trying on outfits for Kikyo she started to look outside from one of the bedroom windows "Oh my dear it is getting a bit late" Kikyo said softly "Well time for you to get to bed my dear training starts tomorrow for you!!" She said happily holding onto my shoulders escorting me out of the room. 

One of the butlers was there waiting for me. He bowed in my and Kikyo's presence. Kikyo then tells him to escort me back to my room so he does just that. The walk on the way back was silent. I didn't want to say anything because I thought it would have been awkward. So once he brought me back to my room I thanked him. 

He didn't say anything, He just nodded and closed the door. "Finally, back to my room" I say to myself looking across the room to the small clock that reads '8:45'. 'Well training starts tomorrow' I thought. 

I looked over across the room and saw there was already an outfit ready for tomorrow and pajamas on the bed for me. I picked them up and looked over the beautiful piece of cloth. The night gown was a lovely shade of F/c and it was as soft as clouds. 

After I put it on I decided to stay up a bit, Maybe open a window. I debated on whether or not I should, What if I get in trouble? Oh well it's stifling here I need that window open. I walked over to the window and unlocked it. "What are you doing?" A voice says behind me, I could feel their breath on the back of my neck as they said that. I turned around to see none other than Illumi. "You startled me, Illumi" I said softly, looking away trying to hide my blush.

 'Does this man not know personal space?!' 'Go away so I can blush in peace' 'Stop being so damn hot you damn male barbie doll!' Thoughts flooded my head while I tried sinking back into the wall where the window was. I felt a hand on my chin, Illumi guided my gaze back to his. "It's rude not to look at people" He says as dull as ever "S-sorry" I stutter. 

"You never answered my question" He leaned closer to me and whispered the same question again "What are you doing" He asked softly, still holding my chin. I feel his warm breath brush across my ear, My heart starts pounding and I start to panic.

 "W-well it is a little hot in here so I wanted to o-open a w-window" I say trying to stay as calm as possible. He simply just walks away and leaves the room after that. "What the actual hell?" I question myself once he leaves. I just try to ignore it.

 I open the window and go to lay down after turning off the light. I stare at the ceiling for what seemed like hours before my eyes slowly decided to close and my brain slowly shut off letting me finally drift to sleep. 

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