The Start Of Training

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Even though I was asleep for a while. Around the normal 8 hours mark, I feel like I have not slept in ages. I look over to the little clock across the room that clearly states 7:00 Am. There are some new clothes set out for me with another card alongside them. I suppose Kikyo had the maids leave another card for me.

I sit up and swing my legs off the bed so they meet with the cold floor. 'It's kinda cold this morning' I thought to myself. I yawn and stretch to try and wake up. "It's been a while since I last took a shower," I say out loud. I then get up and walk over to the neatly placed clothes and grab the card that is laid perfectly next to it.

Good Morning My Dear Y/n,

I hope you find this outfit fitting for your training today. Don't be late, Training will be at 9 in the basement's training room. If you need help getting there just ask dear Kil, I'm sure he will help you out. Well, I'll leave you to it. I also packed you a little something with your outfit just in case the boys make training a bit unfair.

Oh, I almost forgot! The maids left you breakfast by the window, Do tell how you liked it!

Sincerely, Kikyo Zoldyck

After reading the note I looked over to the window. There was a cart with a tray with all sorts of food. Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes/Waffles, Sausage, And so many others. Along with different beverages (beverages of your choice). I look at all the food one more time 'How am I supposed to eat this all' I question myself worrying if I would get punished for leaving anything left on the tray.

I decided I should eat soon before training starts. I give one more glance over to the small clock. The time reads 7:11. "I have time," I say out loud and bring the cart with the food closer to the bed and sit down and start to eat. After I finish eating whatever I could, and what my body would let me. I pushed the cart back to the window and walked to the bathroom.

I closed the door behind me and walked in front of the mirror. I took in my morning look and decided it was time for a shower. After undressing I look at myself in the mirror once more. Scars and old bruises, still imperfections I wish to fix are all I can see. But now is not the time to think about that, I need to get ready. I walk into the shower and begin to wash up.

Time skip....After shower...

After I finished getting dressed in the outfit Kikyo had the maid's layout for me. I walk out of the bathroom door and walk over to the small clock in the bedroom. The time reads '8:18'. "I still have time," I say out loud. I then head out to the bedroom door.

Now that I think about it. Didn't Illumi say this was OUR room? How come I never see him? The more I think about it the more I start to feel a small pain in my chest. Why do I keep feeling like this every time I think about him. I feel tears well up in my eyes. I wipe my eyes quickly though. "Nows no time to cry...and over something so stupid on top of that," I take a deep breath.

"Pull yourself together Y/n," I say as I smack my face on both sides, I finally stop and continue to walk. "I see you are awake now" I hear Illumi's dull voice behind me. I turned around to see him standing quite farther away than his usual "all up close in my personal space" but that made my mind flood with a million more questions. "Why is he standing so far away??" "Do I look that bad!!" "Why does he make me feel this way!" I start to think about the thoughts I'm having and a dark shade of red covers my face

"What are you thinking!!!" I internally yell to myself turning away from Illumi. As soon as I turn away I look up to see Illumi, he stands so close to me now that our faces almost touch, my heart starts pounding in my chest. He grabs my chin and pulls me closer "Why does it seem every time I come around you avoid me....Y/n" He says in a soft yet harsh voice.

"I-am not avoiding you," I say softly, standing up straight, as I try to turn away I'm grabbed by Illumi's strong hands and pulled into his chest. As my back is leaned against his chest, I try my best to move but I can't. He leans down a bit and whispers "And do tell why it is every time I come around your heart beats so rapidly hm?" His cold breath brushes against my neck sending chills down my spine. "I have n-no idea what your talking about Illumi.." I say embarrassed.

"If you say so," He says. Still not letting go. We stand there for another minute before I break the silence. "Can you let me go now?" I ask kind of bluntly but trying not to sound too harsh. "If you want to leave" He pauses before speaking again. I can already feel the sadistic smile start to form on his face as he then finishes "Then go" he almost whispers into my ear.

I take it this is a part of my training. So I start to think before I try to break out. How could I get out? As I start to think illumi interrupts me once more. "Come one Y/n, We don't have all day. Father doesn't like being late." As the pressure builds up, I start to think of ways to calm down. "Fine," I say. As one arm hangs by my side the other quickly goes in my pocket as I pull out the "item" Kikyo mentioned in the note this morning just in case things get rough.

As I reach in my pocket Illumi immediately goes for my hand. My distraction worked. While he is busy with trying to get my arm my leg then moves back to kick illumi, I then reach in my tall combat boots and pull out a 5-inch knife, driving it directly in Illumi's direction. I quickly feel all contact will illumi that I had, to be lost. He let go. And disappeared. I dashed down the hall and out another door that led to outside.

As I start to run out I immediately stopped as in the last second I saw a small almost so easy to miss string. The door has been rigged with something. Who knows what would have happened to me if I set that off. I immediately get into a defensive position making sure to look all around me. Looks like the training has already begun...


Hey everyone!! So sorry its been so long since I have updated. Now that all school exams are over and tomorrow is my last day, I will be able to get on and write much more and post more often :D!

If anyone is still reading this I'm so glad to see you have made it this far and thanks for all the support. Ill update another part either tonight or tomorrow sorry its so short right now I just wanted to get something out now that I'm ungrounded!! Also sorry my writing has gotten kind of sucky haven't written in over a month!!! If you need a refresher re-read the last chapter :)

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