I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

 I stared after Knox, trying hard not to pay attention to the pull that I felt toward him, and maybe to not look at his butt for too long. Hey! You can't blame me, he had a great butt.

As soon as he was out of sight Kara's' voice immediately touched my ears.

"Why were you so hostile toward him?" She whispered softly, with a slight scowl on her face.

"None of your business Kara." I sneered. I probably shouldn't have been so mean, but seriously? It was just annoying that she thought that she could demand something of me.

"Fine, sorry." She mumbled with her head tilted to the ground, a sign of submission.

"It's fine." I spoke with little emotion,"I am going to sleep." I said to the group, as I walked over to Archer to give him a kiss.

"Are you OK?" He whispered into my ear. I just nodded my head with a slight smile.

"Goodnight babe." I whispered and turned and entered my room.

The room had two twin sized beds with royal blue bedding on both the beds. The walls were painted a golden cream shade and the floors were a beige carpet. Two dressers stood on both sides of the room, one on the left wall and one on the right.

I decided to take the left side and I put my suitcase standing by the dresser, deciding that I was going to unpack in the morning.

I pulled out one of my favorite pairs of pajama shorts and a white racer-back tank top, before pulling off my clothes and pulling on my pajamas. I turned off the lights and hopped under the covers and fell asleep in a blink.

I woke feeling a horrible stabbing pain near my heart, similar to the one I had gotten just nights before. I had the worst mate in the world.

My eyes started to tear up due to the unbearable pain and I curled up into fetal position. I had to bite my lip to distract myself from screaming and waking up the sleeping Kara just a couple feet away from me. I felt myself start to break out into a sweat as the pain started to slowly subside.

It finally ended and my body noticeably relaxed.

I gave up trying to fall back asleep so I got out of bed and settled on the idea of going to the kitchen to get something to eat.

I walked into the hallway and headed to the right. I remembered exactly where everything was. Walking to the kitchen, I noticed that they hadn't changed a thing. It was exactly the same.

The kitchen of the pack house had white marble counter tops, a huge bar side table that had stools, all stainless steel appliances, a huge island in the middle, and light brown colored cabinets.

Opening the huge, two door fridge, I found every food item known to man. Out of all the food, I didn't find anything I wanted so I headed toward the pantry. In a flash, I spotted hot chocolate mix and decided on that. I grabbed a mug, the milk, and a packet of the mix.

Pouring the milk into the mug and popping it into the microwave, it only took a minute to heat up. I dumped the mix in and stirred it with a spoon once I was sitting on one of the stools. I took a sip and let the chocolaty goodness fill my mouth.

Being here just felt so surreal. I never thought that I would come back, or have to see Knox ever again. If I had never become a protector then I wouldn't have had to even worry about that. I could have lived peacefully at the Farkas pack forever. All I need to do is finish this mission as soon as possible then things could go back to normal.

A couple seconds after that thought, I heard a voice being cleared from the entry way of the kitchen. I already knew who it was.

"Hazel, what are you doing up?" I turned to look at Knox after he spoke. He was wearing grey sweatpants with not shirt. He had an eight pack, oh help me.

I turned away from him, rolling my eyes once he couldn't see, and took a sip of my hot chocolate. "I couldn't sleep." I replied nonchalantly. I didn't want him to know about the pains.

He started getting closer to me and I kept getting more and more anxious with every step he took. He pulled out the stool next to mine and sat down.

"Hazel, we need  to talk." He said, making eye contact with me. I decided to play dumb.

"About what?" I said with a bubbly voice.

He just stared at me, making me squirm mentally under his gaze. His deep blue eyes looked even better close up, they were sparkly yet dark. His dark brown hair that fell into his eyes as he looked at me. Gosh, he was attractive.

"You know what I'm talking about." He said bluntly.

"Fine, what?" I said pointedly, and giving him a little glare as I drank more hot chocolate.

"I don't know, I just feel like we should talk." Knox said, earning him a annoyed look from me.

"Then we don't need to talk if you don't have anything to talk about!" I yelled, frustratingly biting my lip holding back my scream.

After a few moments he spoke.

"Why did you run away?" He mumbled quietly.

"Because I didn't want to be in this horrible pack." I stated, scowling.

"You could have gotten killed!" He firmly stated.

"I can handle myself fine, which is why I didn't get killed! I'm a freaking protector, top ranked in my pack! Which must say something!" I yelled.

"Oh so now you consider them your pack? You were born into the Light Moon pack! You belong here!" He yelled, his face a tinge of red.

"And you were born into the Farkas pack! But look who you're Alpha for!" I yelled back, feeling myself get more angrier by the second.

"I had to become Alpha! I didn't have a choice." His voice faltering.

Sadness crept into his stern emotions, and for a second, a tiny second, I felt bad for him. Being pushed into something as big as being Alpha would not be easy. Especially since you had to be Alpha until you were at least 45, with a kid that could take being Alpha over from you. I pushed those thoughts away.

"You seem to be enjoying it now." I said with an edge to my voice.

"I have gotten used to being Alpha, but if I could change my life around I would." He said reaching for my hand. I moved my hand quickly away from his.

"What the hell are you doing?" I quickly said.

"That night, two years ago, when I rejected you, was the worst mistake I ever made. I have regretted it ever since. And seeing you now, I still can feel our pull. The separation isn't complete, we still have a chance." He said with a small smile.

I wanted to barf. How dare he think that he could just have me back. He is the one that rejected me. I am over him, very much in love with Archer.

"You are such an asshole! You are the one that rejected me! If you hadn't have been such an idiot, we would be together right now. Plus, I am in love with Archer. And I hate you." I said with no emotion but anger. I watched as my words sank in and once it fully set it, Knox was as angry as ever. I began to stand up.

"You don't love him!" He said grabbing me and pinning me between the counter and himself. "I am your mate!" He yelled, his Alpha side starting to shine through.

I punched him straight in the face and he fell back in both shock and pain.

"Don't touch me again." I forcibly said. He just looked up at me once he had recovered. I took this moment to speak.

"Oh and Knox, it really shows how much you regret rejecting me when you sleep with a different girl every night." I exaggerated a bit, but it still got the point across. I didn't even look back toward him, I just walked out the kitchen and back to my room and, luckily, fell asleep.

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