I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 20

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Hey everyone! I am so thankful for all the support I have been getting, thanks a bunch! Anyway, I was wondering, what do you guys think of doing Knox's POV? I don't know if I want to give you guys his motives and all but I might depending on what you guys think. So comment below and tell me your thoughts! Happy holidays!

Chapter 21

I pulled to a gated entrance, which was left open, to a luxurious looking apartment community. There were 3 main buildings that held apartments, then a big pool in the middle of them all with a road that encircled the whole thing.

 Little parking spaces were placed in front of each apartment building, so I thought that I could drive around until I caught sight of my dad's new, from two years ago, Toyota Corolla. I drove past the first building and finally spotted it in front of the second building.

I parked in one of the empty spots, very carefully that is, and got out of the car and walked toward the building.

The nervous feeling in my stomach grew more as I opened the door to the building. I had written my dad often but I was still nervous about seeing him. I came to a small lobby like room and saw a desk with a middle aged man sitting behind it, wearing obvious work attire with the logo of the apartment building complex.

"Hello?" I asked with hesitation.

He looked up and he had greying hair with brown eyes

"Hello what can I help you with today?" He asked with a friendly tone as I came closer to the desk.

"Hi, I am actually here to see my father. But I don't know his apartment number; would you be able to tell me?" I asked nicely

"Yes I can, do you have an I.D.?" I pulled mine out and showed it too him

"Alright thank you, now what is your father's name?" He asked smiling

"Alex Montgomery." I stated

He typed, I assumed, my dad's name into the computer

"Looks like he is in apartment 23." He said. "Do you need anything else?"

"I just have a question. Is there a lobby like this in every building?" I asked curiously. Wondering why they would have a desk and employee in every apartment building.

He shook his head no. "Just in this one. I am the complex manager." He said smiling again.

"OK thank you." I said and went off in search of apartment 23

I think that 23 most likely will not be on level 1, so it seemed to most likely be on level 3.

I went to the small elevator and pressed 3.

I went up and stepped out onto the tip top level of the building.

The first room on my right said 20 so I just walked a little more until I saw 23.

I stood in the hallway collecting my nerves.

He is just my dad. I kept telling myself that until I knocked on the door.

The door swung open and there stood my dad.

His brown hair with little pieces of grey on his sideburns, his eyes as green as I remember them.

"Hi dad." I said

In a flash I was being pulled into a big bear hug.

I giggled like a little girl with a little tear falling from my eyes.

"Hazel. I can't believe it." He said still hugging me.

In that moment I felt bad that I had left. I never actually felt terrible about leaving until now.

"I'm sorry dad." I said as we pulled away.

"What are you sorry about?" He asked as if I never did anything wrong. He motioned for me to enter his apartment and I stepped across the threshold. The kitchen was to my immediate left and the living room was beyond it. A hallway was on the right wall which I assumed the bedroom and bathroom was.

"For leaving. I wasn't thinking when I did it, and even though everything was going on, you and mom both needed me."

We sat down on his brown leather couch in the living room.

"Hazel, if you thought that it was best for you to go then I am proud of you. I just can't believe that you are here!"

He pulled me into another hug.

"I missed you dad"

"I missed you too Haze." He smiled at me. "So why are you here? Did you come just to see me?" He asked curious.

"Well knowing that I would be able to see you sure helped me make my decision on whether or not I would have come. The reason for me being here is that since am the top ranked protector of my pack, the Farkas." He cut me off there

"You are a protector!?" He asked incredulously

"Yes, I joined about a month after I joined the Farkas." I said prideful

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" He asked

"I guess it never came up, anyway," I eyed him for interrupting. "Your pack, the Light Moon pack, feels threatened by their top enemy and asked the Farkas for help. I was asked to come and I did."

"That is great Hazel, I am so proud of you. Who would have thought that you would be a top ranked protector?" He asked laughing.

"I know right?" I laughed with him.

"But I heard about that, Alpha Knox didn't have any idea of what to do. I guess he called for help." He chuckled, slightly making fun of Knox. For some reason I felt the need to defend Knox.

"Do you not like Knox or something?" I asked trying to not sound defensive.

"I don't not like him but seriously at 20 years old and being Alpha you'd think that he would have grown up a bit, but nope. I hear that he still goes to parties that the local college students throw! But I don't want to talk about that." My dad saying that about Knox agitated me a bit but I quickly pushed it away.

"So dad, how have you been?" I asked when I really just wanted to ask him how he had been since the divorce.

"You mean since the divorce?" Well there goes the prying conversation that I had lined up.

"Yea, since the divorce." I chuckled

"Honestly, I have been good. I loved and still care deeply for your mother, and I understand completely what she was going through. It wasn't her fault that she never found her mate until later, and mine was dead. I have tried the dating scene and I have come to realize that I like to be alone. I just like to be with friends and not be in a serious relationship. In other words, I am happy." He beamed a smile.

"I am so glad." I smiled back.

"But every day Hazel, I have missed you like no other! You have no idea how much I missed you! I'm glad you're back." I looked into his eyes; he thought I was here permanently. Darn it.

"Dad, I'm not here for good." I broke the news. "I am still going back to the Farkas pack whenever this thing is over. I'm sorry."

"I know, you are a grown up now. You just need to visit more often ok? But for now we can enjoy having you here." He smiled

"Ok dad, I better get going. We'll go do something together when I have time. I love you." We stood up and I gave him a hug.

"I love you too, and just come anytime. You are always welcome." He smiled and walked me to the door.

"Ok bye dad." I gave him a last hug and turned to the elevator.

"Bye Hazel." I waved bye and got in the elevator.

I got the lobby and waved at the dude behind the desk and got to my, I mean Knox's, car.


Sorry that this is kinda a filler chapter, but I had a very limited amount of time haha. I will try to update as soon as possible! Please don't forget to Vote/Share/ And Comment!

I'll Show That Alphaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें