I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I woke up groggy and tired. My encounter with Knox last night really drained my energy.

Knox saying that he wanted me back was definitely unexpected.

But I think I have come to a conclusion as too why he was asking for another chance. I think it is because since he is an Alpha, there has too be an Alpha Female. He didn't realize that when he was 18 but now that he is 20, it has probably come up. I bet that he thinks that I would take place as Alpha Female and we wouldn't have to have any relationship at all and he could just continue his "player" lifestyle.

If he was serious about me, then he wouldn't have slept with someone just last night. And one thing I know for sure, I am never going to be with someone that doesn't love me.

I stretched once I had finally pulled myself from my bed and walked over too my suitcase.

I quickly put all my clothes away, looking over at Kara's sleeping form to make sure I hadn't woken her. She was still sleeping deeply.

I planned out my day and for the first half of the day I was going to go see my family and friends then come back later too talk with Knox about why we were here.

I chose to wear a maroon sweater that fell off a shoulder, a pair of dark washed, slightly ripped jeans, and some black combat boots. I left the ring that Archer gave me on my right hand, then put on a necklace that had a arrow head on it.

After getting dressed, I pulled out my brush, toothpaste and toothbrush, and my makeup from my suitcase. Walking in the direction of the bathroom.

The bathroom had light blue walls and white tile on the floor.

I ran the brush through my hair, leaving it naturally straight. Brushed my teeth then moved on too makeup. Since I am usually training, I don't wear makeup usually. But because I am not training today, I assumed, I thought I would.

I swiped a thicker line of eyeliner over my eyelid, put on no eyeshadow, then curled my eyelashes and applied mascara. I was all done.

Leaving the bathroom, I headed in the direction of the kitchen.

Entering the room I noticed that no one was in it. I guess things don't really change at other pack houses.

I didn't let the change in atmosphere change my regular breakfast, so I made my smoothie and poured it in a travel cup. Ahhh routine, I love it.

Now time too get to my mission. Speak to people.

In one of the letters my mom sent me, she said that she still lived in my old house with her mate. She then told me that my father had moved into an apartment near the pack house.

I guess I would be needing a car.

Maybe Landon would have one that I could borrow. Now all I'd have too do is find him.

I guess I could knock on every door until he answers one, but I decided to do the simplest thing that I could think of.

I walked to the front door and rang the doorbell then went and stood by the door inside.

At least the person who does answer could help me find him.

A pair of footsteps came from the grand staircase and I looked up to see Landon, half asleep, walking sluggishly down the steps.

He wore a pair of black boxers and a brown oversized t-shirt. He hadn't noticed me yet, so when he got to the bottom of the steps I spoke up.

"You look attractive." I said sarcastically. His eyes darted toward me and he put a hand to his heart.

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