I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 7

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Walking down the hall, I discovered that my palms were sweaty. I was nervous. I was nervous to meet new people. What if they thought I was a nerd just like my old pack?

I abandoned my thoughts the second Elza grabbed my elbow to stop me

"Jeez Hazel, why do you look so nervous? It looks like you just saw a ghost!" Elza said nudging me

"What if your pack doesn't like me?" My voice slightly quavering

"Are you serious? First off you are such a sweetheart I don't know how someone couldn't like you! And you are drop dead gorgeous, you don't even need to talk to have people love you!"

"Oh shut up" I said while pushing her "I think you are just a bit deranged. You are definitely 100% more gorgeous than me. Standing next to you I look like a troll!"

We both looked at each other for a small moment then burst of laughing. Soon we were on the flooring trying to calm ourselves due to the pain we were causing our abs.

"I knew we'd be friends" Elza said while we were laying on the ground

"Do you know that you're weird?" I giggled saying only half joking

"Oh and why is that huh?"

"Because who just pegs someone immediately as their best friend? Only a weird person,"

"Oh how dare you, I am not weird!" She yelled clutching her heart like I had somehow stabbed her with an invisible object on account of my words.

"I order you to apologize to me this instant!" She declared as she started to stand up.

I also started to stand up, not knowing what she was going to do to me if I didn't apologize. I sure wasn't going to be on the floor to wait and see though, I needed to have the ability to run if need be.

"I don't think I will. Freedom of speech, hun." I smirked at her, waiting for a comeback.

"If you don't apologize then I will go find Archer and tell him how rude you are." My smirk was lost and hers was regained.

"Fine, I'm so sorry princess Elza." A whole lot of sarcasm woven in my words.

"I accept. But I see that you care what Archer thinks, eh?" She gave a sly smile

"No, you could offer your towns old weird person and I'd still not want you to say anything about me being mean. I don't want the wrong impression, you know?"

"Sure, sure." She responded with an arched brow.

"Ok, well you are a horrible tour guide! Aren't you supposed to be showing me around?" Slight irritation in my voice.

"Oh yes yes. Well follow me"

An hour after she said those words to me, I was laying in my room exhausted.

Elza had shown me the two floors above the ground level which had about 15 rooms in total. This was where the adults and the "royal" family I guess lived. Then the ground level which had the kitchen, living room, dining room and entrance room. Next she walked me outside and took me to the huge playing and training field that they had.

Apparently the Farkas pack had the best protectors and fighters of all the packs in the United States. Seeing the training field really got me interested in being a protector. I wanted to prove to the Farkas pack that I was a valuable member to their pack, not just some rouge that was going to sit around.

Protectors were the highest ranked fighters in a pack. They were fierce and had the most respect a wolf could get without being a "royal" as you might call the Alpha and Beta. If I trained hard enough to be a protector I could prove to myself that I wasn't worthless.

As soon as I got comfortable with the pack, I would talk to Royce about it.

Eventually I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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