I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

With every ticking moment in the car, I grew more and more nervous. And we had only drive 30 minutes out of the hour that it took to get to the Light Moon packs boundary!

I couldn't believe that Knox didn't know that I'd be coming! How awkward is that going to be? I will have to introduce myself in front of every one, while he will probably be shocked and annoyed with me at the same time. And since he and no one in the Light Moon pack know that I am part of the Farkas pack, they won't even see it coming.

Along with Knox, my parents and friends probably wont even believe their eyes once they see how I have grown. Never in a million years would they think that I would be the top protector in a pack, let alone a protector at all. This whole thing will just be awkward, what with having to meet my moms mate, see how my dad is doing and see that he too probably has a girlfriend, and maybe Landon found his mate. Now that would be a highlight to seeing everyone.

As I started recognizing the forest passing by, I grabbed Archer's hand and squeezed it three times. He put his arm around me and squeezed three times back. That calmed me a little bit, too know that he would be here for me.

We pulled up to the mega mansion built of marble brick that I recognized so well that it sickened me. The car came to a complete stop and John opened the car door and everyone started piling out.

"I don't know if I can do this." I said to Archer, hyperventilating.

"Hazel, look at me." He grabbed my chin and gently pulled my face upwards.
"I don't have doubt in my mind that you can't do this. All you have to get through is the meeting, then it's smooth sailing." He smiled at me, worry evident in his eyes.

I breathed a lot, trying to tell the butterflies to calm the heck down. They didn't listen.
I guess it's do or die, not really but sorta.

I got out of the car, happy not to see anyone of the Light Moon pack standing around, and pulled my suitcase out of the trunk.

I turned to look at everyone and noticed that they were all looking at me expectantly. It hit me that I was looked to as the "leader" because I was the highest ranked wolf here. I had to make all the moves.

"Alright people, I guess we should just go knock on the door" I said with uncertainty. I found it rude that they didn't have anyone out here to help us. I mean we are coming here to help them, if the roles were reversed the Farkas pack would have a frieken welcoming party!

I grabbed Archers hand and led everyone up the big marble staircase.

"Fancy place." Archer said.
"Yeah, they are very into materials." I said with disgust.

We got up to the big glass door and Porter knocked on the door.

A familiar sandy haired brown eyed boy opened the door. He looked around the group and then his eyes landed on mine.
"Hey Landon." I said
"Hazel!!!!" He jumped all over me, pulling me into the biggest bear hug possible.

"Holy crap Hazel! I missed you! What are you doing here? Are you here to visit" He asked motioning for everyone to come in with me under his arm. He led us to the living room and we all sat down.

"Landon, if I were here to visit do you think I would bring such a big possy?" I asked sarcastically.

"Aww I missed little sarcastic Hazel. Seriously what are you doing here then?" He asked a huge smile on his face.

"Well we," I made a sweeping motion to everyone of the Farkas pack," Are here to help your pack."

"You are a protector?" He asked astonished.

"Yes, top ranked actually." I said cocky.
"No way! So the only way that you would come back would be for protector business?" A pout on his face.

"Basically." I said laughing, and he just smacked my arm.
"I missed you so much Hazel." He said hugging me.
"Me too Landon." I hugged him back.

"I guess I should bring you guys to Alpha Knox." Landon said, standing up.
Archer made a gagging sound which made me crack a smile. Oh I loved him, he knew me so well.
Landon gave a questioning look and I just shook my head.

"Follow me." Landon said grabbing my hand.
I looked back at Archer with a look and made sure they were following.

I was pulled by Landon to the Alphas office and as we grew closer the smell of pine and cinnamon grew stronger. My stomach was growing with butterflies and I could hear my wolf growing restless of the wait of the walk.

Wait WAIT! I should not be feeling like this, we already went through separation! I needed Archer at my side. I wiggled out of Landons grip and grabbed Archers hand. Doing this caught a hurt look from Landon, which broke my heart, but I just had to be by Archer right now. We did the three squeeze right as we got to the Alphas door. The scent overwhelming.

Landon knocked on the door.

"Come in." A husky voice came from the other side. The sound was a melody to my ears.

Hazel, get a grip! You hate this man! CALM DOWN! I breathed some and it calmed me a little and I finally gained self control.

Landon grabbed the door handle and turned opening the door. He motioned for us to go in. As he shut the door when we all entered.

Archer and I were the first to go in, hand in hand.

This was the first time I had seen Knox in two years. He was now twenty.

I heard his breathe catch and a slight growl come from him. The sudden noise made me look at him.
His dark chestnut hair was longer than last time but still short. He was still muscular if not more than two years ago. He was sitting at his mahogany desk. I refused to make eye contact.

After everyone was in the room, we all just stood. Not one of use took one of the two seats that sat in front of his desk.

"Hazel?" I heard his deep voice say. Shit shit shit.

I looked up from the floor and made eye contact with his beautiful, err i mean hideous, dark blue eyes.

I let go of Archers hand because I felt my hands start to grow clammy and I stuck them in my jean back pockets.

"Hello Alpha. We are the top protectors of the Farkas pack here to answer your plea for help." I said my voice much more confident then I anticipated.

His face fell from the small smile on his lips to a frown once I didn't acknowledge his question, if you could call it that.

"Oh umm....thank you. My name is Knox Laurence." He said to everyone, but still making eye contact with me.

I heard Archer clear his throat, which brought a smile to my face, as he began to speak.
"Knox, you might remember me. My name is Archer Keating."

Knox looked at Archer with a scowl on his face,"Yes I do remember you. We used to be friends, you are a year younger than me, am I correct?"

Knox nodded his head yes.

I used this moment to start the introductions.
"My name is Hazel Montgomery, top protector of the Farkas pack." I said holding my hand out to shake his.
He reached for mine and as soon as we touched electricity shot up my arm, surprising me so much that I threw my hand away from his. This caused him to look at me with a smirk, ew.

"This is Porter Yates, John Louis, and Kara Lynn." I said pointing to each person.

"Its great to meet all of you. Thanks for coming" Knox said as he shook every ones hand.

"Can you show us to our rooms, we are all really exhausted." I said bluntly, trying to show that I was bored with his presence, not true sadly.

"Of course. I will show you all personally." Knox said pointing us toward the door as he came around his desk. We all turned and I felt a shock as a hand went onto the small of my back.

I immediately knew it was Knox. Although I know he wasn't interested at all and was probably just being friendly since many people had done this exact move when they were leading me somewhere, I still hated him and didn't want him to touch me.

I picked up my pace making his hand fall as I exited the room.

Knox led us to the rooms on the east wing of the first floor. These were the guest rooms.

"Alright we only have three rooms so you can choose who has to share a room." Knox said eyeing my group of five.

"Archer do you want to share?" I asked Archer smiling.
"I would actually." He replied, smiling back.

"No absolutely not!" Knox burst out. Everyone looked at him like he was insane.
I saw him quickly stumble for words, "I don't like having different genders share rooms." He mumbled. What a freak.

"Ok....I guess I can share with Kara then.." I said
"Porter and I will share a room." John stated.

"Now that that is taken care of,"Knox said relived,"I guess I will leave you to unpack. Hazel may I talk to you?" Knox asked.

"I don't mean any disrespect, but I would rather talk to you tomorrow." I stated, earning me a shocked look from Kara. Probably wondering why I was being rude to the Alpha.

Knox's frown fell back onto his face,"Fine, thanks for coming again." He said harshly before turning around and leaving.

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