I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"Hey Hazel?" I looked away from the red haired woman named Jane that I was talking to, to see Archer, Elza, and a couple other teenagers standing in front of me.

"Its time for the movie night." Archer smiled at me "Wanna head over now?"

I nodded yes, "Thanks for talking with me Jane." I smiled at her and stood up

"You're welcome sweetheart."

I walked up to the group and waved at the people I didn't know yet, "Hi, my name is Hazel."

A red haired, grey eyed boy was the first to speak, "My name is John. Did you know that you're really hot?"

"Wooow." Elza said "At least try not to be such a pig!" She nudged his side

I just rolled my eyes "Well it's nice to meet you John."

"And my name is Bella." a blonde haired, brown eyed girl said," and I am not a pervert." Bella looked at John silently scolding him.

"Hi Bella" I waved at her

"And last but definitely not least, I am Porter." the brown haired, green eyed boy opened his arms for a hug.

"Hello Porter." I walked into his awaiting arms and gave him a hug.

"Awww ok let's go now." Archer said rather sarcastically.

"Ok ok lets go." Bella said.

Moments later, we were in the commons area trying hard but failing miserably at picking a movie. We were just sitting on the couch while John was reading off titles of movies.

"I don't think we'll ever find a movie to watch." Archer whispered in my ear

"I don't think so either." I whispered back

"Ok guys! We have to get serious! What movie do you want to watch!" Porter yelled

"People, people!" I said standing up," the most simple of things to do is obviously ENE Meni Minee Mo!"

They all nodded their head in agreement, as if the thought never came to their minds.

We ended the rhyme ending on White Chicks.

I returned to my spot between the Archer and Bella.

Towards the middle of the movie I started getting sleepy and unintentionally laid my head on Archers shoulder. I felt his arm wrap around my waist and I was immediately woken up.

Then Knox popped into my head, I knew it was because of my being in Archers arms. But before I could think to much about Knox, I remembered my vow to myself to never think of my "mate" ever again. I pushed him out of my thoughts as fast as I could, and relaxed in Archers arms.

When the movie ended everyone stood up to stretch but found myself not wanting to move.

"Hazel, do you want to stay up and watch another movie with me?" I heard Archer ask

"Yes! I want to stay up too! What are we watchin!?" John excitedly yelled with a huge grin on his face

"I don't know John. Don't you have that thing tomorrow...early?" Archer asked, clearing agitated with his friend.

"No....." Then realization his Johns face " Oh yeah, the thing. Right. Well everyone lets go to sleep." He said while corralling everyone out of the room.

"Night guys!" Elza said while giving me a look.

"Night Elza." I replied giving her a weird look clearly showing that I had no idea what she was implying

As soon as the room cleared out I realized that I hadn't replied to his question

"Yes Archer, I would like to stay up and watch another movie." Archer chuckled at my late reply

"Do you wanna go get some food?" Archer asked as he stood up and gave me his hand

"Yes please! I am starving!" Grabbing his hand, I stood up. Once I did, neither of us letting each others hand go.

"Can I ask you something?" Archer asked once we made it to the kitchen

"Of Course."

"Have you found your mate yet?" I looked up at him, a little astounded at his question, to see him look a titch worried.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to respond truthfully or say I didn't. I liked Archer and I didn't want to lie to him.

"It's a long story." I said exhasperated

"I don't want to push you into telling me, but we have all night ya know?" He smiled at me

"Ok, I'll tell you" I grabbed his hand and led him into to living room and sat us down on the couch.

"Ya know how I just joined your pack and all?" He chuckled and nodded his head, "Well there is more to me leaving then I told about. Last night I was at the Light Moon pack house for a meeting to welcome the new Alpha. As soon as I walked into the house I smelled something, and it was the best smelling thing in the world. I wanted to find out what it was but no one else smelled it so I ignored it. Until I saw him. The new Alpha was my mate. I knew instantly when I saw him. He was the smell that was so appetizing. When he saw me and noticed who I was, he rejected me. I didn't know what to do, my parents had just told me that they were divorcing that same day, so I just left. I didn't want to deal with any of it." After recalling everything that had happened I felt myself wanting to cry. I had left my friends and family all because of Knox Laurence.

I looked up and saw sadness in Archers eyes. That's when tears started slipping down my face. He pulled me to him and just held me. After a good 10 minutes at least, Archer cleared his throat.

"I'm so sorry Hazel. I knew Knox and he's a jerk. I think he was doing you a favor." Archer said in an attempt to cheer me up

"Knox is a major jerk, I'm glad I left him. It's just my friends and family. Telling the story, it dawned on me that I had left without even saying goodbye. They probably hate me."

"I know this without even knowing them, but they don't hate you. I'm positive. Why don't you call or write them a letter?"

"I'll do that, thanks Archer. There is one thing that I can thank Knox for."

"And what is that?" Archer asked looking at me like I was crazy

"For giving me the reason to leave and meet everyone, especially you." I said while looking into Archers eyes

"Oh then me too." Archer said

For a moment we just sat there, but then Archer started moving toward me. His lips grazed mine lightly and I immediately responded. I wrapped my arms around his neck moving my lips with his while he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling my closer to him. Before I let things go too far, I pulled away and gave him a small smile.

"Wanna walk me to my room, I'm getting tired." I asked him


We walked down the stairs in a comfortable silence and once we got to my door I turned around to look at him.

"Thanks for tonight." I said while giving grin

"You're welcome Hazel. Good night." He said with a twinkle in his eye

I leaned in for a small kiss, which he returned, then gave him a hug.

"Night." I said, closing my door. I quickly changed into my pj's and darted under the covers of my bed. I just laid there letting all that had happened that day absorb into my brain. Remembering how I cried in front of Archer about Knox, and my family and friends. How he sat there and listened without talking too much or trying too hard to be understanding. He just understood immediately.

I had a connection with Archer, but I could feel an invisible barrier that was guarding me from feeling like I liked him completely. Although I knew I liked him, just that there was something there that I couldn't get a grasp of knowing what it was.

I fell asleep that night thinking toward the future.

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