I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

~~~~~~~~~~~2 Years Later~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Harder! Harder! Hazel! Harder!"

I ran harder than I ever had before. The words Jett yelled through the wolf mind link had me running so fast the trees were flying behind me in a blur. I liked seeing my surroundings look like they were being smashed together as I ran. I had discovered my need for speed when I started training to become a Protector. I let the memories flood my mind as I ran.

About 1 month after I had joined the Farkas Pack when I was 16, I had asked Alpha Royce if I could train to become a protector. I was so nervous that he would think I was incapable of doing it.


I knocked on the thick door, all the while trying to calm the butterflies in my stomach

"Come in." The Alphas deep voice rang through the door

I grabbed hold of the engraved knob and opened the door. Alpha Royce was at his desk wearing his reading glasses. He was focused really hard on the papers in front of him.

"Whatcha doin Royce?" Over the month I had grown really close to Royce. Eventually he told me to just call him Royce because it started being weird for me to call him something so formal.

He quickly glanced up and gave me a smile,"I'm doing bills. Definitely one of the worst things of being an Alpha." He groaned

I laughed as I spoke,"Well I need to distract you from those really fast ok?"

"Really? And what may I ask, do you need."

I walked over to the two leather chairs that sat in front of his desk and took a seat.

"Just hear me out ok?" 

"Ok...." His expression a mix between curiosity and worry

I took a couple deep breathes before continuing,"Iwannabeaprotector." the words came out fast and jumbled

"Excuse me, what?" Royce looked amused

"I. Want. To. Train. To. Be. A. Protector." I said in a slow voice making sure I could be heard.

Royce sat there surprised, with every second he didn't respond my stomach tightened a little more.

Finally he spoke, "You do?" I nodded my head yes.

"You know what being a protector entails right? You have to train everyday, reach the needed physical level, and once you become a protector you still have to train everyday and when there is a fight you have to be the first to step up. Could you do that?"

"Do you doubt me Alpha?" I said with sarcasm

"Of course not Hazel! I'm just wondering if this is something you really want to do."

I knew with every fiber in my being that I wanted to do this. Not only for me, but to show my gratitude to the pack that took me in only a month ago.

"Yes, I know I want to do this." Confidence ringing through my words.

"Alright then. You are officially in Protector training."

"WHOOHOO! Thank you so much Royce! I won't let you down." I just couldn't contain the amount of excitement that flooded through my body. I got up from the chair and stood behind the chair.

"I know you won't Hazel. You are very strong, I have no doubt you'll make me proud."

I nodded my head and turned and walked toward the door.

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