Part 10

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5 Years Later.....

Elizabeth was walking down the streets of Paris. Her new routine was quite fascinating really. She had relocated from London three years ago. It actually helped her land a pretty big promotion. She had more time off which led her to be able to spend more of her time with Eloise. 

The four year old was being pushed in the stroller, her curly brown hair was blowing in all sorta of directions. She had refused to let her mother do her hair this morning. Elizabeth made her way inside the familiar coffee shop, ordering her usual. 

She had the weekend off which was nice, plus the day was beautiful so she wanted to bring the little girl outside with her. It was hard at first, getting use to the move but it was so worth it in the end. Elizabeth made a lot of changes to herself since that day 5 years ago. She cut her hair, just below the shoulder. She got a few piercings, she even got a tattoo. 

It was a small lion tattoo on her wrist. It was a rash decision really but she loved it anyways. Once her order was called she picked up her things and headed to the park. Eloise was small for her age and really the only thing she wanted to do was swing on the old rusty things. However Elizabeth didn't mind. 

Once she had loaded the little girl into the swing, she strapped her in and began to push her. The little girl laughed loudly screaming, "Higher, higher!" To which Elizabeth would push her a little higher. No one was at the park today which was strange but it was nice. It was mid-day, already passed lunch. 

However Elizabeth stayed up late so the coffee was nice. Also Eloise could tire a person out for sure. The little girl was Elizabeth's best friend whom she told everything to. She told her stories about Hogwarts and the bravest family she knew, the Weasleys. Eloise loved hearing the stories. She would beg to be told about the smart Blaise Zabini or the brave Fred Weasley. She wanted to hear all about the misunderstood Draco Malfoy and the brilliant Hermione Granger. 

Eloise said she would be just like all of them into one, to which Elizabeth said she already was all of them and more. She continued to sip her coffee as she pushed Eloise. The motion was making her arm tired but she refused to stop. She wasn't going to waste any of her time with Eloise. 

"I'll be right back, I just have to grab something out of the stroller. Don't move Eloise." Elizabeth said to the little girl. The stroller was just off to the side of the girl so Elizabeth had eyes on her the whole time. As she got what she needed, she turned around and collided with someone. 

"I am so sorry. I'm so clumsy at times." She babbled on until she turned up to see who it was. Elizabeth's heart sank to her stomach as the familiar brown eyes burned into hers. 

"You've always been clumsy." His deep voice still rattled her to the bone. He looked the same, or maybe his hair was styled differently. 

Her gazed looked back carefully to the little girl, who had already turned to face them. Her gaze was curious but she didn't call out to Elizabeth. She just sat in her swing at watched the adults stare at each other. "Theodore." She said with a shaky breath. 

She wondered if he could see her heart slamming against her chest. Her emotions were everywhere. Elizabeth didn't know if she wanted to cry, scream, or just run away and pretend it didn't happen. She walked past Theo to the little girl, not wanting to leave her on her own. However he followed her, still not saying anything. 

When he approached he stared at the little girl. Elizabeth didn't feel the need to step in front Eloise, for she knew Theo was no threat. Theo's eyes burned into the little girl, taking in all of her features. Her dark brown curly hair, her deep brown eyes and her tanned skin. The dimples in her chubby cheeks were very prominent. 

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