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Time flew as they both watched Eloise grow up. It was different for Theo, he had missed so much before so it felt good getting to see the rest. Of course Elizabeth encouraged Eloise to participate in muggle activities too. So that meant Theo was at every dance class, every spelling bee, and every obnoxious school play.

Eloise took after her mom in height, short of course. However, she had Theo's personality. She lived for adventure and the little thrills in life. Most people would think Theo would be an overly protective father, but that was far from the truth. 

He encouraged her to climb every tree, jump in every puddle, or jump right into the deep end in the pool. He knew he would be there to catch her if she fell, there was no need to worry. 

Blaise and Draco couldn't have been more helpful. They also attended every spelling bee, every school play, and every dance performance. Hermione and Ginny came around eventually, warming up to the idea of Elizabeth having a baby with Theodore Nott. 

Eloise was growing like a weed, and it scared Theo more than anything. On her eleventh birthday she received her letter to Hogwarts. Elizabeth couldn't have been more thrilled. The school supply shopping was her favorite part. 

Eloise was just excited to get a pet since Theo and Elizabeth wouldn't let her have one at home. It's not like they were being mean, they tried to get Eloise a fish. Every time it died, they would have to replace it so she wouldn't know. Eventually they gave up and told Eloise the truth, that her fish had run away. 

Draco talked her out of getting a cat, said they carried fleas. This lead to an hour argument between Draco and Hermione. They've been together ever since. 

Blaise ended up with Daphne Greengrass surprisingly. They always argued at first, guess that was the case for all of them. They had hooked up at a fundraiser, Daphne ended up getting pregnant. That was years ago, believe it or not. 

Now they sat in their home, hosting a cozy dinner for their friends. Eloise was suppose to be dropped off tomorrow, so they all wanted to say their goodbyes. Hermione and Draco were in deep conversation about a new bill she wanted to get passed. 

Blaise and Daphne were going over the new lesson plans for this year at Hogwarts, they both taught there. Ginny and Harry had brought James and Teddy over to play with Eloise and Ophelia (Blaise and Daphne's daughter).

Theo had brought drinks over to everyone, handing Elizabeth pumpkin juice instead. After everyone was served, Theo took his seat next to his wife, placing a hand on her pregnant belly. 

Getting pregnant was tougher than they expected this time. They didn't even have to try with Eloise but the second one was a struggle. After two miscarriages, specialist told Elizabeth it wouldn't be possible. That day Theo took her home and made love to her until the sun came up. That seemed to do the trick. 

"Are you excited for the new addition?" Ginny asked Elizabeth, making everyone's attention shift to her swollen belly. She was 7 months along and ready for it to be over.  

"Excited and a little scared. I think we were lucky with Eloise. What if this one is a hand full?" She joked, glancing at Theo. 

"I'm just excited that it's a boy. Don't get me wrong, I love being a girl dad but it'll be different." Theo said, pecking Elizabeth's cheek. 

The kids ran through the living room, the screaming made them all wince. Even being parents, you never got use to that noise. Eloise lost her footing, making her almost topple over into the bookshelf. However James was quick to catch her before she banged her face. They were close in age and Elizabeth sensed her daughter had a small crush, Ginny thought the same about James. 

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