Part 6

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"Miss Clearwater, I was sent to pick you up." The large man from the other night said as he approached her on the sidewalk. He had taken her bags that she was carrying and opened the door to the black town car. Leave it to Theo to send her a luxury town car. Elizabeth hopped in the car after she had thanked the man for opening the door.

After her things were loaded in the trunk the same man began to drive her down the crowded streets of Paris. "Am I allowed to know where you're taking me?" Elizabeth asked. Knowing Theo she wouldn't be shocked if the driver was not suppose to talk to her. "Also am I allowed to know your name?" She added. Elizabeth didn't want to be rude by not knowing who he was.

The man chuckled and his smile made the corners of his eyes crinkle. "You can call me Simon. However we are going to The Ritz. Theodore will meet you there." Simon responded. He was a middle-aged man with kind eyes. However knowing Theo, the man is probably lethal.

It wasn't long before they arrived at the luxury hotel. The car came to a stop and Simon had gotten out to open the door for Elizabeth. She made her way out, staring up at the massive hotel. "Thank you Simon." Elizabeth gave him a warm smile and turned to walk in the building. "I'll bring your bags up Miss Clearwater."

"Please call me Elizabeth." She smiled before heading inside once again. As she entered the building, employees flocked to her. Elizabeth felt uneasy as they bombarded her with questions. Would she like champagne, espresso, or if she needed assistance with anything. She wondered where Theo was. However the attention made her feel like a true princess.

Simon was quick to step in and shoo everyone away from here, making her feel a little more comfortable. Once the crowd cleared she saw him. Standing against one of the pillars in his navy dress pants and his Oxford shirt. His sleeve were rolled up and the top two buttons were open. He looked like he was dripping in money as he stood there, one leg over the other. Once Theo had noticed Elizabeth's presence his gaze became intense.

Elizabeth felt like her heart was beating through her chest as a smirk formed on his lips. Theo pushed himself off the wall and made his way over to her. There was no doubt that everyone knew who Theo was. Elizabeth assumed that he was already staying here.

"You look ravishing." He said, pressing kiss to each cheek and grabbing her bag from Simon. "Enjoy your night, Simon. Thank you." She never thought she would hear the phrase come out of his mouth.

The large man nodded, turning on his heel, and walked away. Elizabeth felt like a speck under a microscope, everyone's eyes were glued on them.

"Who are you Theodore Nott?" She smirked, tilting her head to the onlookers.

"Usually? Just a business man who spends a lot of money here. This weekend? Yours."

Her heart stopped and her breathing was halted. His stupid—annoying smirk made her exhale. He's joking, she told herself.

"In that case, what's the plan?" Elizabeth nudged his shoulder.

He didn't answer her, not wanting to finish this conversation in the middle of the lobby. In one hand Theo held her bag and the other pulled her by her wrist. He felt her interlock their fingers and his cheeks heated.

Shaking the thoughts out of his head, he pulled her into the lift. They weren't alone, there was actually a lot of traffic coming and going. This cause Elizabeth to shift in front of Theo in the corner.

He wanted to grumble about how people should wait if the lift is already full but he didn't. Elizabeth was pressed to his front and he couldn't complain.

The smell of Honey filled his nose, from her shampoo and his mouth watered. He missed her more than he cared to admit but the feeling was mutual. Neither of them were ever going to admit the past few years haven't been absolute shit.

Honey: Theo Nott short storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin