Chapter 44: Welcome Home Party

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As the sun peeked from behind the clouds to brighten his hospital room. I woke up to freshen up myself for the day ahead of me. A nurse soon comes into the room to check his vitals. She looks at me and says I will be back with his breakfast.

Meanwhile with Captain America now waking up.

" Good morning Dreamer," He greeted.

"Morning Captain America," I replied.

Daddy is on his way over here before work. Second later he leaves kisses on my wrists.

Hondo walks in with my computer in his hand. Minutes after that he turns to put it the closet in my bag. The nurse came in again with breakfast. Both of us shared that plate of food. Of course, I poured myself water. 

We took the liberty in telling Buck. I invited him to your party later. You guys already had time to plan that for me. Actually it was more your room mate then us. Charlie and Johnny will be in attendance as well.

Daddy exchanged his goodbyes to us. He gave me a kiss. The nurse came in this time to collect the dishes. Minutes after that she hand me the paperwork to begin filling out. She focus on the rest of her time on Captain America.

Later on, he pulls up to headquarters. He went straight to the locker room to change. The team appears one by one. Greetings are exchanged between them.

" How are the kids doing?" Deke asks.

" They were enjoying breakfast when I left ," he replied.

All of them walked to the briefing room. Captain Cortez and Commander Hicks were standing around the table. Everyone takes turns talking. Assignments are handed out for that day. They discussed it for a few minutes.

Soon after that Black Betty is nice and full. The guys were all in the regular places. Conversations are going on throughout the truck. Jokes are cracked and laughter is loud. Luca pulls into their crime scene. Back over at headquarters with Captain Cortez. She wishes that I am at her side. Of Course, at that morning Commander Hicks joins her.

" How's the patient and his keeper?" He asked.

" Both of them are doing good," She answered.

Meanwhile back over at the hospital Captain America finishes the blank spaces on the paperwork. I know that you're look forward to being in your bed. The nurse came in once again with the meds and home care stuff.

"You have any questions Tia," she asks.

" No ," I replied to her.

He's going to under lock and key when we leave. Soon after that Nate walks through our door. Guys you ready to head home. My brother is smiling from ear to ear. I grabbed both of our stuff. Nate holds him upright.

As for the team returns from the call. Sweat filled our headquarters. Of course, they went straight to the locker room to change. All of them felt good being in a different pair of clothes without ten pounds of gears on. Now is a relaxing time for us.

Lunch is quickly approaching at 12:00 pm. Everyone dished out our food to eat. The teams sat down in our assigned seats at the tables. Conversations are going on throughout our group. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put the dirty dishes in our sinks or threw away our trash in the bins.

The pair of us changed out of our hospital clothes. Before you relax please show me where your laundry room is located. My brother got up slowly guiding me straight over to it. I am going to wash a load. Within seconds I get our dirty clothes. He went to lay down in his room with Duke behind him.

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