Chapter 113

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The sun peeked from behind the clouds to brighten my hospital room. Captain America woke up to freshen up himself that morning. He checked both group chats and answered a text from my dad.


Daddy: Hey kid

Jimmy: Hey Boss

Daddy: How are you kids doing?

Jimmy: we are good... she made it through the night.

Daddy: my mom is going to pass by

Jimmy: okay. Would she like anything from the cafe?

Daddy: I don't think so

Jimmy: I wait until she gets here to leave

Daddy: bye

Jimmy: talk to you later

End of texting

"Good morning sis," my brother greeted.

" Morning Captain," I replied to him.

Our apartments and house are now alive and noisy. I drank another mug of coffee. Later on, the mug in our sink. This is copied by our teammates. Our meals are in their final minutes on the stoves.

Breakfast is promptly served at 7:45 California time. Everyone dished out our food to eat. The team sat in our assigned seats at the tables. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sink.

Mama H arrived that morning. She walks down the hall to my room. Captain America tells her that his nurse will check in every few minutes. I am going to the cafe for breakfast and ☕. The last time I left Dreamer she had a panic attack.

Seconds later the nurse passes by.

"👮‍♀️Tia, "she greeted taking my tray.

"Hey 👩‍⚕️," I answered.

I will come around again after the doctor. They exchanged places in my room.

Johnny stops by the house to drop off the 🦁 King DVD for me. When she gets home, she will want a quiet with you two and Duke. At any point of the movie, she's going to get up and leave. My Cuddly knows this movie like you know the inside and under carriage of Black Betty. Our mom will come over tomorrow with sauce for you.

Meanwhile back over at the hospital Captain America is in the room again. He hands me my hot chocolate. This is for you. I figured that I am the one that drinks it. My grandma took in the banter and laughed at us.

The doctor is talking to all of us. He hands my brother the bag of meds. Minutes after that the nurse came in with my discharge paperwork. I filled it out and took the doctor's note. All the paperwork is handed back to her.

I changed into the clothes that came in the day before.

"Are you going to take a shower?" Grandma inquired.

"Yes, when we get home," I replied.

Soon after that we exchanged our goodbyes to each other.

As we drove home Captain America was in the front seat for the first time. Minutes after that we pulled into the driveway. I opened the front door holding the meds in my hand. The bags were put down by the door. Luca took that bag to put it in the kitchen.

Duke greets us then follows me into the room. I took a quick bath to change. This time I am nice and comfy. Captain America did the same thing. We sat on the couch together.

Lunch is promptly served at 12:00 pm California time. Everyone took out our food to eat. The team sat in our assigned seats at the tables. Conversations are going on throughout our group. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the trash in the bins.

I took the meds and went to bed. Duke lays on my side of the bed. The guys wash and fold our clothes. Captain America picks my DVD. Looks like we are going to be watching this tonight. Captain America is settled next to me. I cuddled with him again. My brother kissed both wrists. Duke looks up at him. He is just playing some game on the phone.

Minutes after that he is out beside me. I gave him a quick ruffle of the hair and left the room. Duke changed the side of the bed. Once I am in the family room again Luca gave me a hug. There's nothing better than being home again.

Dinner is promptly served at 6:00 pm California time. Everyone dished out our food to eat. Our usual drinks were beers for the grownups and juice for the kids. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

We broke up into our usual boy's vs girls' groups. Our sisters and girls cleared the tables. I wiped down every surface with a rag. Annie unpacked the dishwasher. The guys washed the dishes to refill it with the wet ones. Every kitchen is now clean.

Family time continues in front of the tv. The 🦁 King is put in the DVD. I walked over to our room in order to change into my jammies and brush my teeth. Later on, I returned to the family room. I am nice and cozy in the middle of the guys.

" Goodnight, guys," I told them.

"Night sis," they replied.

Go ahead and watch the rest without me. This is my all-time favorite Disney movie, so I know the script.

There's a short bathroom break. I went to bed. Simba is in my arms. Counting sunglasses time begins right now. I am now fast asleep. Minutes after that they have a conversation. I called her teacher this morning. She will email the classwork for her.

"Can you take the doctor's note to Hicks?" His roommate asked.

"Yeah, I will," Luca replied.

We should finish this movie. As the DVD player is unpaused.

Note to self I thought in my sleep. I have to ask what their favorite Disney movie is next time. Duke is cuddled up in his bed. Aww!!! He looks so cute. My DVD is safe in its case again.

Within minutes over at Graceland Mom puts aside the remaining sauce for us in a container. Jakes labels it Ninja. You forgot about the rule. Mija had a rough day yesterday so I'm going to make an exception for her. This will make her feel better.

The team is still up watching tv. Laughter is slowly dying down now. Our tv sets and family room lights are turned off. They went to their own bedrooms. Everyone else joins us in dreamland that night.

Shades Of Blue SWATOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora