Chapter 29

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The sun peeked from behind the clouds to brighten his room. Hondo woke up to get ready for work. Later on, he is making breakfast over at the stove. Coffee like usual is smelling up the kitchen.

" Good morning Baby girl," he told me.

" Morning Hondo," I replied to him.

Our apartments and house are now alive and noisy. I put together his lunch in bag with his name on it. My hot chocolate is mixed and handed to me. This is copied also by the other teammates. Minutes after that our meals are ready to eat.

Breakfast is promptly served at 7:45 am California time. Everyone dished out our food to eat. The team sat in our assigned seats at the tables. We ate together like one big happy family. Soon after eating, we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

The team grabbed their belongings that morning. Later on, we locked our front doors. All of us went to our cars and trucks. Our apartments and houses are now left vacant. We head to our missions that morning.

An hour passed so Uber arrives to pick me up for school. I reach there and walk in with my classmate. Both of us sat in our seating. The rest of our came in after us. Attendance is taken by our teacher.

Meanwhile back over at headquarters the team is in the briefing room. Greetings are exchanged between them. At least one of them look at my empty corner. They are getting their assignments for that missions. Each of them are talking it over.

Black Betty is nice and full. The guys were all in the regular places. Conversations are going on. Yeah, both of you have to think of something fast. I know that team.

With Captain Cortez is running things from the base. They pulled into the mission. Minutes after that they are in formation. Three went right and the rest head left. All criminals are in custody.

Once the class is finished I jumped into an Uber. I handed the address to my driver. Minutes after that I arrived at headquarters. I walked into the building. Everyone is scattered around with each other.

Black Betty took a quick pit stop to Hectors. My food is already put aside by Jenny. As for Luca pays for it giving his girlfriend a kiss. From Black Betty everyone they can hear Tan whisling her. The next kiss lingers on for a few minutes.

Soon after that they left Hectors. It is parked at headquarters. My family is back heading to the locker room for shower. Seconds later there's a quick debrief. Once they are finished with that rushed me with hugs.

Lunch is promptly served at 12:00 pm. Everyone took out our food to eat. The team sat down around the table with each other. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we threw away all the trash in the bins.

"Of course, Tan had to be annoying," Luca told me.

"Jenny is a hot tamale," he replied.

I remember those were your very thoughts when we tried Hectors for the first time. My matchmaking serve is over. You're on your own Tan.

Both of them stayed in the kitchen. They are making up a game plan. Dreamer likes surfing maybe a staycation and time with their kids. The kids would come later on after the spiral.

Seconds later I am in the locker room getting my bag. Everyone else did the same thing. We exchanged our goodbyes to each other. Luca and Captain America didn't say anything. All of us talked for a least five minutes. Our headquarters and parking lot is a ghost town.

As for Captain America stops by the local hardware store. Captain America made two different keys. My key is covered with Cheetah print because I am fierce. The other key is just a normal golden. Once he is finished went home.

Minutes after that he pulls into their driveway. He went into the house Duke is by the door. Luca I am home. Within minutes he took the brown bag from his roommate. He likes both keys.

The bag of keys is left by their front. He walks into the kitchen with Duke next to him. Minutes after that Duke by his bowl waiting for some food. They change his water and refill the bowl.

Hondo like always drove us home. We put our stuff down by the door. I went to take a quick bath. Meanwhile with Hondo cooking our dinner in the kitchen. He took out the place settings to leave it on the counter. Seconds later I set our kitchen table.

Dinner is promptly served at 6:00 pm California time. Everyone dished out our food to eat. The team and their families sat at the kitchen tables. Beers are our drinks and juice for the kids. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

We broke up into our usual boys vs girls groups. Our girls cleared the tables and wiped down every surface with a rag. I unpacked the dishwasher. Luca washed the dishes to refill it with the wet ones. Our kitchens are now clean.

Family time continues in front of the tv. We shared our favorite tv shows with the group. I walked over to my room to change into my jammies and brush my teeth. Minutes after that I am on the couch again.

Both of us watched a good number of shows together. He got up to get himself a drink.

"Night Hondo," I told him.

"Good night Baby girl," he replied leaving a kiss on my cheek.

Seconds later I walked over to my room for bed. My family is still up watching tv. Hondo discards his bottle. Our tv sets and family room lights are turned off. Everyone else joins me in dreamland that night.

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