Chapter 13: Counseling

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During the wee hours of the next morning, changes started happening to me. I say his full name. My body goes numbs in his arms.

"I am going to get Hondo," my brother told me.

"No, you're not," I replied to him.

The warmth from his body slowly warms me up.

As the sun peeked from behind the clouds to brighten his room. Hondo woke up to get ready for work. Minutes after that he went into our kitchen to start cooking breakfast. Coffee like usual is already going through its process on the counter. He has a nagging suspicion that something is wrong when he saw an extra bag of gear by our door.

Minutes after that Captain America is up and dressed. He walked out of my room. We had a rough night. She had a nightmare. I found out his government-issued name is Wayne Zelanski.

A mug of coffee is placed in front of him. Seconds later I felt the bed next and it was cold. I woke up to get ready for work. The guys are waiting for me in the kitchen.

" Good morning guys," I told them very groggy still.

They replied to me " Morning Baby girl and Dreamer."

No hot chocolate for me today. Captain America made another coffee and passed it to me. I made three lunches with our names on it. They are lined off on the countertop. Breakfast is served group-wide.

"I need to make a quick stop at the house before shift this morning," Street told him.

"Okay Street, " his boss replied.

The team grabbed their stuff while exchanging goodbyes to each other. Later on, we locked the front doors. All of us went to our cars and trucks. Our driveway is the only one with a car in it. As for the team went to headquarters.

Bates is a nickname for Wayne since he got caught having sex once while doing surveillance. He keeps weaseling his way into my thoughts like he did this morning.

"That was why you were numb for close to an hour," He told me.

"Yes Captain American," I replied.

I will take you to see Doctor Hudges today and stay with you.

Both of us head over to their place. I took out our lunches to put them on the table by the door. Captain America went to take a shower. As for Duke like usual hangs out with me. He senses my pain.

Hondo reaches to work that morning. They met him in the locker room to change.

" Where is T," my Peanut Gallery asked worriedly.

He replied to them in unison "Street is bringing her today."

I know he left a note on my door. This morning they looked very tired. He told me that Graceland is consulting on this with us. Captain Cortez and Commander Hicks walked up that morning. You guys are talking about Street and T. They'll be here in a few minutes.

Captain America is finally ready for work. I grabbed our lunches on the way out the door. Minutes after that we are settled in the car. I slept all the way to headquarters. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot I woke up.

He is the last one to change that morning. Both of us head to the briefing room together. Rocker is in there as well. We stood there taking in the conversation. Street, you're in no condition to be in the field today. I understand Hondo.

Rocker approached me a few minutes after. This team just couldn't stop saying nice things about you. I know they are wonderful.

"I am Donovan Rocker. You must be Tia," he greeted.

" Nice to finally meet you Rocker," I replied to him.

Within minutes they head outside to Black Betty. Everyone sat in their usual spots. They gave him all the information. His heart broke into a million pieces. Please let me help out with this case. Peggy moved to where he sat down to comfort him.

"T has made a lot of improvements since she's been with us at SWAT," Chris told him.

" Okay Chris," he replied giving her a hug.

Meanwhile back over at headquarters, we went upstairs together. Both of us sat down on her couch.

" Hey, Kids," Dr. Wendy greeted.

We replied to him " Hi, Dr. Wendy."

Jim, it's a while since you were last in here. This isn't for me but she needs your help.

I woke up with a nightmare this morning. This is pretty irreverent but he was with me through it. Everyone else on the team already knows this even our sub every once in a while Rocker. You came to the right place Tia.

Previously I had therapy when I was at Graceland for this. George, Luca, and her twin brother Mike took her to the mall the other day. He found a little piece of paper to write the real word and gave to her. Dr. Wendy just nods her head.

I will get over this too slowly but surely. That's good to hear Tia. I am here if you need me and my door is always open. Someone looks pretty sleepy. Minutes after that I laid my head in his lap. Captain America stayed up talking to her.

Captain America joins me in dreamland not too long after that. She looks at us smiling. Get your rest kids. Captain America snores down her office. She welcomes the light snoring and returns to doing some paperwork.

 She welcomes the light snoring and returns to doing some paperwork

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Minutes before leaving her office I gave him a kiss. I went downstairs. Captain Cortez and Commander Hicks met me at the bottom. You look refreshed. They kept looking over my shoulder excepting to see Street behind me. I left him with Dr. Wendy.


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Dr. Wendy? Silence followed by two big smiles on their faces. He took you to her. Yes, he did we were there all morning. I went into the kitchen for a snack. Seconds later Captain America felt around on himself for my hair.

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