Chapter 40: Nate part 2

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I walked to bathroom in order to change back into my clothes. Seconds later I folding my jammies to put them under the pillows. My brothers are playing video games. As Nate is watching them with Duke. I sat in the middle of them.

Seconds later I looked through their stack of games.

" Do you guys have Tekken?" I asked.

" Of course," they replied.

We didn't know you like video games. Now you do boys. Don't try to bribe into playing Halo. As Nate is just looking at us.

" Is this how you have learned your moves," they asked.

" No it was actually the FBI academy did that," I replied.

Daddy arrives to pick me up that evening. I went to answer the door with Duke tailing me. My dad enters closing the door.

"I met Mike's Control Officer from the FBI last night. Guys how are you?" daddy told them.

" Good boss," they replied.

Nate stood up to greet him. I heard that you were with my daughter all day. Yes I was she is a delight to be around. I enjoyed having the time to spend with her. Captain America took in this interaction between them.

They went outside on the porch. A long conversation started between them. We stayed inside watching some Netflix on the tv. As you already know this job is hard. My daughter is our fairy dust.

Criminal aren't usual the nicest people. I pretty sure that Street has already told you a few stories. Yes he has Hondo. Just like Johnny put his trust in your brother. I am doing the same thing fo

There's one more dad for you to meet Nate. Your brother will set up that meeting for you. His best friend lives in Graceland. Actually that is also how she got this job. Let's go back inside to them.

You will be her brother in no time like these Nate.

" So I have your seal of approval," Nate told him.

"Of course you do Nate," My dad replied.

" What should I call you Sir," Nate states.

" Hondo like these two," he answers.

Greetings are exchanged between us. All four of us drove off. We are home now. Hondo is in the kitchen at the stove. Minutes after that I changed into my jammies. Our settings are left counter. I set the kitchen.

Dinner is promptly served at 6:00 pm California time. Everyone dished out our food to eat. The team and families sat down around the tables. Drinks are the usual beers for us and juice for the kids. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

We broke up into our boys vs girls groups. Chris and Tan cleared the tables. I wiped every surface with a rag. The guys washed the dishes. Every kitchen is now clean.

Family time continues in front of the tv. We shared our favorite tv shows with the group. I walked over to my room in order to change into my jammies and brush my teeth. Later on, I retuned to our couch and my favorite spot. I am nice and comfy.

" Goodnight Baby girl." He told me.

" Night Hondo," I replied giving him a kiss.

Both of us watched more shows. Nate is the safer option for now. Sooner or later I will deal with Marcos.

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