Chapter 96: Fight

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The sun peeked from behind the clouds to brighten his room. I woke up to get ready. My brother and dad take a couple more seconds to move around. Kitchen bound for me. Minutes after that I made breakfast for us to eat. Coffee is brewing on the counter.

"Good morning Grandbaby," she greeted.

" Morning Grandma," I replied to her.

I pulled into headquarters. Later on, I put my lunch in the fridge. Locker room bound after that to put the bags in the locker. I stretch out my body. My work out time begins that morning.

Soon after that I took my bath to change. I went into our kitchen to make my breakfast. The headquarters is less noisy at this time. Jessie joins me in the kitchen. Greetings are exchanged between us.

Our apartments and house are now alive and noisy. I put together the lunch with my name on it. As my hot chocolate is waiting for me on the island. This is copied by our teammates. Our meals are in their final minutes on the stoves.

Breakfast is promptly served at 7:45 California time. Everyone dished out our food to eat. The team sat in our assigned seats at the tables. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sink.

The team grabbed their belongings that morning. Later on, They locked our front doors. All of them went to our cars and trucks. Our apartments and houses are now left vacant. They head to our missions that morning.

Hondo drove himself to work. Minutes after that he puts away his food in the kitchen and then changes in the locker room. The guys did the same greeting each other. Later on, they meet up with us.

"Good morning, Dreamer," Captain America greeted.

" Morning Peanut gallery," I replied to them.

They gave me kisses on my cheek.

Within seconds all of them head to the briefing room. They are talking about their mission. Assignments are handed out that morning. My family says goodbye on the way out the door. I watched them leave that morning.

I stopped by Dr. Wendy for a few minutes. She mentioned that my brother has a session in the next day. You have to tell him that yourself Dr. Wendy. Tia I know that you're fighting with each other.

Moments after that I am in our gun range to practice. Black Betty is nice and full. The guys were all in the regular places. Conversations are going on throughout the truck. Jokes are cracked and laughter is loud. Luca pulls into their crime scene.

Back over at headquarters with Captain Cortez and the Delinquent. Greetings are exchanged as she hands him a com and a different tablet. Both of them are talking while we work that morning. Eventually it changed to mission stuff. Of course, Commander Hicks also greeting him.

Soon after that Black Betty is now full of cops that are sweaty. It is parked in front of the building. They took their quick showers. A short debrief is made. My family like usual rushed me with hugs.

Lunch is promptly served at 12:00 pm California time. Everyone took out the food. The team sat in our usual assigned seats at the tables. Conversations are going on throughout our group. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we threw away our trash in the bin.

We stayed in the kitchen together and locked the doors. I don't want everyone else to be looking at me when I have this fight. This matter is an us thing. You can have your car.

"I will keep the motorcycle," I told him.

"Your dad would not like to hear that come out your mouth," Captain America replied.

I rather have a fun big brother that tickles me in the privacy of the house and ruffles my hair because it's our thing. My computer has the best security now. You crossed a line. Of course, I did.

This computer is cleaner than a pirate's mouth. You know that right. Apparently not because you hacked it.

"Is that something Nate used to do with you as kids?"

As this question is left hanging in the valence.

My brother takes a step towards me. Don't touch me or my stuff. Get that through that cop brain of yours. I am not one of your criminals. Off duty you is better then the on duty one.

Dreamer, I know that you're still mad at me. I got him a few times. Captain America holds me in a way where I can't move my arms. I had no choice, so I went to his privates and ran. My grandpa stops me in the hallway.

"Slow down Tia catch yourself," Deke told me.

" No, I can't. He is going to be behind me once he's standing again," I replied.

Luca walks into the kitchen and finds his roommate laying on the floor. Wow!!! She went there with you. Come on I will get you up. Sit down at the table. Pain is still evident on his face.

As Chris joins them. She sits on the same bench opposite him. My sister leans to take his lips.

" Kids please not here. I am leaving the room now," Luca begs.

Hicks told me that your physical is set for Friday after shift. Our Dreamer isn't going to come.

"She did this to you," Peggy asked.

"Yes, Dreamer did," he replied, answering her with another kiss.

I just want to go home with you now. Right now, I need time away from her. Dreamer still loves you. This is just going to take time for her. Once More thing she might think you're Bates.

They just kept kissing each other. Ow!!! He hisses as this gets heated between them. Let's stop because you're in pain. Dreamer is your pain relief.

"Do you want me to get her?" She asked.

Fine, she will be next to me. I will be the bigger person. Dreamer will understand. My sister found me and brought me to him.

"I am sorry for invading your personal computer," Captain America told me.

"It's okay," I replied leaving a kiss on his check while ruffling his hair.

As Erica walked into our kitchen and towards us. I stood in the hallway listening in on you. Luca told me the other day that I will find out soon. The only thing missing the popcorn. For being an FBI she got you good. I bet that you will leave her alone now.

Everyone grabbed our stuff from the locker room. We exchanged our goodbyes to each other. Hybrid Mike didn't say anything. There's an extra five minute of talking. Our headquarters and parking lot is now a ghost town.

Hondo, like always, drove home. We put down our stuff by the door. I went to take a quick bath to change. Luca cooks at the stove. I set the kitchen table.

Dinner is promptly served at 6:00 pm California time. Everyone dished out our food to eat. The team and families sat in our assigned seats at the tables. Our drinks are the usual beers for us and juice for the kids. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

We broke up into our usual boys vs girls groups. Our sisters and girls cleared the tables. I wiped down every surface with a rag. Annie unpacked the dishwasher. The guys washed the dishes to refill it with the wet ones. Every kitchen is now clean.

Family time continues in front of the tv. We shared our favorite tv shows with the group. I walked over to his room in order to change into my jammies and brush my teeth. Later on, I returned to both our couch and my favorite spot. I am nice and comfy.

" Goodnight, Grandma," I told her.

"Night Grandma," she answers with a kiss.

There's a short bathroom break. I jumped to my bed. Pedro is already in my arms. Counting sunglasses time begins right now. Minutes after that I am fast asleep.

Meanwhile the team is still up watching tv. As laughter is slowly dying down now. Our tv sets and family room lights are turned off. The team heads to their rooms. Everyone joins us soon in dreamland that night.

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