Episode 14

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excuse mistakes

Houston , Texas


"If we could get the other victims to follow this nurse, we just want to make sure they're lungs are clear of any smoke." A lady nurse said.

"Is it okay if I come with them?" Alexis asked sniffling.

"Oh no ma'am that's perfectly fine." The nurse smiled leading the way.

Nyla silently walked behind the nurse holding Ja'Seem's hand.

Ja'Seem hasn't said a word since they arrived at the hospital.

Raelyn had finally settled down in Alexis's arm sucking her fingers.

"Can you three sit on the bed, we're gonna get you guys in and out so you can go with your family."

They all sat on the bed as two other nurses walked in.

"Okay I need everybody to take deep breaths." The main nurse instructed.

Nyla and Ja'Seem complied but Raelyn just stared at them.

"Okay we'll do her last since she's the youngest." One of the other nurses said.

Alexis watched her sister and nephew get checked out making sure to watch for any bad signs.

"Okay these two sound good, are you guys feeling dizzy or short of breath?"

"No" Nyla mumbled.

Ja'Seem just shook his head swinging his legs back and forth.

"That's great. Now for lil mama I just need somebody to hold her." The nurse said referring to Raelyn.

"I'll do it. I'm her brother." Ja'Seem mumbled.

Alexis gave Raelyn to Ja'Seem and he sat down in the chair.

The nurses started hooking her up to a machine to check her heart rate and lungs.

"Ma Maaaaa." Raelyn cried kicking the nurses.

"Sssh FatFat, it's okay." Ja'Seem said rubbing her ear.

He knew it helped calm her down and eventually it would put her to sleep.

"I want mommyyy." She whined hiding her head in his neck.

"Can y'all hurry up? Y'all making my lil sister cry and I need to go check on my mama." Ja'Seem sighed.

The nurses nodded and quickly took down Raelyn's vitals.

"Is she okay?" Alexis asked.

"She's fine." The nurse nodded.

"Okay thank you,"

"I'm so sorry this happened to your family, I'm praying for y'all and I hope all is well." The main pediatrician said.

"Thanks." Alexis mumbled.

Nyla had walked out the room back to the waiting room. Ja'Seem followed holding a whiny Raelyn.

"Is my mama okay?" Ja'Seem asked looking at the ground.

"We just have to pray baby. Your mom is strong she'll pull through." Ms. Taylor sniffled wiping her cheek.

"Da Daaaaa." Raelyn whined reaching for Jamari.

Jamari stared at the wall zoned out. He honestly didn't even hear Raelyn's cries. All he could hear was when the paramedics said Reagan didn't have a pulse.

No Matter What Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang