Season Two~ Episode Four

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excuse mistakes

"NOONIE BRING ME THAT PHONE." Alexis yelled mugging her computer.

She had just received a email from Arielle's teacher reporting that she's constantly on her phone and that she's behind in she school work.

When Arielle heard her mom's voice she already knew that her teacher snitched on her. She slipped on her slides and grabbed her phone then went to her parents room.

"Ma'am?" Arielle asked walking into her mom and dad's master bedroom.

"Where your phone?" Alexis asked mugging her daughter.

"Ma I didn't even do nothing." Arielle whined.

"Why you got a D in PE?" Alexis asked trying to be calm.

"Ma that lady be wanting us to run outside and my lace gone come up because the sun be beaming." Arielle pouted.

"So you got me fucked up." Alexis chuckled standing up.

"M-Ma." Arielle studdered.

"And I know my eyes ain't playing tricks on me, cause I know that email ain't say you called her a bitch." Alexis said.

"I-It slipped out I swear ma, and I felt like she was disrespecting me." Arielle frowned.

"How was she disrespecting you Arielle?" Alexis asked standing directly in front of her daughter.

"She gone call my name out because I'm failing her class, and then she was demanding me to do stuff, you don't demand me to do nothing." Arielle frowned

"Ar—MOMMY!" A small little voice yelled cutting off Alexis.

On cue three year old Xamora ran into the room with ice cream and cake all of her face. "Mommy I got I cream."

"I know damn well." Alexis mumbled picking up her daughter.

Arielle quietly tip toed out the room.

"Bae why you give her all this sweet stuff and then you got her looking like we don't love her with this big ass shirt on." Alexis whined.

"She was crying." Khalil frowned taking off his shoes and shirt.

"That's why they both spoiled now, soon as they cry you wanna reward them. You need to talk to your daughter before I hurt her." Alexis stated.

"What she did?"

"So she called her PE teacher a bitch and she refused to participate because of her hair." Alexis explained getting heated all over again.

"Stop Mora." Alexis said watching Xamora pull on the wig that she was in the middle of making.

"She been showing her ass since she got that car." Khalil mumbled.

Alexis and Khalil gifted Arielle her first car on her sixteenth birthday. They wanted to start her off with something small so they both agreed on a 2019 Electric Green Dodge Challenger. Arielle used her tip money from her mother's hair shop to detail and decorate her car to her likings.

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