Episode 42

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excuse mistakes

Jamari Taylor
Age : 22
Houston , Texas

"Mcht why she gotta go to this fuck ass daycare?" I groaned.

"Becausee she needs to be around kids her age, and plus I go back to work full-time." Reagan replied.

"I can watch her." I frowned.

"Baby I know you can, but she still needs to start being in a learning environment." She sighed.

Today was FatFat's first day at this little daycare that we found. It was a daycare for 2-4 year olds. They didn't just play and run around all day, they actually worked on learning skills and prepared their little minds for elementary school.

Low key I didn't want Raelyn to go because I don't like when neither one of my kids in other people's care for a long period of time. But deep down inside, I knew that this would be good for her.

"What time she gotta be there?" I asked.

"She goes from nine to three. But she doesn't go on Fridays." She responded.

"Okay so how we finna do this cause you gotta be at work at nine-thirty and you don't get off till like five." I stated.

"I'll do drop-off with her and Seem and you can do pick-ups." She nodded.

"Oh yea Seem got practice after school tomorrow, don't forget." She added on.

"And Raelyn starts ballet next week but me and Lex will do carpool cause noonie start too." She added on.

"Okay." I nodded trying to remember everything.

"I'm finna go get ready can you get the kids ready?" She asked.

I scratched my neck and made the yikes face. She know me and the kids don't get along in the morning time. Especially since they like night better than day.

"Yea." I finally said.

She nodded and pecked my lips then went into the bathroom.

It was currently 7:00 which means we had some time to get ready. Seem's school takes in at 8:45 so we had to be out of the house a little before then.

I had already did my hygiene so I went to Ja'Seem's room first.

Nyla and Kambree knew to get themselves up and ready on their own.

"Aye wake up." I said shaking Ja'Seem.

He groaned and turned the other way ignoring me.

"Mane I'm tired."

"Getcho ass up Seem." I said more sternly.

He smacked his lips and groaned. "So woresome."

"Nigga I'll beatcho ass get up and get ready." I chuckled.

I watched as he sat up and started staring at the wall.

"Ain't shit there so get up." I stated.

He eventually got up and went into his bedroom to get ready.

Next I went to Raelyn's room to see her laying down with her butt in the air. Her hair was all over her head and her barbie doll was in her hand.

I chuckled and quietly walked to her closet to find her something to wear.

I picked out a grey spider-man shirt and a pair of white shorts. For her hair I just decided on a yellow bow.

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