Episode 33

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excuse mistakes

Houston , Texas

"You can't l-leave me mommy. Pleasee." Kambree cried cradling her mother's body.

"L-Look at me K-Kam, I'm sorry, I-I need you to run and don't look back." Jada said coughing up blood.

"NO" Kambree sniffled.

"I'm not leaving you, we're leaving together." Kambree cried watching as her mom's eyes started getting heavier.

"I love you so much, get away from this house." Jada whispered finally taking her last breath.

"No mommy, please stay awake they're on the way." Kambree sobbed shaking her mother's body.

Meanwhile Nyla and Jamari had just pulled up.

Nyla quickly gave Raelyn to Jamari and ran to the front door.

Jamari had called his clean up crew just so they could be on stand by but the ambulances, and officers also had just arrived.

"KAMBREE!" Nyla shouted running throughout the house looking for her friend.

Nyla ran upstairs and stopped in her footsteps when she saw her bestfriend cradling her mother's dead body.


"K-Kam." Nyla sniffled shakily walking towards her.

The paramedics had finally came up the stairs and they immediately called the homicide squad.

"Ma'am we need you to step away." One paramedic spoke.

Kambree shook her head still holding her mom's head in her lap while her hands applied pressure to the chest wound.

"K-Kam it's okay, I'm here." Nyla said.

"N-No she's my mom, I'm not leaving her." Kambree cried.

"Ma'am we really need to do our job." The same paramedic stated.

"CAN'T YOU SEE SHE JUST LOST HER FUCKING MOM GIVE HER SOME TIME!" Nyla snapped now mugging all of the officers and paramedics.

"Ma'am this is now considered a crime scene." A officer stated.

"M-Mommy wake up, we have to go to my competition tomorrow." Kambree sniffled.

Nyla sniffled and went to sit next to Kambree.

"Why won't she wake up?" Kambree asked nobody in particular.

The homicide and crime scene squad had finally arrived with the body bags and evidence collectors.

"Does anybody know what happened?" The head investigator asked.

"Got a phone call about arguing and then gunshots." The officer said.

"He did this this, h-he shot her." Kambree whispered.

The detectives quickly took out their notepads so they wouldn't miss any details.

"Ma'am do you know who did this?" The head detective asked sincerely.

"My dad, Josh." Kambree said finally removing her hand from Jada's chest.

Everybody watched quietly just to see her next move.

"I-I gotta go." Kambree said in a daze.

Right now Kambree's mind was out of her body. She couldn't comprehend what was going on. All she could hear was when her mom said to run and not look back.

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