Season Two ~ Episode Nine

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excuse mistakes


"Rhy Rhy what is you crying for?" Ja'Seem groaned picking her up from her crib.

It was currently the weekend and Reagan and Jamari was out of town with Alexis and Khalil. They wanted to go to Miami because they wanted to have some fun without the kids.

"Bo Bo can I sleep with you?" Roslyn asked rubbing her eyes holding her pillow and blanket.

"What's wrong?" Ja'Seem furrowed his eyebrows getting a sippie cup with milk from Rhylyn's mini refrigerator in her room.

"Ra'Seem said somebody was gone get me." Roslyn mumbled looking down at her feet.

Ja'Seem smacked his lips and shook his head. "That nigga lied to you dooda. You can sleep in my bed though I'll be there in a minute."

Roslyn nodded her head and walked down the hall to her big brother's room. She often felt left out or unoticed, it's like everybody had their favorite sibling but then it was her, she felt like nobody payed attention to her.

After Ja'Seem got Rhylyn to quiet down from her cries, he decided to just bring her into his room for the rest of the night. He made sure he had her bottle and her binkie.

He went to check on Ramari and saw that he wasn't in his room. He went to the room that was connected and saw Ra'Seem sleeping peacefully with his leg hanging off the bed.

Next he went to Raelyn's room. He opened the door and saw Ramari sleeping snuggled up to Raelyn while they both snored.

Now back in his room, he closed his door and laid Rhylyn down in the middle of him and Roslyn. He sighed because now it would take him a while to go back to sleep.

"Bo?" Roslyn whispered seeing that he was awake.


"Do you love me?" Roslyn asked making Ja'Seem snap his neck in her direction.

"Yes I love you Roslyn, why you ask that?" He frowned now turning her way.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. It feels like nobody pays attention to me. And y'all always call me annoying or irritating."

Ja'Seem sighed and shook his head. "Dooda that don't mean we don't love you. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel that way. Yea yo ass will talk somebody head off, but that just means you're a talker. Don't change for nobody not even us. The little ones sometimes need more attention because they're dependent. You my dooda, I gave you that nickname. You understand me?"

"Yea I understand." She nodded.

"You the best nine year old girl I ever met. You independent and on top of yo gymnastics shit. You keep yo li grades up and you always helping out around the house. What's our family motto?" Ja'Seem asked.

"Family over everything." Roslyn replied.

"Family over everything." Ja'Seem nodded.

"I love you dooda." Ja'Seem stated wiping the tear from under her eye.

"I love you to Bo Bo." Roslyn sniffled feeling her eyes get weaker.

Ja'Seem watched as both of his youngest sisters slept and sighed. He needed to tell his parents about the conversation that him and Roslyn just had, just in case it turned into something bigger.

"I'm not gone tell y'all nomo to stop talking bru real shit." Ja'Seem mugged looking at his younger brothers jank each other.

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