Chapter 36 - Should I Stay

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The next morning was spent relishing the fact that this would be the last day of Casa Amor. Tonight, the boys would return to the villa, whether it was alone or accompanied by a new girl who'd caught their affections. The girls had a similar decision to make: stay loyal to the villa boys, or switch it up with a newcomer. Last night's show only confused this choice, as many of the girls sat quietly along the edge of the pool, arms crossed over their chests. Peyton looked the most upset.

"I'm pissed," she said, breaking the long-held silence. It was one of the first words any of us had spoken that entire morning. "At Blake, at everything. I wanted to hear him finish his sentence. Was he about to say that he loves her?" She looked around at our group, searching desperately for an answer. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Either way, he's the biggest idiot." Peach shook her head disapprovingly. "You're one of the best things that have ever happened to him; he's actually been tolerable since you showed up." The rest of the group nodded their support.

"Still." Peyton kicked her legs in the water, causing gentle ripples that surged the surface. 

With a quick pause in the conversation, my thoughts reflected on all the events last night. "Not a single one of them was loyal." Their continued silence was encouragement for me to carry on. "Blake might have told a girl he loves her, Lucas didn't stand up for Polly, Gray told someone he'd take them back to the villa, Anthony's already thinking of living with someone outside the villa, and Charlie... I don't even want to talk about Charlie," I said as knots began to form in the pit of my stomach.

"Your point?" Peyton asked. Her tone was sharpened like a weapon, but I knew it had nothing to do with me and all to do with Blake.

"I think I know what she's saying," Giselle interjected. "We've been playing it safe while all of our guys are at Casa Amor flirting and kissing these other girls. Are they even thinking about us?"

A purple pool noodle began floating by us along the surface of the water, propelled by a gentle breeze. Peach hopped into the water and propped her arms on it to float. "I understand that some of them might not care about the current couples they're in. Like, Blake and Giselle are coupled up right now, but shouldn't he be thinking about Peyton?" Peach asked.

Polly glanced between each of us uneasily. "So what should we do? Flirt with these guys harder?"

"I think that's up to each of us. I mean..." I paused as the possibility of Charlie replacing me settled in. "We're all in different situations. We just have to decide for ourselves, would your boy stay loyal to you or not."

"That's a heavy question," Polly frowned.

"Maddie's right, though," Giselle said. "I may have to keep one of these guys around to stay in the villa. I think my chances with Lucas are slim to none, and Anthony hardly looks at me." She turned around and scanned the garden for the boys, but found it vacant. "But which one?"

Peach took this opportunity to bring to light what we were all considering. "I think we need to have a serious talk. If you were thinking of keeping one of the guys here, who would it be?" When the reluctance of the group became prominent, Peach volunteered. "I like Mason and Connor."

Peyton found her confidence. "Mason, probably."

"Martin, maybe Connor," Giselle suggested. "I'm not really sure. Sharing a bed with Martin has been nice and all, but I'd really like to get to know Connor."

"David, I guess." Polly looked down at her feet. "I really wanted Lucas and me to be set, though. I was ready for our happy ending; no more confusion. It felt like I was playing with his emotions, and I'm done with that! This is a new Polly. But it's hard to be New Polly when Old Polly is scared that he might dump me." She rested her chin in her hands.

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