Chapter 59 - Let Them Eat Cake

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The mood in the villa was different the next day. It was the second to last day in the villa. Thirty-six hours away from the final. My emotions were all over the place from the moment I woke up. Though I obviously wanted to stay for the chance at winning the $50,000, I knew I would be fine if we came in fourth place and left tonight. At least we'd still be able to see each other. But along that thought process, I knew that this might be the last time I ever see some of my fellow Islanders. 

Charlie had been intuitive of my heavy thoughts for most of the morning and brought me a stiff drink just after lunch.

"Hey there," he smiled, handing me the glass filled with pink liquid. "This should cheer you up."

"Thanks," I smiled at him. The condensation was cold in my fingers as I took a sip. Sweet, fruity, and indescribably tasted like pink. "How are you doing today?"

"I'm alright," Charlie smiled and sat down next to me on the daybed. "Better than you, it seems like."

I smiled slightly and gave him a simple nod. "I just don't want anyone to go home. Some distraction would be nice."

"Gotcha," Charlie nodded. He glanced around the garden before leaning in. "Quick question. You didn't tell anyone about the date, right?"

I looked up at him with innocent eyes. "Whatever do you mean?"

Charlie shook his head with a playful smile. "Who'd you tell?"

"I would like to say that I did not tell a single soul, and Peach knew, like, right away," I said. "I'm floating by on a technicality."

"Fair enough," Charlie smiled. He took another look around the garden, silently admiring the couples around us. "I'm really proud of how far we've all come."

I looked up at him as I swallowed a sip of my drink. "Is this who you'd thought would be in the final four?" I asked.

"No," he admitted. "Honestly, I thought Peyton would be coupled up with Blake still."

"I can see that." I cast a stray glance to where Peyton and Anthony sat on the grass, intertwining their legs as they leaned into a deep discussion. "I think she still has doubts about Anthony but is still trying to get over Blake, you know? She barely got any time to cope with that. It was just thrown at her."

Charlie nodded. "Obviously, I wasn't there, but I'm sure it was rough for Peyton to see that video of him and Abby. A lot of us tried to talk him out of it, but you know how Blake is. Fate, chakras, destiny, and stuff."

I agreed followed by a soft sigh. "She deserves better than him, anyway. Hopefully, Anthony can step up to the plate."

"Hey, guys." Peach wandered over with Gray trailing behind her. "Mind if we sit?"

"Sure," I invited.

"I just wanted to say that if Gray and I get voted out tonight, you both are welcome at my apartment for a post-Love Island party. And we can drink without limits or restraints," Peach said. "Don't you miss clubs?"

Charlie chipped in enthusiastically. "Definitely. Whoever wins the fifty grand has to order bottle service," he joked. "It would be cool to be able to party hard again, though. I want to be able to black-out while my liver can still support me."

I laughed at the thought. "Yeah! A whole month in here without blacking-out, how did we even survive?" I teased.

"I'm a bartender. Blacking-out is my career," Charlie smirked.

From our small circle, Gray's phone buzzed in the pocket of his swim trunks. He pulled it out of the velcro-sealed pocket and turned to the Islanders across the garden. "Text!" he called, enticing them to come over for the news. "Islanders, think this final will be a piece of cake? Think again. But until then, you'll be decorating an actual cake with your partner. The cake decorated the best will win the decorators a special treat. #DaringDesserts #KeepYourHandsToYourself."

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