Chapter 30 - The Starry Night

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Charlie and I began our trek down to the beach, the turf turning into white sand on the heavily forested path. It was evident that this space hadn't been picked up after the last storm; leaves and branches plagued our steps as we hopped over fallen timber.

"Careful," Charlie protectively held my arm as we maneuvered around the path, then stumbled onto the beach. In front of us, just yards from the glowing cerulean waves, were two easels set up side by side. Between them was a small stool with paints, brushes, and palettes. A small blanket was laid out nearby, accessorized with a picnic basket overflowing with wine bottles, bread, and fruit.

"Wow," I said and walked over to the white canvas awaiting me. "Is now a good time to mention that I'm not good at painting?" I asked.

Charlie smiled and picked up one of the paint palettes. "I can teach you some things. I took one art class elective when I was doing my undergrad, so I'm basically Picasso." He smiled and poured red paint onto the plastic piece.

"Red. Bold," I smiled and copied him with blue paint. I looked out at the ocean, a swirling sea churning white foam at the shoreline. "Are we supposed to paint the water? I hope they enjoy abstract art." I grabbed a brush and mixed white into my pool of paint.

"Maybe? That's not what I'm doing," Charlie replied bluntly. I rocked backward to steal a glance at his canvas, and he quickly turned his easel away from me. "No peeking," he joked. His lips stretched into a familiar smile that displayed a deep dimple. "Paint whatever you want."

I stared at the empty canvas in front of me, then at the light blue mixture that I'd created. I replaced my blue with a bold evergreen with the deepest green I could find and began painting frayed palm leaves. 

"Figure out what you're gonna paint yet?" Charlie asked. He was glancing at me from behind his large canvas.

"Yup, I think I finally figured it out." I began swirling browns and yellows to find the perfect shade. 

"Well, are you going to tell me?" I could feel his gaze resting on my cheek as he poured purple onto his palette. When I didn't respond, he took a step toward me.

"No peeking," I mimicked. "Anthony seems like a nice guy."

"Definitely. It's nice finally not being outnumbered." Charlie reached down for the white paint. "And I'm sure you must be happy to finally have someone you're interested in?"

I scrunched my face in confusion. "Who said I was interested in Anthony?"

Charlie shrugged. "Oh, you know. The fact that every woman in the villa lacked the ability to speak after he showed up." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"He's pretty attractive," I commented.

"Please," Charlie laughed. "You should go for it."

I shook my head as I swiped the brush across the canvas and began making tiny dots of various colors. "I don't think so."

Charlie looked at me from behind his canvas. "You don't think so?" he repeated.

"He seems nice. I don't know. It's complicated." I finished my painting and sat my brushes down on the stool. "I'm not in a very flirtatious mood."

"Yeah?" Charlie replied briefly. With a few last exaggerated strokes, he smiled at his painting. "And, done!" With the last word, he flicked the brush across the canvas, splattering my cheek with paint. "Maddie, I'm sorry!"

"Sorry for what?" I replied sarcastically and flicked him back with my blue paint. And then ensued a paint war. 

Charlie laughed and picked up a bottle of white paint. "Does this wash out?" 

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