The escape

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After leaving the island with black sand shores and a mermaid spotting, Gene was once again on open water, it's been a few days since he left the island of black sand. Since then Gene has had nothing but calm waters heading toward Athens.
Gene had his compass guiding him along the way.
Gene notice out in the distance there was a big ship heading toward him. At this point Gene had a bad feeling about the ship he saw. After noticing the ship coming toward him a Big Bang went off and a cannon ball was shot toward him making him panic.

Gene opened his sails to catch the breeze to get alway from the ship shooting at him but the ship was catching up to him faster then he was trying to get away

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Gene opened his sails to catch the breeze to get alway from the ship shooting at him but the ship was catching up to him faster then he was trying to get away. More cannon balls were shot at him almost hitting his boat. Gene saw out in the distance there was another island so he started sailing that way.
But by the time Gene was getting closer to the island the big ship caught up to him. It was pirates!
Gene grabbed his sword and was ready to fight for his life. When the ship got close enough to him a familiar voice yelled out DROP YOUR SWORD BOY!
Gene looked up and it was Davy Johnson Jackson Jones. He mumbled to him self CRAP!
Gene dropped his sword and Davy had his crew bring Gene on to his ship.
Well... well... look who we have here Davy said, the no good little can't catch me boy! Well now look I caught you fool...
The crew tied Gene up in rope and put him on the plank. Now boy where is that bottle?
Gene said what bottle?
Boy my patience are running thin with you Davy said
Give me the bottle!!
Then back handed Gene in the face.
If you give me the bottle I'll set you free and you can go Davy said. Even tho it was a trick.
Gene knew he was lying and wasn't going to let him go free. What Davy didn't know was Gene had a trick up his sleeve also.
Gene said okay fine you can have the bottle.
With Genes arms tied up in rope he took his hand and reached into one of his pouches and handed Davy the bottle. Davy got excited and said smart boy then punched Gene in the face cause Gene to fall off the plank and fall into the ocean.
As Gene was sinking down to the ocean floor Davy took his pistol and shot at him a couple times to make sure he was done for.
Davy then put the small bottle in his coat and told the crew to set sail.
While Gene was sinking to the ocean floor he never got hit by the pistol bullets (they missed him)
Gene was fighting to get out of the rope he was tied up in as soon as he was about out of breath, the mermaid he saw at the black sand island,swam up to him, grabbed his face and with Gene able to hear her say under water, it's okay breathe! The mermaid put her lips to his and gave him air to breathe and he was able to breathe through her gills as she was cutting the tied rope.

Gene was then able to get out and swim back to the surface and couldn't believe what just happened

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Gene was then able to get out and swim back to the surface and couldn't believe what just happened.
As soon as he got to the surfaced the water , the mermaid surfaced with him. Gene then replied with how... like how... is that possible? Doesn't matter thank you for saving my life! Thank you so much! The mermaid just looked at him with out a word.
My name is Gene, can you tell me your name? Can you talk? The mermaid just giggled and said my name is Aerial then swam off.
Then turned around and said your welcome then swam back off.
Gene was just amazed and thankful then swam to the closest island.
While Gene was swimming to the closest island, Night started to fall.
Gene got to shore, stood up looked out toward the open water and yelled Davy! Your still the fool I took you for!!
Pulling out the piece of map from his boot waving it in the air yelling good luck and good riddance.
Laughing that he almost died and couldn't believe he lived after something like that.
He put the piece of map back in his boot and went off to find items to build a fire and shelter while he on the island for the night.

As the moon was at it highest Davy Jones finally took out the bottle and opened it up to find out there was no map just a rolled up butt wipe in the bottle
He yelled darn you Gene! You tricked me once again slamming his hands on the captains table. Then rushed out to the main deck of the ship and yelled turn this ship around damn it! we are heading back.
Open the sails! All of them! All the way god damn it!
With anger and being pissed off . I'm going to kill that boy with my blade!

 I'm going to kill that boy with my blade!

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
Gene the GenieNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ