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Gene then couldn't believe his eyes. The sky had northern lights with Aqua blue waters and flowers and plants every where.

Gene rubbed his eyes, to make sure this was what he was seeing

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Gene rubbed his eyes, to make sure this was what he was seeing. Gene then turned around and saw Rafiki and asked, this place is amazingly beautiful! but where's the fairy's?
Rafiki said, right there,
And there, oh and right there.
Gene said, where?
I don't see them? Rafiki said, believe boy!
Gene then closed his eyes and really started to believe, then opened up his eyes to see that they were all over, actually a big community of them.

Gene said, where?I don't see them? Rafiki said, believe boy!Gene then closed his eyes and really started to believe,  then opened up his eyes to see that  they were all over, actually a big community of them

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One of the fairy's flew up to Rafiki and said, can he actually see us? Rafiki replied, yes! now he can!whacking Gene on top of his head with his walking stick, Having a smile on his face.
Now! there you go! Gene? believing is seeing not the other way around ha ha ha.
Rafiki then asked the fairy, I'm looking for
Magi Lune, is she around?
The fairy said, Magi is in the baby fairy garden.
Rafiki told Gene, come on! I'm going to have you meet Magi. Gene asked, who is Magi?
Rafiki said, she is the ancient one, the mother of all fairy's and my dearest friend. She was the one who took me in and gave me the magic to speak and have knowledge. Walking through the magical land, heading to speak with Magi, Gene was looking around thinking how beautiful this place was, with now understanding why the fairy's kept this place hidden from the rest of the world. Knowing that humans would destroy such a place as this. Getting close to where Magi was, they came to the baby fairy's garden gate. A big gate that only opened with fairy magic. The fairy that was leading Gene and Rafiki to Magi, opened up her hands and said (with love, no harm,with minds of one! open up to see what's beyond.) The gate then opened up, with a bright light welcoming them in. They all walked in to the baby fairy's garden, where there were nothing but all kinds of colorful flowers, mystical trees, with sweet fruits hanging from them,water falls and streams with crystal clear waters. The air smelt as of sweet honeycomb and fresh poured rain. Baby fairy's everywhere! flying about, playing like kids with laughter and smiles. Magi saw Rafiki, with the mysterious boy walking toward her.

Magi flew off a wood stump, flew toward Gene and Rafiki

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Magi flew off a wood stump, flew toward Gene and Rafiki.
Rafiki said, hello? my old friend, it's been a long time, how have you been? Magi replied, you have grown Rafiki... age hasn't came close to slowing you down, you look good my old friend. Things on my end have been peaceful and quite pleasant. So I see you have brought a human boy to my neck of the woods? I'm actually surprised that you brought a human to Ferngully? why is this?
Well Magi, long story short, this young man has come a long way to find the remaining piece of the forbidden treasure map, he needs help finding it.
Magi looked at Gene, then said come close young man. Gene walked closer to Magi, as she asked.
Magi said, your heart is Pier! your soul is nothing but greatness! Also fearless, you are the one the cave of wonders seeks! to enter within its doors. Allowing you to enter, not many have what you hold, that's why it's calls for you to seek it out. Not wanting to find it for its treasures! but to find it for your own pleasure. What you seek, is not here with me but I can tell you where it is. The person who has it and where to find him. What I'm feeling off you, you know who has it! but you don't know where to seek him out. Your compass will be no help to you. The last piece of the map blocks any magic of its where about's. Once you put all the pieces together a new map will appear but only your eyes will see it.... anyone else will only see a false map.
Right before Magi was about to tell Gene where John Claytons where abouts were, screams and gun shots were being heard from the other side of the baby fairy's garden gate.

Magi looked up and told the baby fairy's flying around to go hide in the tree of life and stay put! not to leave outside the gardens gates. All the baby fairy's flew into the tree of life and hid.
While the baby fairy's were flying into the tree of life, Magi told Rafiki and Gene to follow her out of the gardens gate.
As soon as they got out side of the gardens gates,
Magi used her magic to seal the gate so no other fairy's could open it, if they were to be captured.
Gene asked Magi, why are you sealing the gate?
Magi said, these fairy's are Ferngully's future! if anything was to happen to them Ferngully will no longer exist. Gene completely understood,what Magi just told him. They rushed toward the screams and sounds coming from the other side of Ferngully to see what all the commotion was about.
As they got closer, Gene saw the pirates from captain Davy's ship, told Magi and Rafiki to get down.
Gene told them that those are the pirates that have been chasing him for the map he got from a man in his home town. Magi then said, they must have followed you into Ferngully. Rafiki then said, we must not hide but fight them off! getting them out Furngully. Gene asked how?
Magi said, I will tell the fairy's to use their magic to protect Ferngully at all costs. Magi then closed her eyes and send the message magically to all the other fairy's saying don't hide! we need to fight! use everything you have to get rid of these intruders. Magi then opened her eyes, took a deep breath, put her hands together, made a force field around her and flew out of the ferns and started fighting back with magic. Rafiki got up and took his walking stick and started attacking the pirates. Gene got up,picked up a big stick and went after the pirates also.
The battle began.

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