Onward to the cave of wonders

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Gene found his way out of the passage but went back in the city of Agrbah but waited till dark so he didn't get caught again by the guards. When night fell he enter the city went back to the place he hid his bag grabbed his bag and left the city. Gene grabbed his compass and said show me the way to the cave of wonders. The compass spun and showed him the way. Okay Gene said head south like that compass shows and like the old man said. Gene went out a good distance away from the city and found him self back in the desert.
Walking all night till sun light, Gene kept walking over the sand dunes and heat, thinking I must be getting close. He looked at his compass and it kept pointing to go south so Gene kept going south.
While walking further and further, another person saw Gene from a distance and ran up to Gene and asked for directions and what he was doing.
Gene replied,
I'm on the search for treasure, I'm looking for a underwater cave, full of gold diamonds and gems ,but it's out that way... pointing towards an ocean out in the distance. That he finally came across. The boy said well my name is Kainoa.
Kainoa asked what his name was? Gene replied well my fine fellow, I'm Gene. the one and only nice to meet you.
Gene said, if you help me find this underwater cave I will help you find what your looking for.
Kainoa agreed and went with Gene to find this underwater cave. Gene pulled out his map to make sure this was the location of the cave. Gene then said according to the map we are in the right spot!
So they both got to the shore line and quickly found drift wood and built a raft and went into the ocean and drifted a far distance.
Gene went and looked under the water and saw what he thought was the cave. Gene said okay Kainoa I think this is it.
After a long search finding this underwater cave they believed to have found it.
on the coast line of the great desert out in the middle of the ocean. Then both Gene and Kainoa jumped off the raft and dove deep.

Entering this cave they spotted while diving, They swam right into an opening where they were able to come up and take a breath of air

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Entering this cave they spotted while diving,
They swam right into an opening where they were able to come up and take a breath of air. Looking into a dark cave that lightly was brighten from neon colors of glow in the dark sea shells, that lit up a path in the cave.
Gene and Kainoa got out of the water and started walking down the lightly brighten path.
While walking down the path in the cave, they started noticing gold coins along the path way.
Eventually came to a room that had big doors.
They opened the big doors, and the room lit up!! from all the piles of gold and treasures that waited for them.
As Gene and Kainoa got excited to see the piles of gold,

a small biggish gremlin creature came out from the corner, out of no where! And stopped them

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a small biggish gremlin creature came out from the corner, out of no where!
And stopped them.
Amazed to see humans in the cave that he called the cave of wonders.
He said touch nothing or be cursed for the rest of your days.
Gene thought he was kidding about the curse and just didn't want anyone to get the gold.
So he thought he could out smart the creature,
But not knowing that the creature had a trick up his sleeve to set his self free.
So he told Gene and Kainoa one thing is aloud to be touched and that's the diamond in the diamond in the rough.
He said if you both touch it,
This gold will be all yours... laughing under his breath.
With Gene and Kainoa not knowing it was a trap.
Both Gene and Kainoa found the diamond and both touched the big red diamond in the rough at the same time.
By touching the diamond, it started changing Gene into a genie, turning him blue with gold cufflinks that had magical powers.

While Gene was changing, his golden lamp magically came out of his bagthen sucked  Gene into his  golden lamp

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While Gene was changing, his golden lamp magically came out of his bag
then sucked Gene into his golden lamp.

While Gene was changing, his golden lamp magically came out of his bagthen sucked  Gene into his  golden lamp

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As Kainoa was turning into a magic carpet that could fly.

As this was going on,the creature turned to solid gold with the big red diamond in his hands making it look like it was being offered by him to anyone that would ever again enter in the cave

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As this was going on,
the creature turned to solid gold with the big red diamond in his hands making it look like it was being offered by him to anyone that would ever again enter in the cave.
The cave rose up from the bottom of the ocean to the surface causing the ocean to disappear that just added to the rest of the mountains of sandy desert.

The cave rose up from the bottom of the ocean to the surface causing the ocean to disappear that just added to the rest of the mountains of sandy desert

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Making it just more desert, making the cave of wonders lost till one person can enter
with a pear heart.
Kainoa then was stuck in the cave of wonders flying around, every part he looked to seek a way out but was not able to so he was suck in the cave of wonders.
Even tho there's been times people have seeked out the cave of wonders and it's treasures and now a magical lamp to get 3 wishes, never noticing Kainoa that is now the flying carpet. After Gene the Genie masters that found the lamp over time died , the lamp magically reappeare back in the cave of wonders.

Till the day a young man named Aladdin entered the cave of wonders, setting Kainoa and Gene the Genie free 10 thousand years after being stuck in the cave of wonders.

The end

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