Finally Athens

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After a nights sleep and a crazy encounter with Davy.
Gene was ready to move on with his adventure.
He still had the piece of the map and his magic compass to guide him. Now it was just getting off this island.
Gene took his compass and ask can you show me where I can find a boat. The compass pointed the way, Gene started walking toward the other end of the beach where he was able to see his boat that was recked badly but not badly enough where he couldn't do a quick repair.

After gathering materials to repair his boat Using gathered branch's,logs, bark from trees to make more rope and palm leafs he was able to craft a usable boat to go and start heading toward Athens

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After gathering materials to repair his boat
Using gathered branch's,logs, bark from trees to make more rope and palm leafs he was able to craft a usable boat to go and start heading toward Athens

After gathering materials to repair his boat Using gathered branch's,logs, bark from trees to make more rope and palm leafs he was able to craft a usable boat to go and start heading toward Athens

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Back on water, Gene was ready to get to Athens, he had his compass pointing the way and said to himself ant nothing going to stop me from getting there.
Davy sailed back to the spot he thought Gene sank and died but when he realized genes body wasn't there something told him he survived. Davy yelled take me a shore to that island right there! he must be on there. When Davy got to the island he saw footprints a old burnt out campfire and said you ship wrecks go search for the boy I must have that map!
While Davy was in search for Gene, Gene was getting further way by the second.
Davy and his crew searched the whole island and was not able to find Gene anywhere.
Davy knew he must have gotten off the island some how. Davy said hurry back to the ship we will find that boy like we did last time! somethings telling me he's heading east, I can feel it in my bones damn it!
A few days passed Gene hasn't seen Davy nor anyone.
Finally Land! Gene floated toward an opening where it looks to be a river opening and took his raft down the river.
While floating down the river Gene noticed how much this land he came across was very different from what he was used to seeing.
Gene floated down the river as far as it would take him before hitting a really shallow spot.
Gene got out of his raft and left it and started walking toward the forest.
As he was walking in the Forrest she saw birds animals he's never seen before. Gene looked up to see black smoke with in the distance above the tree tops. He headed toward the black smoke.
While walking he heard voices with in the bushes near him. Gene stopped to go see where those voice were coming from. He walked through the bushes and ducked to see what he's never seen before, a half man half horse. Now Gene was freaked out
I must be dreaming he said this must be a dream?
But when I'm did I fall asleep? So he pinched him self on the arm and said I'm not dreaming this thing is real..!
Gene slowly backed up out of the bushes and slowly and quietly started walking back toward the black smoke. It took a long while walking through the Forrest to reach where the black smoke was coming from. Finally found and old farm with an old farm house. Gene went up to the door and knocked on it.
And old man answered and said how can we help you young man.
Gene said I'm looking for Athens? have you heard of this place before? I'm not from here.
The old man replied Athens? Yes I know of Athens... it's 5miles that way just follow the road on the other side of the farm fence. Gene said oh thank you
And I'm sorry my name is Gene and your name is.
The old man replied well nice to meet you Gene my name is Amphitryon. Stay safe out there Athens isn't the safest place for people who have never been there. Gene said I thank you and I will stay safe appreciate it thank you Amphitryon.
Gene left the farm house and headed toward Athens.
After a 5 mile walk to Athens,Gene finally reached the gates to the city of Athens.

After a 5 mile walk to Athens,Gene finally reached the gates to the city of Athens

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