The battle in Ferngully

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As Magi and all the fairy's were using all the magic they could,to fight against the pirates. Rafiki and Gene were right by the fairy's side, fighting off the pirates. Magi used magic to have the forest trees and plants fight against the pirates. The trees were using their branch's to whip and smack the intruders in their faces and body's. Using their roots to tie them up like rope and swinging their body's in the air, launching them away in mid air. Other trees were wrapping their roots around the pirates body's and picking them up and slamming them on the ground, before launching them off into mid air. The plants vines were wrapping them up and holding the pirates down to the ground sinking them in to the dirt like quick sand. The other Fairy's were using their magic to have the bugs and animals help attack the pirates. Pirates were being stung many times by bees and hornets. The animals were attacking with kicks from their hooves and bitting the pirates, dragging them, using their antlers to have the pirates retreat. Porcupines shooting their needles toward the pirates making them run away. Every plant and animal were in full battle mode to protect Furngully.
With Rafiki swinging from tree to tree, using his walking stick smacking the pirates in their faces and tripping them beating them with his walking stick.

Gene used his stick he found, that was helping until it broke

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Gene used his stick he found, that was helping until it broke. Then Gene remembered he had a sword and starting using it, to fight off the pirates. Then Gene and Davy Jones came face to face. The sword match between the two began. Davy Jones said, boy did you think? I wouldnt find you? I wasn't playing!when I said I will get you! Now it's time to die boy! Gene replied with, well you tried before and look where that got you? off track! You slug! Gene took his sword against Davy's sword and the fight began. As they were going at it, the other pirates were starting to retreat and run from the fairy's and their magic.
Davy had the upper hand by cheating with pulling out another sword of his, using two swords to beat Gene. Gene then took his sword and cut off Davy's right hand. Davy stepped back dropped his other sword and pulled out his pistol, yelling you think you won! Shooting Gene in the shoulder causing him to drop. As Gene was on his knee, he saw next to him a jug full of liquid tar, that the other pirates brought but never used, Gene waited for Davy to Approach him. Davy then walked up to Gene and said, you won't come back from this! There stupid boy! The day has come for you to die!!
Gene then grabbed the jug full of tar, threw it all over Davy, making Davy drop his pistol, Davy tried to cover his eyes with his one hand, but with Magi who was watching from the other side, used her magic to have the tar that was on Davy, expand to cover his whole body.
The magic put so much tar over Davy, dragging him to the ground, had the tar start heating up were it was burning Davy's skin off, showing his bones, where Davy couldn't get out or try to get out. Davy then yelled!, (what kind of magic is this!)as he's fighting to get out of the hot boiling tar.

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