Temple of Zues

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After getting the supplies Gene was needing from Philoctetes, Gene made his way out of the city of Athens on the path to Zeus's temple by mount Olympus. While walking the path after two hours Gene stopped by a creek bank to get a drink of water and catch a bite to eat. After getting a drink of water he noticed there were no fish to catch so he walked up the creek side in search of a bite to eat. He spotted a tree with apples,walked up to the tree and picked a few apples for his journey. And went back on the path to the temple. Night started to come, so Gene found a spot to set camp and get some rest. Next morning he began the journey to the temple of Zeus. Couple of hours past Gene came across a path sign saying temple of Zeus this way. Gene thought finally. Gene walked the path then stopped to find a wagon broke down on the side of the path with an old man asking for help. So Gene said sure I can help you fix your wagon. Gene then helped lift the wagon up so the old man can replace the right side of the wagons wheel. After doing so the old man thanked Gene for the help and gave him some extra food and water bags out from the back end of the wagon.
The old man then asked your not from around here are you. Gene said no I am not why do you ask. The old man said well it's the way your dressed and how you look from everyone here in Greece. Gene replied with yes! I am not from around here I'm from Tallimark an island far from here. Old man looked so confused but was amazed to see somebody that has come so far this way to go to the temple of Zeus. Old man asked, why he was so far from home? Gene said well... Not wanting to tell his story to the old man Gene just said, I'm just traveling the world while I'm still young. The old man said well might as well do it before age catches up to you! and they both laughed. Well said said I must be on my way now. The old man shook his hand said stay safe out there young man the world is a scary place. Gene replied with I will and said hope you make it to where your going old man with out your wagon braking down again. Then they parted ways. Gene finally made it to the temple,

went inside looked around and saw the statue of Zeus

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went inside looked around and saw the statue of Zeus.

Gene then asked Zeus, Zeus I was told by your son Hercules to come to you in search of the forbidden treasure map, you see I have the other piece and I've come a long way to find it can you help me? The torches that lit up the temple burned out da...

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Gene then asked Zeus, Zeus I was told by your son Hercules to come to you in search of the forbidden treasure map, you see I have the other piece and I've come a long way to find it can you help me? The torches that lit up the temple burned out darkening the temple,  a gosh of wind came into the temple and the statue of Zeus came alive. Zeus then looked down toward Gene and started speaking saying, what you have come for I have but before I let you have it you must answer this for me. Gene replied with, ask your question. Zeus then asked why do you seek what you are looking for. Gene said I really don't know but something told me to seek it out and something told me also to go and find it. Zeus then said that something that speaks to you is the cave  of wonders. You are the first that it speaks to you your heart must be golden and Pier, so it must want you to find it. Then Zeus lifted up his feet opening up a hole where his feet were planted, where the chest was with the other part of the map. Gene then went to pull the chest out and opened it up. Gene then grabbed the other part  of the map then put the chest back in the hole. Zeus then put his feet down back on top of it then said,  many have come and failed finding the other part of the map do to greed in their hearts and only wanting to use what ever in the cave of wonders  for evil. I saw in your heart that is what you were not wanting so I allowed you to have it. Gene said thank you I've come along way looking for this.
Zeus then told Gene the other part of the map is located on an island out in open water far from here. The other part of the map is with a man named John Clayton. He is the king of Arendelle. He'd be the one who holds the last part of the map. Gene said thank you that is very helpful I really appreciate it. After speaking with Zeus a gosh of wind came back into the temple making the statue lifeless, the temple lit back up and it was silent again. Gene put the part of the map with the other part in his bag and went to seek out the island we was told by Zeus to find.
Gene made his way down from the temple heading back to Athens.
Gene walked back in to the city of Athens making his way toward the other side of the city toward the docks. As Gene was getting to the other side of the city, he notice the old man with the wagon pointing at him talking  to what looked like one of the pirates from Davy Jones ship in disguise. As soon as Gene noticed that,  he ran down an alley into a big crowd  of people shopping and grabbed a folded cloth off one of the market booths and quickly through it over him covering his body and head and  started to blend in with the rest of the people. The disguised pirate saw Gene run and went after him but lost him the the crowd of people shopping in the market. As Gene was blending in with the people in the crowd he walked right pass the disguised pirate with out him noticing him. Then Gene with caution made his way to the docks. When Gene made it to the docks of Athens. She saw a you g boy with a raw boat and asked the boy if he could buy the boat from him. The boy accepted the offer. Gene gave the boy what he had left in coin and hopped in the row boat and rowed out to open water. As soon as Gene made it far enough way from Athens, he saw Davy Jones ship outside the city in the distance. So Gene decided to stay near the coast and make his way around Davy Jones ship.
As Gene stayed close to the coast line, he made it far enough out till he couldn't see Davy Jones ship anymore.
Gene then pulled out his magical compass and asked it to point the way of John Clayton. The compass spun then stopped pointing south west of where he was at and off Gene went out to open water once again.

But once Gene got out to open water the boat that he had was filling in with water! Gene then turned the boat around as fast as he could to head back toward the coast to dry land. While doing so he kept a look out for Davy's ship and crew. After a good while Gene then made it back to land and was in a crappy mood saying,( this damn boat has holes in it!) With Gene being frustrated he decide to start walking down the shore line.
While walking for a while, Gene decided to take a quick brake then took his boots off and stuck his feet in the water. As Gene did that,  the ocean water sparkled from his feet out toward the water. As Gene saw that, he was like what the? What was that? Gene pulled his feet out, put his boots back on and started walking again. After putting his feet in the ocean water, big waves started coming toward  the shore line. Gene thought that it was very odd, then out of no where, a big figure showed up in the waves coming toward him. Gene paused for a second to come to realization of what he was looking at.

Gene couldn't believe his eyes! of what he was looking at

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Gene couldn't believe his eyes! of what he was looking at. This huge, what looks to be another mermaid. The mermaid spoke out saying, Gene, I have been searching for you, I wanted to thank you for helping my daughter Ariel. She told me you released her from your fish net and didn't harm her. She told me you were a kind heart inland man. My brother Zeus,  also told me you were the chosen one to seek out the forbidden treasure of the cave of wonders.
I come to you, to reward you for the helping of my daughter.
Gene replied by saying, Ariel was the one who saved me from drowning, if it wasn't for her I'd be dead by now! I wouldn't have made it this far.
Trident looked amazed to hear that reply,
Trident then said, for helping my daughter Ariel, I want to reward you with a new boat to sail to seek out Rafiki.
Trident then opened the ocean up, pulling up a wrecked boat that was laying on the ocean floor,
Brought it up to the surface and magically renewed the damaged boat. Gene couldn't believe what he just saw!  On how  great full he was becoming.
Trident then said, now take this and seek out Rafiki.
Gene asked, who is Rafiki?
Where is he located?
Trident said, he located deep in a jungle in the hidden monkey city.
Rafiki will know where the 2nd piece of the map is that your seeking. I must go Trident  said. I am being called, good luck with your journey boy. Then disappeared into the waves.
Gene hopped in his renewed boat, pulled out his compass and said guide me to Rafiki. Gene then opened the sail and was off.

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